
Can Dogs Eat Carrots? Are Carrots a Safe Vegetable For Dogs?

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We are often advised to ensure we get our healthy daily dose of fruit and vegetables, but is this also true for our pets? Carrots are a favorite veggie of many people across the world. It’s typically not long before Fido will come to your table with puppy dog eyes, begging to taste a carrot from your plate. But are they safe for dogs?

The answer is yes! Carrots can provide a wide variety of important dietary nutrients to your pup. However, feeding them to your pup doesn’t come without some risk. Just like zucchini, or pears, carrots are a firmer veggie. If you aren’t careful, can get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract, or could cause them to choke. So caution is needed when feeding these to your pet.

Before adding anything extra to your pup’s dinner, it is worth researching reputable sources to make sure it’s appropriate for dogs. In this article, we will discuss whether carrots can form part of a healthy diet for our dogs, and when it’s safe to test them with your pup.

Are Carrots Safe and Nutritious for Dogs?

Pomeranian Dog Chews on Orange Vegetable
Carrots have many nutrients that are beneficial to dogs.

The answer is yes, all parts of a carrot are safe for most dogs and can be given raw or cooked. Many dogs quite enjoy carrots as a treat or a crunchy chew. Carrot can also be chopped, shredded, or grated into or onto food. Both regular carrots and baby carrots are safe, as well as the tops.

Carrots are good for humans, and they are also good for dogs. Both dogs and humans are omnivores, which means their digestive systems are adapted for a very varied diet that includes both animal and plant products. A healthy diet is one containing the right balance of nutrients across this whole spectrum.

Carrot Nutrients

Carrots provide lots of healthy fiber, carbohydrates, and antioxidants. They also provide Vitamin K and Beta-carotene, which is used to make Vitamin A. Studies in humans have shown that they may lower cholesterol and are good for the health of your eyes. Vitamin A plays a special role in vision and eyesight, alongside lots of other important roles in the body.

Carrots fed raw are also crunchy and this means they are useful for keeping teeth clean. The naturally mild abrasiveness of the crunch and the fiber rub on teeth as Fido chews and helps to remove plaque and tartar. They will not give your pup a ‘Hollywood Smile’ but can form part of a good dental care strategy.

The important thing is they are not too hard, and so will not damage the teeth while they clean them. Chews that are too hard, such as bone and antler, will clean the teeth but may crack and damage them at the same time!

They are also a filling but relatively low-calorie snack and can be an aid in weight loss for dogs that have problems with over-indulgence or are always hungry.

How Much Carrot Can I Give My Dog?

French Bulldog Chewing on Orange Vegetable
The amount of carrot you can give your dog depends on a few factors, such as weight and size.

As with any food, carrots must be consumed in moderation. Excessive amounts of any part of a diet are unhealthy and unbalanced. They contain lots of natural sugars, which will can be harmful if given regularly in large quantities.

For puppies and smaller dogs, a small carrot or 2 to 3 baby carrots per day would be a reasonable maximum amount. It may be best to grate or shred them for younger dogs to reduce the risk of choking.

For larger dogs, 1 to 2 typical full-size carrots would be reasonable per day as a maximum, or 5 to 6 baby carrots. These can be fed whole or in smaller pieces.

When Are Carrots Bad for Dogs?

Carrots have plenty of nutritional benefits, but they aren’t always great for your canine companion. While most of the scenarios below don’t pose a risk of toxicity to your pet, you still want to be aware of situations that may cause you to pause when feeding your pup this particular veggie.

When Fed in Excess

Border Collie Holding a Bunch of Orange Vegetables in Mouth
Too much carrot can be harmful to your pooch, so be sure to monitor intake.

As mentioned, feeding excessive amounts of carrots is unhealthy and unbalanced. Large quantities of carrot will contain lots of sugar, and excessive Vitamin A can have consequences, too. It is possible to overdose on some vitamins (mostly A, D, E, and K). Carrots form a healthy part of a diet only in moderation.

Large amounts of carrot will lead to weight gain and obesity. Dogs suffer from arthritis, diabetes, and heart conditions associated with obesity, just as people do. Large amounts of sugar also contribute to dental disease, so you may reverse the potential benefits of carrot for their teeth by feeding too many.

Dogs With Medical Conditions

Bulldog Laying on a Couch Under a Blanket
There are pre-existing conditions that can affect how your canine companion reacts to some foods.

Carrots should be avoided in dogs with some specific health conditions. Dogs with sensitive stomachs or food intolerances should generally cope very well with carrots. Introduce carrots slowly in small amounts first, just to be sure.

Dogs with diabetes should not be fed carrots as they will affect their blood sugar (just like any other sugary treat) and can make their condition less stable. Dogs with diabetes should only receive two meals a day with no additional extras or snacks as part of their regular diet and exercise routine.

Choking Hazards

Jack Russell Chewing on Orange Vegetable
The hard texture of carrots and other raw root vegetables can be a choking hazard for your pup.

Carrots could potentially pose a choking hazard in any dog. It’s something to watch for specifically in smaller dogs, puppies, and dogs who have fewer teeth (either lost or removed). If your pup has ever had a serious problem with its throat or swallowing, carrots may also be a risk.

For these dogs, it is safer to grate or shred the carrot into their food rather than feeding larger pieces or whole carrots. Cooked carrots may also be a better strategy, as they will be softer.

Carrot Juice

Glass of Juice from Orange Root Vegetable
It is best to avoid the canine consumption of carrot juice, though a few licks of the spilled drink won’t hurt.

In general, dogs should not be offered carrot juice. Carrot juice will contain lots of sugars and less healthy fiber, so some nutritional benefits are lost. Whole carrots are preferred, although small quantities of carrot juice aren’t usually dangerous to most canines.

Usually, juices aren’t the best way to feed your pup any fruit or veggie. Raw fruits and vegetables cut into pieces will digest the easiest, and juices can give your pup an upset stomach. A creative way to use carrot juice would be to spread it across your pup’s dry kibble if it’s something they really enjoy.

 Alongside Other Ingredients

Plate of Vegetables
Often times it is not the carrots that pose a threat but other foods served on the same plate.

Carrots may be found in recipes that also contain products that are hazardous to dogs. This means it’s worth checking the other ingredients too. Things like onion, garlic, and avocado can be hazardous to dogs if consumed in any quantity. These vegetables are often found alongside carrots.


Final Thoughts

The general answer is an overwhelming yes for the vast majority of dogs. Carrots fed safely and in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced diet are excellent for dogs, containing lots of important vitamins and nutrients.

They also make great snacks and chews, as dogs enjoy the crunchy texture and can work on them for a while. This is great for slowing down fast eaters and filling up overweight dogs as an aid to weight loss.

All parts of all types of carrots can be fed, either raw or cooked. Just be careful in dogs where carrots may pose a choking hazard or dogs with some specific medical conditions, and make sure your dog doesn’t have too many in a day! This can lead to weight gain as they contain lots of natural sugars.

Dr. Joanna Woodnutt

Dr. Joanna Woodnutt MRCVS is a qualified vet working in the UK. She has a passion for educating owners to help them understand their pets: she believes that knowing why something happens, how drugs work, and even when to worry helps owners to feel more confident in caring for their dogs.  Jo is one of our featured vets here at Love Your Dog.

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