Forum Replies Created
Verified ParticipantAs someone with young kids, I’d prefer if you kept your dog in a separate area while my family was visiting. I don’t want my kids to be the test subjects for your dog. As for training, I would contact a professional. So many dogs are euthanized because of biting/attacks toward children. I’d hate for your dog to be one of them. Fortunately, you’re trying to address it before it becomes an issue. Contact a professional asap so you can stop the behavior and start enjoying time with your dog while kids are around.
Verified ParticipantMy dog did this too! I just put the food directly on the floor now and sprinkle it around lol.
Verified ParticipantThank you. Looking at that article, I definitely think it’s a behavioral thing. The loud licking sound drives me nuts!
Verified ParticipantThank you for these tips @Michelle Schenker! This is so helpful! I never saw my parents brush our dogs’ teeth when I was a kid, so when I heard someone talking about it I was totally unaware. I’ll definitely look into some dental chews and that toothbrushing set you shared!
Verified ParticipantUPDATE: She fractured her molar! I had to take her to a specialist last week to get it taken care of. Fortunately, they were able to save it, but she had to get a root canal. I didn’t even know dogs could have root canals. I submitted the claim to Figo late last week and it’s already been approved. I was so relieved when I got that notification!
Verified ParticipantDon’t give your dog Bravecto!! I’ve heard way too many nightmare stories about it killing dogs! There are so many other alternatives, I wouldn’t risk it with Bravecto.
Verified ParticipantUPDATE: We’ve gone 2 weeks without vomiting! I think eating 3 smaller meals a day and trying to maintain as much of a routine as possible has helped her.
Verified ParticipantNo new food or treats. I think you may be onto something with the stress. It seems to time out with when there’s an unexpected change in our routine. I contacted my vet about it and we discussed. She suggested I switch to feeding 3 meals a day instead of 2 to help keep her tummy settled. So far it’s helped.
Verified ParticipantHas her flatulence subsided? My guess is that she got into something while you were in the mountains. If she’s maintained the same diet for her meals, then I’d guess she got some table scraps, causing some GI stuff.
Verified ParticipantCost varies based on the dog and if you use it as a topper or as their entire meal source. I haven’t used Pet Plate myself, but I have used Badlands, and it was super pricey. However, my dog loved it. We used it as a topper to help cut down on the expense.
July 1, 2024 at 3:30 pm in reply to: I am moving to a new house soon. Any tips for making the move less stressful for my dogs? #132545GoHawks
Verified ParticipantTry to maintain your regular routine as much as possible. And make sure your dogs are microchipped and have up-to-date tags on them! They may try to go back to their previous house or other familiar places and escape your yard. Having them easily identified will increase the chances of them getting back to you if they escape.
Verified ParticipantI found that the fewer stimulating things in my dog’s environment, the better she does. So when I leave the house, I close the blinds. I also leave her out of her kennel. For her, the kennel seemed to create more anxiety. Leaving her out where she can relax in her bed has helped her drastically.