
Is dog saliva harmful to humans?

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    • #132287
      Verified Participant

      We were grilling last night and my dog started licking the plate of food before we put the food on the grill, was hoping that the heat from the grill would kill off any bacteria but didn’t want to throw out or wasted our food because he gave it a few licks, do you think it was safe to eat or should I have tossed it? (we ate it anyways and feeling fine today but now I’m second guessing my decision).

    • #132695
      Verified Participant

      OMG, I feel you! My dog is a pain in the butt about licking our food, whether it’s cooked or not. We’ve never had a problem with getting sick from this, but now I’m wondering if I’m not being careful enough. Anyone have any advice?!

    • #132696
      Danielle DegrootDanielle DeGroot

      Hi there. This is a great question. I have dogs that love to lick things, including food, my face, and sometimes even my teeth! Gross right? I don’t allow this, but my smaller dog has a way of just getting at me when I least expect it. So, of course, I have asked myself this same question. Dog saliva does carry certain bacteria and even intestinal parasites and, in rare cases, can get you sick. That said, it does not happen very often. But you should know that Capnocytophaga bacteria, roundworms, hookworms, and giardia can all be present in your pup’s saliva, among other things. If they pass to you, there is a slim chance you may become sick. Letting a dog lick an open wound or cut is a bad idea, as it introduces these germs and can even lead to infection. It is a huge misconception that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than ours. It is not. Along with the germs, they lick everything, including rear ends, private parts, and poop! That’s not something you want on you. So, you are likely safe and won’t suffer any serious issues from eating the food as long as you know where your pup’s mouth has been. Plus, you cooked the food, so that should have killed any germs, but it is best to avoid eating food your pup licks in the future. Even though the chances are small, it’s better to be safe than sick.

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