French Bulldog Shedding: Do Frenchies Shed A Lot?
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The French Bulldog is a popular companion dog. Frenchies, as they are also commonly called, are purebred miniature Bulldogs. French Bulldogs are intelligent and adorable dogs that crave attention and human interaction.
Easily recognizable for their large bat-shaped ears, stocky, muscular build, square head, and heavily wrinkled face, Frenchies have been described as one-of-a-kind dogs. These little pups pack a lot of personality into their small muscular bodies, making them a breed that has only grown in popularity.
One question that comes up often among pet owners is, “Do French Bulldogs shed a lot?” This is a common question for all dog breeds. Except for hairless breeds, all dogs shed to some extent, but there is an extensive range between different breeds depending on the type of coat and length of hair, among other things. So, let’s get into it about French Bulldog shedding. We will explore how much this breed sheds, factors that impact shedding, and how to groom and manage your Frenchie’s shedding.
At A Glance: Best Products For French Bulldog Grooming
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French Bulldog Coats
French Bulldogs have short, shiny coats of fine thin hair. They shed less than many other breeds. Some may be genetically predisposed to more shedding. Frenchies have thin, single coats, meaning they do not have as much hair as other breeds known for shedding.
French Bulldogs are not known to be heavy shedding dogs in general. They are not considered hypoallergenic dogs. However, they are often a choice for those looking for low-shed and hypoallergenic dogs due to the low amount of hair they do shed. This breed has a single coat, meaning they have a single layer of fur. They are small, reaching 16 to 28 pounds. They also have less hair to shed.
Though they are rare, there are some longer-haired French Bulldogs. These dogs have longer hair on their heads and upper bodies that gets shorter as it moves down their backsides. A long-haired (aka Fluffy) Frenchie is rare and occurs due to a recessive gene called the fibroblast growth factor 5 (FGF5). This happens the same way red hair occurs naturally in humans. Both parents must be carriers of the long-haired recessive gene for a Frenchie to have this long coat. Because their hair is just a bit longer, they may shed more than the short-haired variety.
French Bulldog Colors
Frenchies can come in a wide range of colors though not all are recognized in show dogs. There are 9 standard colors according to the American Kennel Club’s Official breed standard and several exotic colors. The feel of the hair can be different depending on what color Frenchies are.
French Bulldog Coat Colors
- Cream*
- Fawn*
- White*
- Brindle*
- Fawn and White*
- Fawn Brindle*
- Brindle and White*
- Fawn Brindle and White*
- Blue
- Blue Brindle
- Lilac
- Blue Fawn
- Grey and White
- Chocolate
- Merle
- Platinum
- Pied
*AKC colors
Pet owners often report lighter-colored dogs shed more, whereas black and darker Brindle-colored Frenchies may shed less. This happens in some other breeds, though there is not a lot of research into why this might happen.
Shedding Frequency
French Bulldogs shed all year. However, they will experience a heavier shed twice a year. Dogs will experience regular shedding of damaged, broken, or old hair and dander. Puppies will shed more than adult dogs. They shed their puppy fur and grow into an adult coat. Because their hair is so fine and they are so small, the shedding will be significantly less overall than most other breeds.
French Bulldogs will shed in the summer to help keep them cool. In the winter, as temperatures cool, they will shed again and then grow in a thicker coat to keep them warm through the winter months. This cycle of shedding excess hair in preparation for a temperature change is called a coat blow.
This shedding cycle is natural for all dogs, regardless of breed. Because the French Bulldog sheds so little hair throughout the rest of the year, it may seem like she is shedding excessively during these seasonal changes. This is not the case. Should you notice excessive shedding more than twice a year, check with your veterinarian to ensure that your pup’s skin is healthy and that no underlying issues are causing her to shed more.
Other Reasons French Bulldogs Shed
Several environmental, biological, and genetic factors come into play and can cause excess shedding in a Frenchie. These include weather, climate, overall dog health, whether your dog is a mixed breed, and numerous health concerns. Other reasons French Bulldogs shed include:
- Season & Location – Season and location play a role in how much and how often a dog will shed. French Bulldogs usually shed more in late spring and early summer as temperatures increase and again in late fall to prepare for a colder winter.
- Diet – French Bulldogs need a well-balanced diet to help keep their skin and coat healthy. They should be fed a diet with some Omega fatty acids for skin and coat health and high-quality animal proteins found in meat, fish, and poultry. Talk to your veterinarian about feeding your Frenchie the right food in different phases of her life. As a puppy, she will need other nutrients than an adult and older dog. Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of excessive shedding in canines.
- Age – Age plays a role in how much your pup will shed. When she is a puppy, she will shed more than an adult. Once she sheds that puppy fur and the adult coat grows in, these periods of excessive shedding will only occur as the seasons change. As canines age, their skin health can deteriorate, and they can lose elasticity which can also lead to more shedding.
- Genetics – Some dogs will just genetically be disposed to shed more. Whether your Frenchie is purebred and what other breeds might be mixed in can also influence how much she will shed. If you are not certain of your dog’s genetic makeup, you can use an at-home DNA test kit to find out.
- Living Environment – Dogs, just like humans, are affected by the environment that they live in. You may have noticed your dog shedding more when they go for a drive in the car or visit the vet. This is because dogs get anxious, which causes them to shed. Dogs with separation anxiety may feel stressed out and start to shed more when left home alone. Making sure your dog feels safe, comfortable, and loved even when she is home alone can help prevent access shedding due to stress. Remember, dogs notice human emotions. If you are stressed out, they will be stressed out, so try to make sure your pet feels comfortable at home all the time. Avoiding situations known to be high-stress triggers can decrease her stress level and the chance of excess shedding.
- Disease – Several diseases and underlying health conditions can cause a dog to shed more. Liver disease, thyroid malfunction, ringworm, skin infection, dermatitis, fungus, cancers, and immune disease all can be underlying causes of excess shedding. Contact your vet to schedule an exam if you are concerned about your dog’s overall health. Keep up with your pup’s regular veterinarian appointments and use your veterinarian as a resource to keep your dog healthy throughout her life.
- Allergies – Dogs can suffer from allergies both environmental and food. An allergic reaction to something ingested or something in the air could cause excess shedding. Dogs can even have allergic reactions to plants they may have encountered on a walk, at the park, or even in your own backyard. An at-home allergy test from EasyDNA may help you learn more.
- Fleas, Ticks & Mites – Fleas, ticks, and mites can infest your dog’s skin and hair, causing great distress. These little invasive pests will bite your Frenchie, causing skin irritation and hair loss. If your dog does have a pest problem, contact your veterinarian for the next steps. Prevention methods can help keep these horrible little pests from making your sweet girl miserable.
- Pregnancy – Excess shedding can indicate whether your Frenchie is in her heat cycle or pregnant if she is an intact female. Changes and fluctuations in her hormones can trigger extra shedding. If you own an intact female Frenchie, always keep up with her regular checkups, as several health concerns can come from pregnancy. Lactation also takes a significant toll on a mother dog’s body and can result in hair loss.
How To Reduce And Manage Shedding In French Bulldogs
As we have covered, dogs shed. That includes the French Bulldogs. They are generally on the lower end of shedding and do not shed nearly as much as larger, hairier breeds. There are some things Frenchie owners can do to keep their shedding under control and manageable. Keep in mind that every dog is different and will shed an amount that is unique to them. Even dogs related to each other such as siblings or parents and children, may not shed the exact same amount. Pet owners will need to take time and be observant to see when their Frenchie sheds more. Owners can employ several ways and methods to help keep shedding to a minimum.
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This canine should be brushed about once a week. Because they have thin coats, overbrushing is a concern. That will not help prevent shedding and can even injure or damage your dog’s skin. Because their coats are so thin, it is easy for their skin to get scratched, so it is essential to have a very gentle touch whenever you are brushing a Frenchie. Brushing your Frenchie twice a week during heavy shedding is OK, keeping in mind to be very tender and not injure their skin. It is always an option to invest in professional grooming options every few months to help keep your French Bulldogs coat in excellent shape.
Best Brush For French Bulldogs
French Bulldogs have short, thin hair, meaning matting is not a concern for this breed. Not all dog brushes are created equal, and the tools one uses for a long-haired dog, like a golden retriever, or even a poodle, will not necessarily be the best tools to brush your Frenchie.
Slicker brushes work well to pull loose fur, dirt, and dander. Some pet owners prefer a double-sided brush, with a bristle/pin brush on one side and a slicker brush on the other.
Others prefer a silicone grooming glove with nubs and bristles that allows owners to remove pet hair, dirt, and dander from their Frenchie’s coat using their hands rather than a brush. This can be a good option for dogs that do not like to be brushed, are skittish, or are constantly getting into things and need that extra special bit of attention.
When choosing the best brush for your pup, it is crucial to remember that brushing your dog affects her hair and skin. You want to make sure to pick products that allow for gentle exfoliation and remove any tangles or debris. You may need to try a few different brushes to find out what your pup is comfortable with.
Bathing a Frenchie will also help manage her shedding. A Frenchie should be washed about once every three months, along with bathing her when she gets into mud or another mess. Dogs that spend more time outside may need more frequent bathing than that.
One thing to watch out for when bathing your Frenchie is not to do it too often. Washing them too much can strip away naturally occurring oils that help keep their coat healthy. These oils work to keep the skin hydrated and the fur shiny. So, bathing once every three months with a good dog shampoo is a good guideline, but some may need it more frequently.
Remember NEVER to use human beauty products or shampoo on your dog. This includes baby shampoo. Human products are not intended to be used on canines. They can be allergic to ingredients and suffer from skin irritation. Discuss with your veterinarian or groomer about good choices for pet-formulated shampoo.
Drying your Frenchie after her bath is also a good idea. Do not use a hairdryer, as this can dry out her skin and make her hair look dull. A microfiber towel tends to work better than cotton ones and keeps your dog’s hair nice and soft without stripping out all the natural oils.
Diet & Supplements
Make sure your French Bulldog has a diet high in fatty acids, particularly Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. These can help keep their coat glossy and smooth. There are not many commercially available dog foods that may have the correct formula.
There are supplements available, as this is a common issue among canines. You can talk to your veterinarian about getting Omega-6 supplements or using things such as fish oil, sunflower, or safflower oil. Never start your pup on a supplement or special diet without first consulting your veterinarian.
Keep A Clean House
Shedding is a normal part of owning a dog. Dog owners need to understand that it will happen regardless of the measures they might take to control and manage shedding. It is helpful to have tools available such as lint rollers and vacuums, to keep your home free of excess hair.
There are also products that can protect furniture, like sofa covers, furniture throws, and even seat covers to use in the car. We all understand not wanting to walk around covered in dog hair or being embarrassed when guests leave your home with their backsides covered in dog fur. So, while there is no way to prevent dog hair from getting on your furniture and clothes, it is a manageable issue and a normal part of owning a dog.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there excessive shedding in French Bulldogs?
French Bulldogs are, in general, a low shed breed. They will have periods of higher shedding throughout the year. This happens about twice a year, most commonly in conjunction with seasons changing. Excessive shedding can occur in French Bulldogs due to underlying health conditions, skin conditions, and disease. If your French Bulldog is shedding excessively, it is best to contact your veterinarian to rule out any severe conditions and get your pup treatment, should they need it.
Do French Bulldogs shed worse than Pugs?
French Bulldogs do not shed more or more often than pugs. In fact, the French Bulldog likely sheds a little less. Frenchies have less hair and shorter hair than Pugs. French Bulldogs shed year-round, but it is only noticeable or considered excessive during seasonal changes when they grow in new coats to match the season.
What color of French Bulldog sheds the least?
It is thought that darker colored, and Brindle patterned French Bulldogs shed less than lighter colored, especially cream-colored Frenchie’s. Owners and pet forums concur that blue, black, chocolate and other darker-tinged colors tend to shed less.
Are French Bulldogs hypoallergenic?
French Bulldogs are not a hypoallergenic breed. They do have short hair and are low shedding. However, they are not hypoallergenic. People allergic to dogs are not actually allergic to canine hair. They are allergic to a protein found in the dog’s saliva and skin cells. This gets worked into the dog’s dander, which triggers allergies in humans. No known breed is entirely hypoallergenic.
Final Thoughts
The French Bulldog is a remarkable little breed of dog. They pack a whole lot of personality in a small, adorable body. These pups make great pets. This is not a breed that sheds a lot, though they regularly shed throughout the year. This canine does not shed less than any other dog breed. They have smaller bodies and less hair. All dogs shed to some extent; it is simply a normal part of a dog’s life cycle.
Brushing your Frenchie once a week and bathing her every three months or so are great ways to keep her coat healthy and free of dead, damaged hair and dander. Keeping her coat in tiptop shape also means providing top-quality, balanced nutrition. A high-quality diet does wonders for the skin and coat health and helps your Frenchie stay healthy throughout her life. Taking care of your Frenchie will help keep her healthy for a long time to come. Every dog is different, so make sure you get to know your pup and fully understand all her brushing and grooming needs.