Siberian Husky Corgi Mix: Horgi Breed Information, Temperament & More
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Mixed breed dogs have been around for thousands of years. Mutts can make super pets. Recently there has been a trend for mixing specific breeds to produce hybrid ‘designer’ dogs. The Husky Corgi Mix is one such pairing.
They are also sometimes referred to as Corgskis, Horgis or Siborgis. While this mix can make a wonderful pet, you should still to do your research, especially when it comes to breeders, and make sure that you are aware of the type of temperament and health issues that you could expect.
Both breeds are well mannered, with the corgi being on the smaller side and the husky being slightly larger. Let’s take a look at what you can expect if you adopt one of these beautiful pups and bring them into your home.
Husky Corgi Mix Personality
While particular breeds are more likely to display certain personality traits, it is important to remember that every dog is an individual and there are no guarantees on temperament. The same is true for a hybrid dog like a Husky Corgi Mix.
It is useful to understand what you can normally expect in terms of temperament from both the Husky and the Corgi and then be prepared to have traits from either one shining through.
Don’t forget that even though genetics play a part in forming your dog’s temperament, early and appropriate socialization and training is just as important, if not more so, in helping to shape the type of dog you will have.
Corgi Temperament
There are two separate breeds of Corgi; the Pembroke and the Cardigan. They both originate from Wales in Great Britain and, although they are both often referred to as being slightly ‘fox-like’ and were both initially bred for their herding and watchdog abilities, they are moderately different in terms of appearance and personality.
The Pembroke Corgi is the one that most people will be familiar with. They are the favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II, and she has owned numerous Corgis throughout her lifetime and is often surrounded by a group of them in family photographs and video footage.
The Pembroke is also the one that is often regarded as having a more affectionate, family-orientated personality, whereas the Cardigan has retained more of its watchdog and strong herding instincts.
Both Corgis are known for being very intelligent and enjoy being active, but they do not tend to need extreme amounts of exercise like some working breeds. They can also be a reasonably vocal breed, often alert barking, and can be wary of strangers, so proper positive socialization and introductions should be done from an early stage.
Husky Temperament
The Siberian Husky was originally bred for mushing (pulling sleds), and they continue to be used for this in practical and competitive environments. Because of their driven working personalities, they are a very high energy breed that enjoys being active, and they can develop a strong bond with their owner. They can be quite an independent dog too, but they are usually also friendly and sociable. They are known for being quite intense and can play rather rough, which does not always go down well with other dogs.
Their free-spirited nature means that they can be cheeky and willful at times and, while very bright, this can mean that they can push the boundaries more often than some breeds. They are not often recommended as a breed suited to a novice, first-time dog owner.
Like the Corgi, they can have a very high prey drive and will often chase small furries, given a chance. They are also toy driven, and like to play with a multitude of toys to keep their attention.
They tend to be an adaptable breed, used to living a transient and nomadic lifestyle traditionally and this means they are often naturally curious and enjoy new adventures and environments. Huskies are extremely popular designer dogs, with the Siberian Husky Shiba Inu mix being a new popular cross breed as well.
Coat, Colors and Look
Huskies are a medium to large breed and Corgis are small to medium in size, this means that the Husky Corgi mix can vary in size considerably. They do tend to be closer to the corgi size though generally, often with a slightly squat appearance.
The Husky has a very athletic physique and, while the Corgi is still an active breed, they tend to be stockier with a longer body and shorter legs.
Depending on which Corgi variety is bred as part of the mix there can also be other slightly different features. The Pembroke has a bobbed tail, whereas the Cardigan has a full one. The Pembroke is also slightly smaller, has more pointed ears and their feet sit straight, whereas the Cardigans feet will turn outwards.
Both dogs are known for having a thicker, double coat. Their coat color could also vary greatly. Huskies are usually a grey-black color combination, but they also come in tan, piebald and pinto. Corgis coat colors are generally a combination of white with black, tan, red, sable or fawn. This means that you really could end up with very different color combinations within a litter. It is rare for a Husky Corgi Mix to be one solid color though.
Grooming Requirements
Because they will have a double coat, they should never be clipped down. Clipping a double coated dog means that their coat could grow back differently and may lose its important insulating and cooling properties.
Both dogs are known for shedding though, and the Husky, in particular, is a very excessive shedder, so be prepared for regular deshedding sessions to lift out the dead coat. A good vacuum cleaner that is effective at picking up dog hair would also be a sensible investment.
They will likely have two major blow outs of their coat a year. Get ready with the brushes and the vacuum cleaner at this point. There are probably going to be a lot of loose hairs that will need to be cleaned up. Through the rest of the year, the shedding will be much less extreme, and a weekly brush out may be sufficient.
Other than the coat maintenance, the Corgski does not have any other major grooming requirements. Like all other breeds, you should ensure that their nails are kept at an appropriate length; overgrown nails can cause pain and discomfort and can even lead to musculoskeletal issues because it impacts on a dog’s gait.
Huskies are known for being a particularly clean breed, their coat does not absorb mud, dirt and parasites like some other breeds so, hopefully, only occasional bathing will be required.
Training the Husky Corgi Mix
You should be aware that considerable investment may need to be put into training. Both breeds are very intelligent, traditionally working dogs, and they can have a mischievous and willful streak.
Huskies often have an extremely high prey drive, and care would need to be taken to ensure that they are on the leash in areas around livestock and small furries and also to work on getting a rock solid recall.
Achieving a good recall with a husky is often considered more of a challenge to accomplish than with many other breeds, so starting early on and working using positive reinforcement methods and plenty of tasty rewards would be beneficial.
Some Huskies rarely get off leash if their recall is very unreliable and then it is important that they get other outlets for their energy too.
If you are struggling to master recall with your Corgski, you will need to make sure that they get the opportunity to run on a long line, give them lots of slow and sniffy walks as these can be more enriching from them than a power walk, and consider dog sports like canicross (Huskies are naturals), or competitive or hobby agility.
The herding instincts of the Corgi could also shine through, and this may mean that they would have a tendency to chase bikes, cars, small running children, and so on.
Huskies are also known to be a rather vocal breed and can be champion howlers. If your Corgski has inherited this trait, it will be important not to encourage this, no matter how cute it may seem in the puppy days. If this is encouraged, it can quickly escalate out of control, and you do not want the neighbors to be complaining, or having young family members being woken by an excitable howler during the night. If they do begin to howl, make sure that you consistently ignore them until they stop and then reward them for the desired quiet behavior instead.
The Corgi is not always as sociable a breed as a Husky and, if your dog is more wary of strangers and other dogs, then you should focus on making sure you always encourage positive and controlled introduction and teach your dog that new people and dogs mean good things, especially if they greet them politely and quietly.
Home Environment
Much of this will depend on which breed traits shine through in your Husky Corgi Mix.
Generally, they will make excellent family pets if introductions are done correctly. They may not be the best option for a novice dog owner. With the high prey drive and energy of the Husky and the herding instincts of the Corgi, they will likely need someone that can handle the additional training requirements they may need.
If they have the energy requirements of a Husky, they will also require a home that can appropriately satisfy their need for an outlet for this energy. They will need more than one quick local walk a day. They would be suited to a home that enjoys the great outdoors. If they can get the opportunity for a daily hike and live with someone that enjoys running or taking part in other dog sports, this would likely suit them down to the ground.
While Corgis are less high energy, they do still enjoy a decent amount of exercise.
Because of their bright, driven working natures, alongside their daily exercise, they are likely to need additional enrichment around the home to keep them stimulated. Making sure they have access to some good interactive treat toys like stuffed Kongs and other brain train games would be a sensible investment.
If they are in a home with young children, great care around management would be required. They are not going to be a small dog and huskies, in particular, can be excitable and could knock over a toddling child.
Supervision and care are required when allowing any dogs to interact with children. The children should always be taught to be respectful of the dogs space and never encouraged to tease or handle inappropriately.
This would be all the more important if they have the traits of a Corgi, they can be less tolerant and, if their herding instincts are strong, they may be likely to try to herd small running children, potentially even nipping at little ankles.
Huskies are also known as being master escape artists. They like to dig, and they are also experts at scaling. This would mean that a very secure garden with a high fence could be required.
Corgis can be territorial, and care would need to be taken to minimize them becoming guardy and rowdy when new dogs or people are passing.
Because of the Huskies requirements in terms of activity and enrichment and the Corgis protective and loyal nature, they would be best suited to a home that will have company for them most of the day. They could become destructive, noisy or distressed if left for prolonged periods.
If you live in an area that has scorching summers, this breed may not be the best choice. The Husky has been bred to withstand very extreme cold temperatures, and they may find living in a climate that has extended periods of sweltering weather could be a bit much for them.
With their thick coats, extra care should be taken during hot weather to ensure that they are not exercised in extreme temperatures for too long and that they have plenty of access to cool, shady spots and fresh water.
Both breeds have their own separate conditions that they may have a genetic predisposition towards. This means that your Husky Corgi mix could be susceptible to ailments that affect either of the breeds. Selecting a responsible breeder that has carried out appropriate health checks can help to minimize any risk, but it is useful to be aware of some of the conditions they may be susceptible to.
Husky Health Conditions
Huskies are known for being a generally healthy breed, but some of the conditions they can develop include:
Hip Dysplasia: This concerns the irregular development of either one or both of the dogs hip joints. This is a degenerative condition that will worsen over time and, if it becomes severe, surgery may be required. For breeds prone to this condition, responsible breeders will often health screen the parents before deciding to use them for a litter.
Eye Problems: including Cataracts and Progressive Retinal Atrophy PRA). PRA involves a gradual deterioration in your dog’s sight, eventually leading to blindness. There is no widely available cure for this disease.
Hypothyroidism: Also known as an underactive thyroid, this can result in a decreased metabolism so the dog may be putting on weight, even if they are eating the same or less than before. It can also result in hair loss and a change in coat condition. The dog may be lethargic and lacking energy. While there is no cure for the disease, it is one that can be well managed with medication once diagnosed.
Follicular Dysplasia: This is a relatively common condition in Huskies, and it tends to manifest when the dogs are around 3 – 4 months old. This can result in hair loss and a change of coat color and condition. There are no effective treatments currently.
Corgi Health Conditions
Like the Husky, Corgis are also susceptible to Hip Dysplasia, Cataracts and PRA. Detailed below are some other conditions that they can develop.
Von Willebrand Disease: This condition means that your dog’s blood will not clot so well and it can result in more frequent nose bleeds, heavier menstrual cycles, bleeding gums and longer healing time after surgery or an injury. Although the disease does not yet have a cure, it can be managed to ensure your dog has a good quality of life. Good breeders for dogs that are known to be prone to the condition will often screen the parents to ensure they are not carrying the recessive gene.
Spinal Issues: The Corgi, with its long back and short legs, can be more likely to develop issues with their back. Two conditions that are more common in the breed are Intervertebral Disc Disease (IDD) and Degenerative Myelopathy (DM).
Epilepsy: Doggy seizures are not a pleasant thing to witness but if your dog is diagnosed with epilepsy the condition can often be well managed with medication and sometimes even helped by changes in diet and lifestyle too.
Obesity: Corgis are known for being prone to putting on weight easily. For a Corgi mix that should be even more vigilant, feed a high-quality diet, ensure that it is carefully portion controlled and that they get enough exercise too. Obesity in any dog is not good; it can lead to respiratory issues, heart problems and can mean that a dog can overheat more easily. It also puts more strain on their joints. Given that both the Corgi and the Husky are prone to problems with their hips, this is something that should be carefully managed. Because Corgi’s also have spinal issues, if they become overweight, this can exacerbate the condition and is the Corgski has taken on the shape of the Corgi, this will be applicable for them also.
Backyard Breeders and Puppy Farms
While Corgskis are not a recognized breed and, consequently, there will be no registered breeders, it is still essential that you do your research to ensure that the breeder is responsible and reputable. Ideally, they will have done health checks to ensure that the dogs they are breeding from do not have any major health or temperament issues. They will also be someone that is raising the puppies in a nurturing home environment alongside the mother. The puppies should all have been vet checked and should not be going to their new homes until they are at least eight weeks old and fully weaned.
The growing trend in ‘designer’ mixed breeds has seen a rise in the number of these dogs being advertised by ignorant or opportunist backyard breeders and unscrupulous puppy farms. A few years back, the breeder responsible for the first deliberate Labradoodle creation, publicly spoke out about his regret at creating the craze that has resulted in a lot of poorly bred and looked after dogs.
Dogs in puppy farms often have horrendous living conditions. They are never bred with any consideration for health and temperament, mothers have often not even reached full maturity themselves, and the puppies do not have a good start in life. Contagious diseases are rife, puppies do not receive appropriate early socialization, and they are often removed from their mothers too early.
Adoption & Rescue
There are lots of fantastic mixed breed dogs looking for a loving forever home in rescue, and you may find a Corgi or Husky mix in a shelter that would be a perfect addition to your family.
Doggy adoption can be a hugely rewarding and very worthwhile experience. Seeing your rescue dog come out of their shell and thrive in their new environment is incredibly heart-warming.
If you are concerned about not knowing the dog’s background, you could contact a rescue that does foster home assessments, where the dog will be evaluated in a home environment before being adopted. Many rescue shelters will allow you to have repeat visits to get to know a dog too.
Don’t forget, even if a dog seems very vocal, over-excitable or even aggressive behind the bars of the kennel, once they are out in a less stressful open space, their personality can change dramatically.
Frequently Asked Questions
With such an incredibly cute face, it’s easy to forget to ask the important questions before signing on the dotted line. We understand that, and so we’ve gathered a few commonly asked questions and their answers for you to scroll through for some last-minute information.
How long do Corgi Huskies live?
On average, a Corgi Husky will live about 12 to 15 years. Since they are generally pretty healthy dogs, there’s usually no need to worry about earlier deaths. However, life expectancy assumes your dog is getting their proper vaccinations, vet visits, diets, and exercise.
How much do Corgi Huskies cost?
The cost of any pup will vary based on many different factors. If you’re looking into high-quality, private breeders, your Corgi Husky will probably cost well over $1,000. However, mixed breeds are more prominent within local kennels and shelters, so there’s a chance you could find your ideal mix for much, much less.
Average breeders will sell these puppies anywhere from $300 to $800. This can also depend on their age and whether or not the breeder has already given them certain vaccinations.
Do Corgi Huskies bark a lot?
The Corgi Husky is known to be a bit of a barker. While they wouldn’t make a good guard dog (they wouldn’t attack an intruder or chase down a bad guy), they do make excellent watchdogs who will certainly warn you of your approaching mailman.
Corgis are barks, but Huskies can also be howlers. They are known to make strange sounds—in fact, you’ve probably seen several dog videos across the internet of Huskies displaying their ridiculous howls.
Don’t be surprised if you Corgi Husky is quite vocal!
Final Thoughts
While the rise in demand for unusual hybrids has resulted in more unscrupulous breeders, providing you do your research, a Husky Corgi Mix could make a wonderful pet in the right home. They will likely suit a family that leads a more active lifestyle, and you may need to do some extra work on their recall and getting them used to strangers, but they will no doubt be a clever dog that takes to training well and will make a loyal family companion.
Don’t forget to read our guide on the Corgi Beagle Mix if you want to find about about another popular Corgi mix.