
So your pup is sick? We’ve got lots of tips to help him heal and start back to his tail wagging self in no time. And if your dog is truly ill, please do not hesitate to consult your vet. They are trained to help keep your pet healthy.

Our experts have researched hundreds of conditions. We bring you the latest as soon as we can confirm the validity of the research.

greyhound raising front paw

Luxating Patella In Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Have you noticed your dog occasionally hopping on one of his hind legs or walking on only three legs at times? If so, he could have a luxating patella, one of the most common orthopedic conditions in dogs. How does this knee problem affect dogs? Is surgery the only option for this chronic condition, or are there other treatments? We’ll help you figure out what you need to do if you suspect your dog has an ongoing knee problem.

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Do with hot water bottle on its head (Caption: Can Dogs Get Colds?)

Can Dogs Get Colds? Symptoms, Treatment & More

Does your dog have the sniffles? Watery eyes? Is he sneezing and coughing? Can dogs catch colds? Yes, they can, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on the type of cold virus he’s caught (just as human colds can vary in severity). How do you know when your dog has a cold or something worse? How do you treat his symptoms? Not to worry — we’ll give you everything you need to know about dogs and colds so you can be sure you’re taking good care of your precious pup.

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Dog snout close up (Caption: Melanoma in Dogs)

Malignant Melanoma In Dogs: Eye, Skin, Oral, Symptoms, And Treatments

In humans, malignant melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, but can dogs get melanoma? The unfortunate answer is yes — however, just like with humans, there are varying types of melanoma that affect different parts of a dog’s body. Some types are more serious than others.  But with any type of cancer, an early diagnosis is key to catching this potential killer before it’s too late.

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Dog with bumps on back cut out and bandages

Fibrosarcoma In Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prognosis

Lumps and bumps are common in our canine friends as they age and can vary hugely in their severity. As a pet parent keeping your furry friend happy and healthy is a top priority, so finding a new lump or growth on their body can be a worrying time. If your dog has been diagnosed with fibrosarcoma by a veterinary professional, you may be confused and worried. Let’s learn more about this type of tumor, what causes them, and what can be done about it.

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A female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel lies in a dog bed nursing her newborn puppies

Mastitis In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Mastitis in dogs is a painful condition that can progress rapidly and make nursing dogs very sick quickly. Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands due to milk accumulation or bacterial infection. It mainly affects female dogs, and the majority of those that are affected are pregnant or feeding puppies. Mastitis is a treatable condition. However, if left untreated can lead to a serious infection, so veterinary help should be sought as soon as possible. So, what does mastitis look like in dogs? How should you treat a swollen mammary gland in dogs? And why does mastitis occur?

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chest x ray film in a dog

Collapsed Trachea In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tracheal Collapse in dogs is a form of obstruction of the trachea or “windpipe” caused by flaccidity and flattening of the cartilaginous rings which support the trachea. The condition is most often seen in small-breed dogs, with the condition worsening over time. Collapsing trachea in dogs causes a harsh cough and breathing difficulties which vary in severity and impact on dogs’ lives. Let’s find out more about this condition, the signs of collapsed trachea to look out for, and how to treat collapsed trachea in dogs.

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Male veterinarian examining Great Dane on cancer in vet clinic

Hemangiosarcoma In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More

Every pet parent dreads their furry family member being diagnosed with cancer. Hemangiosarcoma is a type of blood vessel cancer in dogs that can affect the liver, spleen, skin, or internal organs and poses a serious risk to their health. Let’s find out more about this type of cancer in dogs, how it is diagnosed, treatment options, and what this diagnosis means for your dog. 

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Small brown dog looking sad with cherry eye in both eyes (Caption: Cherry Eye in Dogs)

Cherry Eye In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment Options & Causes

It may come as a surprise to us humans, but dogs have three eyelids. This third eyelid is called the nictitating membrane, or nictitans. It emerges from the inside corner of the lower eyelid to cover the eye diagonally, serving as an additional lubricating barrier to protect the fragile surface of the eye (cornea). Let’s learn more about cherry eye, possible treatment options, and what causes the condition to begin with.

Cherry Eye In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment Options & Causes Read More »

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