Are you thinking of adopting a Poodle mix but aren’t sure which one is right for you and your family? Fear not, because we’ve put together a massive list of the most popular Doodle dogs that you might think about welcoming into your home! Whether you are considering a bigger or smaller Poodle mix, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you find your new furry companion.
Poodles are lively, fun-loving, and active dogs that thrive on attention. These attractive qualities make it clear why so many breeders cross with Poodle. The last 15 years have seen a surge of Poodle mixes, commonly known as Doodles, becoming the most popular crossbreed for pet owners. So, what’s the best Poodle mix? Let’s find out.
Why Are Poodles So Popular In Cross-Breed Dogs?
Poodles are incredible dogs that commonly win best-in-show across all competitions. They come in three size varieties and can be as big as 20 inches to as small as 7. Their long necks, straight back, short tails, and large legs are easily recognizable to any dog lover. Although they’re associated with France, they’re actually of German origin, dating back to the 1800s.
In addition to their good looks, Poodles are also among the most intelligent dogs in the world. In his 1994 book The Intelligence of Dogs, Doctor Stanley Coren explains that Poodles are second place in intelligence in the canine world, only next to the Border Collie. Combine their striking good looks with their intelligence and unexpected athleticism for a winning combination.
Our Personal Experience With Poodle Mixes
I have a 3-year-old Poogle (Poodle Beagle mix), Falkor, who is quite the character. He is only 25 pounds but the best watchdog I have ever had. While I have had larger dogs who are more physically intimidating, none were as alert as him. Falkor alerts me as soon as anyone approaches the house, and he does not stop howling and barking until he feels the threat is gone. He picks up on everything. Along with that, he is very cuddly, loves to play, and is very intuitive with how I am feeling, espically if I am stredded out or sad. He is an all-around adorable, lovely companion.
– Danielle DeGroot, Poodle Beagle Mix Parent, Canine Journal Research & Writing
Poodle Mixed Breeds
There are dozens of Doodle types available, and some are easier to find than others. The following 67 different Poodle mixes are a combination of both famous and bizarre. In the comprehensive guide below, we look at the best Poodle mixes for just about any family, as well as what you can expect by bringing one into your home.
1. Affenpoo: Affenpinscher Poodle Mix
The Affenpoo combines the lovable Affenpinscher and the Poodle. This smaller mix usually weighs between 10 to 13 pounds. Affenpoos are lovable and get along with most other dogs and family pets. Both parents carry a bit of a stubborn streak, so you’ll need to be prepared for that if you welcome one into your home. They are quite playful, though, and adapt well to families of all types. Most Affenpoos absolutely love children.
Affenpoos have a longer lifespan of about 12 to 15 years. They suffer from a few of the genetic health defects that their purebred parents have. They come in a variety of different colors, including black, tan, grey, silver, white, and more. You’ll need to dedicate at least 60 minutes daily to exercising your Affenpoo. They are a more energetic mix and do better when they have access to a large yard to exercise in.
2. Airedoodle: Airedale Terrier Poodle Mix
Airedoodles are a combination of the Airedale Terrier and Standard Poodle. Airedale Terriers are one of the larger Terrier breeds. They are lower-shedding dogs that some consider hypoallergenic (but no dog is completely allergy-free). They don’t shed much, which makes them a perfect pair with a Poodle. The Airedoodle sheds minimally, and they live healthier lives than either of their purebred parents.
Airedoodles vary in color but typically lean towards brown, followed by black. Their Airedale Terrier parent is most commonly brown, so your Airedoodle may inherit this same color. Airedoodles are medium-sized dogs and typically weigh less than 30 pounds when fully grown. They are active dogs and should have plenty of daily activity to keep them occupied. They do well with families and can get along with most household pets.
3. Aki-Poo: Akita Inu Poodle Mix
The Aki-Poo is a reliable mix with a sociable Poodle parent and a hardworking Akita parent. Expect this mix to be highly devoted to their family. The Akita parentage bestows a very good protective instinct in your Aki-Poo. They need to be trained sufficiently, especially if you plan on employing them as guard dogs. Try to do this training as early in puppyhood as possible, as both breeds are intelligent but known to be stubborn. As a family pet, the Aki-Poo is happy to be in homes where they can be handled with care. Older children make fine companions for the Aki-Poo, as well as pets who can respect their space.
The Aki-Poo is pretty energetic, so try to give them an hour of exercise every day. This is best split up into two sessions of 30 minutes each, with one in the morning and one in the early evening. These dogs love routine and are keen to stick to it at all costs, so ensure you can give them a relatively consistent life. They love to play games, like any pet. Aki-Poos gladly do their best in activities like obedience trials, agility, and obstacle courses, provided they are given positive reinforcement.
4. Aussiedoodle Or Aussiepoo: Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix
One of the most popular Doodle dogs is the Aussiedoodle, also known as the Aussiepoo. This mix of the Poodle and the Australian Shepherd is a favorite of many Doodle enthusiasts. They are extremely striking, often inheriting the blue eyes of their Aussie parent. While this breed is high-energy, they are usually eager to please their masters and adapt to any environment rather quickly.
Aussiedoodles are medium-sized dogs and usually do not weigh more than 25 pounds when fully grown. Their coat colors often vary, with each pup looking quite different, even from the same litter. The Aussiedoodle is great with kids and other dogs and gets along just fine with strangers. They are highly social dogs and enjoy the company of their family above all else.
5. Bassetoodle: Basset Hound Poodle Mix
Bassetoodles combine the Basset Hound and the Poodle. These pups are more laid back than other crossbreeds on this list. They inherit the more chill nature of their Basset Hound parent while shedding less because of the Doodle gene pool. Bassetoodles won’t usually exceed 35 pounds in weight. Because of their lower energy levels, you’ll want to watch their food intake as they grow older and slow down. They can become overweight quickly if they are allowed to indulge and if they don’t have adequate exercise.
Bassetoodles are excellent family dogs. They get along great with children and extremely well with other pets in multi-pet households. They do have a slight prey drive, so you’ll want to socialize with them early on. Once they have been introduced to smaller animals around the home, they are usually just fine once they’ve learned those animals aren’t for chasing. Bassetoodles can live up to 14 years and are generally free of most of the health concerns that plague their Basset Hound parent.
6. Belgian Doodle: Belgian Malinois Poodle Mix
The Belgian Doodle mixes the Belgian Malinois and the Poodle. While this mix is quite rare, they definitely do make an interesting pup. The Belgian Doodle is an extremely active breed that excels when given a task to complete. They do shed less than their Belgian Malinois parent and have lesser grooming needs. This is also a higher-energy mix, so be prepared to exercise them regularly if you welcome one into your home.
Belgian Doodles are a medium-sized crossbreed, with males not weighing more than 60 pounds. When it comes to their appearance, they somewhat resemble a Shepadoodle, given their Belgian Malinois parent looks a bit like a German Shepherd. If you are looking for a family companion, Belgian Doodles can do just fine. However, other Poodle crossbreeds are easier to adopt and train. Belgian Doodle’s live their best life when they have a big yard, plenty of exercise, and a job they can do on a daily basis.
7. Bernedoodle: Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix
The Bernedoodle is a very easy-going combination of the Poodle and the Bernese Mountain Dog. You’ll mostly find this breed in their larger size, which averages over 80 pounds. Their coats are unique and often come in double or tri-color.
Bernedoodles can be clumsy but are personal, very energetic, and love to play. This can make it challenging for them to train because they struggle to focus. Grooming is a daily task, or you risk them getting mats and tangles.
Bernedoodles are cuddly and physical – they’ll be your giant lap dog! Keep in mind that they love to wrestle and play tug of war, so make sure you train them to be gentle if you have other pets or small children.
8. Bolonoodle: Bolognese Poodle Mix
Another fluffy white dog breed, the Bolonoodle is a Doodle mix between the Bolognese and the Poodle. This cute & cuddly little Poodle mix is full of energy and love. The Bolonoodle usually has a Toy Poodle parent but can also have a Standard Poodle parent that’s on the “smaller” side. They are affectionate pups that get extremely attached to their owners.
Because of their attachment, they can also develop separation anxiety. For this reason, we recommend you crate train your Bolonoodle, and start at an early age. They are great with kids and other animals, provided they are properly socialized as puppies. The Bolonoodle is a wonderful overall family pup.
9. Bordoodle: Border Collie Poodle Mix
The Bordoodle is a friendly dog that blends the family-friendly Border Collie with the energetic and fun-loving Poodle. Bordoodles come in a variety of different sizes, and their full growth potential depends if their parent is a Toy or a Standard Poodle. Most Bordoodles are bred with a standard-sized Poodle, so you can expect a medium-sized dog that grows to around 30 pounds or more.
Bordoodles shed less than their Border Collie parent but more than their Poodle parent. This Border Collie mix is VERY intelligent, so start with obedience training from a young age. They are also extremely active, so you’ll want to have a bigger yard or access to open space for your Bordoodle to get energy out through the day. They are generally great with kids and other pets in the house.
10. Bossypoo: Boston Terrier Poodle Mix
The Bossypoo is a mix between the Toy Poodle and Boston Terrier. This mix is slightly more common than others and started as an effort to reduce the health concerns that sometimes plague the Boston Terrier. Bossypoos have an independent streak inherited from their Boston Terrier parent. They learn quickly, though, and do just fine with novice dog owners, provided they are exercised sufficiently each day. Bossypoos usually weigh no more than 20 pounds when fully grown.
Bossypoos do not need too much exercise. Similar to their Boston Terrier parent, they usually only need around 30 to 45 minutes of daily exercise. If your Bossypoo inherits a flatter face, you’ll need to keep a close eye on them during exercise to ensure there are no breathing difficulties, which their Boston Terrier parent is well known for.
Bossypoos are excellent with children and make great family pets. They are great in multi-pet households and generally get along with cats and other household animals without too much socialization. Usually, Bossypoos live between 11 and 13 years.
11. Boxerdoodle: Boxer Poodle Mix
The high-energy Boxer mixed with the focused Poodle to make the Boxerdoodle. They are easy to train, affectionate dogs that like to get physical with you. This makes them willing to play and eager to please; you can expect a lot of movement from them.
Boxerdoodles have a generally happy temperament and vary in size. It’s possible to find a smaller Boxerdoodle, but they’re rare. They like to roll around for fun, are great with children and large families, and require a lot of walking.
Hip, joint, and heart problems are common, like any other large dog. Their coat also depends on which parent they favor: the clean coat of the Boxer or the curly coat of a Poodle.
12. Cairnoodle: Cairn Terrier Poodle Mix
The Cairnoodle is a mix of the Cairn Terrier and the Poodle. The Cairn Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds and originates from the highlands of Scotland. Cairn Terriers already shed fairly minimally, so crossing the Poodle breed was done mostly to reduce health issues. Generally speaking, both the Cairn Terrier and Poodle are healthy purebreds. However, mixing these two breeds helps eliminate crossbreeding birth defects.
Cairnoodles are lively pups and, like both parents, are highly intelligent. They seldom weigh over 15 pounds and require daily exercise to keep their minds occupied. Cairnoodles range in coat color. It’s quite common to see them in white, black, or even brindle, which is inherited from their Cairn Terrier parent. Cairnoodles make excellent family pets, even though they are costlier than other Doodle mixes.
13. Canoodle: Cane Corso Poodle Mix
The Canoodle combines the Cane Corso and the Poodle. This is a larger mix, usually weighing between 70 and 85 pounds when fully grown. Standard Poodles are larger in their own right, but Cane Corsos bring some extra size into the equation. Cane Corsos are also known as the Italian Mastiff and are former Roman war dogs. It’s likely your Canoodle inherits some of their Corso parent’s stubbornness. This means this Cane Corso mix can be difficult for first-time dog owners to train.
The Canoodle is generally free of several health issues their Corso parent carries. Because of that, it’s not uncommon to see a Canoodle live past 10 years of age, which is the top end of their Corso parent’s lifespan. Canoodles don’t need as much exercise as other Doodle mixes on this list, with 30 to 45 minutes per day being sufficient. They can adapt to just about any living situation and do well both in an apartment or a home with a small yard.
14. Cavapoo: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Poodle Mix
The Cavapoo is a spectacular Poodle mix that combines the Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They love to play fetch and love to run, but most of all – they enjoy your attention! They are often mistaken for the Cavachon.
Hitting 25 pounds at most, they are easy to care for and play with, but with their trickier personality, training can be difficult — Cavapoos need a little bit of grooming to keep clean.
Cavapoos struggle when left alone and are prone to separation anxiety. They love larger families that can give them the attention they need, and because of their cuteness, they are sure to be spoiled and well-loved family members.
15. Chipoo: Chihuahua Poodle Mix
This newer breed is a mix of a Toy Poodle and a Chihuahua. Similar to the Chihuahua, the Chipoo has a huge personality and a lot of heart. They’re full of energy and love to play and socialize, although they do require a lot of training to stamp out their stubborn and loud nature.
Chipoos are friendly dogs that require a lot of socialization to be comfortable with bigger dogs. They can still be defensive if provoked, so regular grooming and cuddles help them be more comfortable.
They need at least an hour of playtime and training every single day to keep them from being bored. Get ready for a lot of barking and howling from this vocal mix. You can also learn more in our guide on if dogs ever get tired of barking.
16. Choodle: Chow Poodle Mix
What list would be complete without a fluffy Chow mix? The Choodle is a cross between the Chow Chow and the Poodle. Choodles are a little bit calmer than their Poodle parent but also more reserved. They bark when intruders arrive, and they are more protective of their human parents.
Choodles shed more than other breeds on this list due to their Chow parentage. While their Poodle parent genes help dial down their shedding frequency, they still leave hair in places other Doodles won’t. Choodles are medium to large dogs and typically weigh between 50 and 60 pounds. The Choodle is headstrong and not recommended for first-time dog owners due to their independent nature.
17. Cockapoo: Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix
This smaller breed of Doodle is a combination of the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. The Cockapoo is one of the earliest Doodle mixes to appear, dating back to the 1950s. They require a lot of attention and interaction.
Their small body and silky fur are really popular with families. They socialize well, get along with other dogs and cats, and love to smell and chase anything they see. Playing a lot with your Cockapoo is essential to get their energy out. Cockapoos are prone to blindness and dementia as they get older, but most of them tend to live long and healthy lives.
18. Corgipoo: Corgi Poodle Mix
The Corgipoo is a lovely mix of either a Cardigan Welsh Corgi or a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Poodle. Corgipoos were bred in order to create a smaller companion dog that sheds less than their Corgi parent. These pups usually inherit some of the Corgi’s breed characteristics, including a longer body and shorter legs.
Corgipoos generally weigh no more than 20 pounds. They can start putting on some excess weight as they age though, so you’ll want to monitor their food intake. Their coat colors can take many different hues. Your Corgipoo may be brown, white, black, tri-color, or just about anything in between. Corgipoos are expensive but make wonderful family pets.
You need to pay close attention to this mix from early in their life. Begin their training and socialization as soon as you can, as both their parent breeds are seriously bright but also stubborn. Corgipoos also need a lot of exercise, so ensure they have enough room to run around. They do well with a fenced-in yard where they can spend their afternoons. Daily walks are also important for this dog, as are games and toys. Mental stimulation is required for them to stay entertained and away from mischief.
19. Doberdoodle Or Doodleman: Doberman Poodle Mix
The Doberdoodle, or Doodleman, is an attempt to create a lower-shedding guard dog with plenty of energy. Doberdoodles are more protective of their family than other Doodles due to their Doberman Pinscher parent. They shed less than their Doberman parent but still be very high-energy dogs as both the Doberman and the Poodle have a significant amount of energy.
Doberdoodles are large dogs, and some weigh as much as 80 pounds when fully grown. Males are larger than females, and genetics play a role in their size. Color-wise, you are likely to have a brown or black Doberdoodle, as both parents carry the same color genes. Due to their size and energy levels, we don’t recommend Doberdoodles for first-time dog owners. If you are looking for a family companion or watchdog and have the ability to train a stubborn dog, the Doberdoodle can be a perfect choice.
20. Doxiepoo: Dachshund Poodle Mix
The Doxiepoo combines the Dachshund and the Poodle. Typically, the Dachshund is paired with a Toy Poodle for this unique mix. Doxiepoos shed less frequently than their Dachshund parent and require less grooming. They inherit some of the unique traits of their Dachshund’s body shape, meaning they may have a longer body and be shorter to the ground.
Doxiepoos are excellent family companions. Their Poodle parent’s temperament calms them down, as the Dachshund has been known to exhibit aggressive behaviors occasionally. The Doxiepoo can function well in any environment. Because of their small stature, they can do just fine in an apartment setting or in a home.
21. Eskipoo: American Eskimo Dog Poodle Mix
Eskipoos are a hard-to-find combination of the American Eskimo Dog and the Poodle. Like many other Doodle dogs on this list, the Eskipoo inherits the fluffier white coat of the American Eskimo and the soft texture of the Poodle. Eskipoos are slightly pricier than other poodle mixes due to the rarity of the breed combination.
The Eskipoo is a small to medium-sized breed. They typically weigh no more than 20 pounds when fully grown, no matter the dog’s gender. They are excellent family dogs and get along well with both children and other animals, making them suitable for multi-pet households. Eskipoos love to cuddle and generally do well in just about any living situation.
22. Flandoodle: Bouvier Des Flandres Poodle Mix
The Flandoodle mixes the Poodle and the Bouvier des Flandres. This unique breed is a little bit rarer than other Doodle dogs on this list. As such, you can expect that they are a little more costly. They range in size but are generally considered a medium-sized breed that reaches around 50-60 pounds.
The Flandoodle varies in coat colors but usually takes on a darker hue. Both parent breeds can carry the gene for a darker coat, so the Flandoodle is likely to have the same. These pups are low-shedding and look very unique compared to other types of Poodle mixes. Flandoodles are excellent family dogs, and you’ll get plenty of questions about your pup at the local dog park.
23. Foodle: Fox Terrier Poodle Mix
The Foodle is a rarer crossbreed that’s more likely to be seen as the result of an accident and less likely the result of a designer dog breeding program. Foodles combine the Standard Poodle and the Fox Terrier. This hybrid sheds less than their Fox Terrier parent. While not considered “hypoallergenic,” their grooming needs are fairly reasonable. Expect bi-weekly grooming and monthly bathing. The Foodle grows to a size of between 25 and 40 pounds when fully grown.
Foodles are great dogs with families and children. They can be aloof to other dogs when introduced for the first time but generally warm up to other canines after spending time together. They may like to chase other household animals due to the inherited prey drive from their Fox Terrier parent, so make sure you socialize early if you have other types of pets in your home. Foodles have few health concerns and typically live between 12 and 14 years of age.
24. French Bulldoodle or Froodle: French Bulldog Poodle Mix
The French Bulldoodle or Froodle is a unique combination of a French Bulldog and a Poodle. A smaller dog, this pup rarely exceeds 20 pounds and is great for dog owners with tighter living spaces. They shed less than their French Bulldog parent, and their unique look makes them a favorite with just about every dog owner at the dog park! French Bulldoodles are more active than their Frenchie parent and less active than their Poodle parent. A good 30 minutes per day outdoors or at the dog park should be sufficient daily exercise.
French Bulldoodles do well with other dogs and animals if socialized young. They are happy to cuddle up on the couch after playing outdoors. French Bulldoodles crave companionship and can develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. They can do just fine in any living situation and are perfectly happy in an apartment, provided their daily exercise needs are met.
Keep in mind that the French Bulldog has several health problems related to being a brachycephalic breed. If you adopt the Froodle or any other French Bulldog mix, you may want to consider pet insurance when they are young. It can help provide care for them in the event of an accident or illness. Learn more about pet insurance and what it covers in our Pet Insurance guide.
25. Goldendoodle: Golden Retriever Poodle Mix
If you want a golden ball of fluff, the Golden Retriever Poodle mix is for you. Another popular Poodle mix, these beautiful dogs can be over 80 pounds. Goldendoodles are high-energy and love family homes that have a large backyard for space to play. Puppies may have issues playing with children, as they often jump and knock over youngsters. They simply don’t know their own strength!
While typically healthy, Goldendoodles suffer from hip and joint issues. It’s best to give them the proper food and hip and joint supplements so they are less likely to develop them. Goldens are also sometimes mixed with the Toy version to create a miniature version of the Goldendoodle. Toy Goldendoodles can be as small as 10 pounds. This Goldendoodle is low shedding but requires frequent grooming to keep their fur clean. Learn more about the differences between the Poodle and Goldendoodle in our breed comparison.
Personal Experience With Goldendoodle
I have a 9 year old Goldendoodle and he is the perfect family companion. I grew up with a Golden Retriever and my Goldendoodle is definitely a little more goofy, but so sweet with kids. The low to no-shedding aspect is wonderful for anyone with allergies.
- Jeff Butler, Goldendoodle Paent
26. Great Danoodle: Breeds: Great Dane Poodle Mix
The Great Danoodle is a gentle giant that mixes the incredibly large and lean Great Dane with the Standard Poodle. Great Danoodles are large to giant in size and can clear 100 pounds quite easily, especially males. This blend sheds less than their Great Dane parents, and while they aren’t hypoallergenic, they are considered a low-shedding mixed breed.
Great Danoodles vary in coat color. Both parent breeds share some common coat color genetics, with white and black both being somewhat common. Great Danoodles can live up to 10 years fairly commonly, which adds a couple of years to a purebred Great Dane’s regular lifespan. Great Danoodles can be excellent family dogs and typically have lower energy needs once they pass their puppy stages at around age two. They can do well in apartments or smaller living spaces but normally do better with room to roam.
27. Griffondoodle: Brussels Griffon Poodle Mix
The Griffondoodle crosses the Brussels Griffon and the Poodle. This produces a pup that looks somewhat like a longer-haired Pug. Their fluffy coats shed infrequently, just like many Doodle dogs on this list. Their coat color is usually tan in color or darker brown with traces of black in their muzzle.
The Griffondoodle typically has a Toy Poodle parent and is a smaller breed. They do not exceed 15 pounds in size and can do well living in just about any setting. While they have energy, they can also be just as happy to spend time cuddling up in your lap during movie nights.
28. Groodle: Greyhound Poodle Mix
The Groodle combines the Standard Poodle and the Greyhound. These pups are on the larger side, and it’s not uncommon to see them grow to between 70 and 80 pounds. They are lean and muscular, inheriting the athleticism of both parent breeds. Groodles can be somewhat picky with their families. But once they’ve learned who their pack is, they prefer to cuddle up on the couch and spend lots of time with their owners.
Groodles can be somewhat of a “Velcro dog,” always wanting to be near the person they are closest to. They can also develop more affinity towards one person in the household, bonding with them over all others. They do just fine with other family members, but they may just act more aloof and not seek attention as much from those members of your household. Groodles have a higher prey drive due to the sporting background of both parents, so you’ll want to train that out at an early age.
29. Havapoo: Havanese Poodle Mix
Havapoos have gained an immense amount of popularity over the last decade. One of the smaller Doodle dog mixes on this list, the Havapoo, is a miniature pup that crosses either a Toy Poodle or a smaller Standard Poodle with the Havanese. They are popular with pet allergy sufferers and shed infrequently.
Havapoos are soft-coated and typically carry the white coat of both parent breeds. Havapoos are smaller dogs, usually weighing no more than 10 pounds when fully grown, regardless of gender. They are excellent family dogs and love to cuddle on their owner’s lap. Havapoos can suffer from separation anxiety, which is common with both parents. If you plan to adopt a Havapoo, be prepared to spend plenty of time with them to avoid potentially destructive behaviors.
30. Huskydoodle Or Huskypoo: Siberian Husky Poodle Mix
When you adopt a Huskydoodle, you are getting an energetic and family-friendly pup! Siberpoos are crafty dogs, and they can get into mischief if left unattended for long periods of time. When you combine one of the smartest dogs on the planet with one of the most active, it means you’ll need to be a strong leader and engage in regular training to keep this pup entertained.
Huskydoodles can look completely different from one another, depending on the litter. Some take more after their Siberian Husky parent in looks, while others look more like a Poodle. Usually, this Doodle dog ends up looking like both parents, somewhere in the middle. You’ll want a bigger yard for a Huskydoodle or access to a larger outdoor space to exercise them frequently.
31. Irish Doodle: Irish Setter Poodle Mix
The Irish Doodle is a unique combo of the Irish Setter and the Poodle. This strikingly red pup is one of the most popular Irish Setter crossbreeds. Typically, the Irish Doodle inherits a red coat from the Irish Setter parent while taking on the texture and coat consistency of the Poodle parent.
Irish Doodles are medium-sized dogs that typically do not get larger than 60 pounds. They get along extremely well with children and in multi-pet households. They are very active and need a decent-sized yard to run around on. While they can adapt to apartment living, they usually do better with a house and at least a medium-sized yard.
32. Irish Troodle: Irish Terrier Poodle Mix
The Irish Troodle is a Doodle dog mix that combines the Irish Terrier and the Poodle. An Irish Troodle can sometimes resemble the Irish Doodle, but they are smaller and slightly portlier than their Irish Doodle cousins. Their Irish Terrier parent is one of the oldest terrier breeds alive. They are extremely intelligent and very loyal. Coupled with their Poodle parent’s sporting nature, the Irish Troodle is an excellent blend of an all-around family dog and working companion.
The Irish Troodle weighs anywhere from 40 to 60 pounds when fully grown. Their coat sheds minimally, making them great companions for owners who don’t want to deal with the hassle of frequent grooming. Irish Troodles do have plenty of energy, though, so you’ll want to have access to a larger outdoor space if you welcome one into your home. They can live in apartments or smaller living areas as long as they are adequately exercised.
33. Jackapoo: Jack Russell Terrier Poodle Mix
The Jackapoo combines the Jack Russell Terrier and the Poodle for one of the most popular Jack Russell crossbreeds. Typically, the Jackapoo has a Toy Poodle parent or a smaller Standard Poodle parent. Jack Russell Terriers are one of the smartest dog breeds. They are highly intelligent and learn commands quickly. Because of their reputation as excellent family companions and higher than normal IQ, the Jack Russell is the perfect breed to pair with a Poodle.
Jackapoos are smaller dogs and usually do not grow to more than 15-20 pounds. They are likely to have a mixed coat color, a combination of both parent breeds. This means they can be white, brown, black, tri-colored, or even spotted. Jackapoos can make great family dogs and do well in multiple pet households.
34. Keeshdoodle: Keshond Poodle Mix
The Keeshdoodle results from the union between the confident, sociable Poodle and the amiable Keeshond. This dog has a lot of loyalty to their pack, no matter what kind of pack that may be. They are pleased to be part of large homes with many humans and pets as long as they are still given ample attention each day. Given that the Keeshond is always eager to please their trainer, the Keeshdoodle are easy to train– the natural cleverness of the Poodle certainly helps.
Being a devoted member of your family, your Keeshdoodle may present a more protective behavior that makes them bark around unfamiliar people; they make a good watchdog for this reason but need enough obedience training to make the most of it.
Like all dogs, Keeshonds need playtime every day, as well as walks when possible. However, they don’t have particularly high energy needs. They thrive best with exercise that involves their human companions, like a game of fetch or frisbee or simply walking alongside you in your neighborhood. Try not to leave these dogs alone in the yard for too long, as they get very easily anxious when by themselves.
35. Labradoodle: Labrador Poodle Mix
The Labradoodle is the most famous and, quite arguably, one of the best Poodle mixes ever created, from a loyal Labrador paired with an energetic Poodle. Labradoodles are very affectionate and love attention. They also don’t mind showing it, as they’ll physically jump on you or slap your hand for a pet. Their low-shedding and short fur make them easy to groom, but they still need regular brushing to avoid matting, especially regular brushing. Baths may be required from time to time as well. Labradoodles love water, so bathing shouldn’t be too much of a struggle.
They have a lot of energy and should be walked once a day. Make sure to go outside and play fetch with them, and give them lots of praise for learning a trick. The yellow Labradoodle is often mistaken for the Goldendoodle. If you want a smaller bundle of cuteness, learn more about the Mini Labradoodle. Be sure to feed your Labradoodle a healthy diet to support proper growth and give them fuel for all that energy.
36. Lhasapoo: Lhasa Apso Poodle Mix
The Lhasapoo is an awesome little mix, usually more humble than their Poodle parent. They have a lot of love to give their families, no matter what kind of family they may be. This makes them a good choice for families who may have kids or other pets; the Lhasapoo gets along with them just fine. They are intelligent and kindhearted dogs, so socialization and training should be a breeze if done early on in their lives. The Lhasa Apso lends a protective instinct to the Lhasapoo, so if you are looking for a good watchdog for your home who can be super cuddly when off-duty, this mix is a good fit.
Lhasapoos are naturally athletic and happy to run alongside you as you jog or simply take a walk down at the dog park to make new friends. These dogs are pretty adaptable and aren’t too sensitive to changes that may happen in a household. As such, no matter where you live, provided the weather isn’t too harsh, your Lhasapoo should be happy. Apartment living is no problem for these dogs as long as they get their 45 minutes of exercise every day.
37. Malamoodle: Alaskan Malamute Poodle Mix
The Malamoodle is the perfect family pet, given the affection of both their parent breeds. Alaskan Malamutes place great importance on their pack, and Poodles are famously loving dogs. They get along fabulously with many different kinds of families, even those with children and pets. However, you must give your Malamoodle the right obedience training. This can prove to be difficult, even early in the Malamoodle’s life.
Ensure that you have a home that can accommodate your Malamoodle’s size, as well as a very securely fenced yard. Malamoodles have a tendency to exhibit wanderlust, and as such, you need to take extra caution in ensuring they don’t escape. Tending to their energy needs helps maximize their calm. They have a high need for exercise, so expect to walk them for around 60 minutes daily. This dog can be good at hiking, so if you live in a forested area, you can try taking them on a trek through the woods. Tiring your Malamoodle out is the best way to keep them well-behaved.
38. Maltipoo: Maltese Poodle Mix
People with smaller homes and apartments often find the Maltese and Poodle mix a great addition to their lives. They travel well, adapt well to new environments, and have few aggression issues. Maltipoos make a great friend with everyone. Because the Maltipoo looks so similar to the standard Maltese, they are often confused with one another.
Keep in mind the Maltipoo breed requires a lot of attention, and this can’t be emphasized enough. They are very active, social dogs that can’t be left alone for long periods. They love to be with their pet parent, so keep them with you as often as possible.
39. Mastidoodle: English Mastiff Poodle Mix
The Mastidoodle is a combination of the English Mastiff and the Standard Poodle. This gentle giant is a wonderful family dog that sheds far less than its English Mastiff parent. Depending on their parents, they are generally larger than a Standard Poodle by a fair bit and smaller than a purebred English Mastiff.
Expect your Mastidoodle to weigh anywhere from 80 to 120 pounds when fully grown, depending on the size of your pup’s parents and gender. Mastidoodles make wonderful family pets and typically inherit the calmer demeanor of their Mastiff genes. Mastidoodles can live up to 12 years, which extends the typical English Mastiff’s lifespan. They are good with other animals when properly socialized early on.
40. Newfypoo: Newfoundland Poodle Mix
A big dog with a big heart, the Newfypoo is a combination of the Newfoundland and the Poodle. They are incredibly affectionate and require a lot of playtime, a lot of space, and a great deal of attention.
The Newfypoo can hit 150 pounds, and you won’t see any toy variants of this breed. They love to engage with strangers and new dogs if they’re properly socialized when they’re young. They are loyal to their family but require a lot of social stimulation.
A big dog means a big coat, which means a lot of work. Because it’s a Doodle, you can expect less fur to manage than their Newfie parent. It’s important to groom and wash them regularly to keep their fur clean.
41. Papipoo: Papillon Poodle Mix
The Papipoo comes from the mix of a Papillon and a Poodle, two very beautiful dogs with the brains to match. They are fluffy, small, and no doubt adorable. Their huge personalities are surprising, given their size. Papipoos have no trouble showing their family how much they love them but require that you reciprocate that love. They are very needy dogs who desire a feeling of belonging. As such, they need to be at the center of your home life, with both human and animal siblings to play with them. Obedience training and socialization are very easy for these dogs, as they are already naturally friendly and enjoy pleasing their owners.
Given their small size, they won’t need a large home to be happy. They still require a space of their own where they can rest and play, but that’s true of all dogs. Papipoos are highly energetic and love being able to spend most of their time playing with you. Rough play should be discouraged, as they are quite fragile. However, a casual 30-minute walk around the park with you is enough to keep them happy. This lets them explore the wonderful outside world and meet new friends in the process.
42. Peekapoo: Pekingese Poodle Mix
Peekapoos are an often debated mix between a Pekingese and a Poodle. They usually have no undercoat, so they’re easy to groom and brush and are incredibly loving. However, they suffer from an abundance of health issues.
Two-thirds of all Pekingese suffer from Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome. This is then passed on to the Peekapoo, which makes it difficult for them to breathe. There is no cure, and thus, they may have a lifetime of labored breathing and pain and won’t be able to handle extreme temperatures.
You’ll need to be well educated on health issues, and they are poor with children. Their body, unfortunately, works against them in almost every aspect.
43. Pit Boodle: Pitbull Poodle Mix
The Pit Boodle is an unusual combination that mixes a Pitbull and a Poodle. Pitbulls are usually mixed with other guardian breeds or family companions in an effort to create a better guardian breed or family companion. Pitbulls have an unfair reputation for being aggressive when much of this is due to their owners, not the actual dog. Crossing a Pitbull with a Poodle gives you a highly active and muscular dog that’s both loyal and has lower grooming needs than their Pitbull parent.
Pit Boodle are usually medium in size, with males not weighing more than 50 pounds. This depends largely on the size of both parents, but it’s rare to exceed that weight. They are extremely active but won’t really inherit any working dog traits. Your Doodle Bull is far more likely to pester you repeatedly for a game of fetch rather than wanting a job to do, so be sure you can exercise your pup at least 45 minutes per day. Pit Boodle can function in just about any living situation if they are properly exercised daily.
44. Pomapoo: Pomeranian Poodle Mix
The extremely fluffy Pomeranian and the curly-haired Poodle make this cute Poodle mix. What makes them unique is that they do shed, which means their undercoat needs to be brushed regularly. They are never any more massive than 12 pounds. These pups may cost a little more than some of the other breeds due to the expensive nature of the parent breed, the Pomeranian.
They do well in apartments and small homes. Pomapoos don’t need a large yard, as they require little exercise. However, they need a lot of attention and bark excessively if not appropriately trained.
Pomapoos can be aggressive and prone to resource guarding. If you have kids, it may be a good idea to pass them up. Pomapoos do well with single parents, but larger families may run into problems. They don’t like to share.
45. Poochon: Bichon Frise Poodle Mix
The Poochon (also the Bidoodle, Bichpoo, Doodle Frise, and Bichoodle) is a mix of Bichon Frise and Poodle. They’re little balls of energy that love to be cuddled and held. Although they can be jumpers, their tiny size and big personalities are great for children and small apartments.
They are very vocal and love to bark, whine, and whimper. Poochons are prone to separation anxiety. Like other small breeds, they have an issue with potty training because they have tiny little bladders. They’re also likely to lose pee during anxiety.
Still, they are an unaggressive breed that just wants to love you by licking you to death. They make great lap dogs. Just try to avoid access to treats when training, as they can quickly become overweight.
46. Poogle: Beagle Poodle Mix
The Poogle crosses the Beagle with the Poodle for a combination that’s becoming more popular. Beagles are already a favorite dog of both hunters and families alike. So it only made sense to cross them with a Poodle in an effort to reduce their shedding habits. Beagles shed quite a bit, so crossing them with the Poodle was a successful effort to reduce pet dander for dog allergy sufferers.
Poogles range in size but are usually medium-sized dogs. They weigh between 30 and 45 pounds when fully grown and are intelligent dogs who train easily. They are a great mix for first-time dog owners. Their Beagle parents make them eager to please their owners, while their Poodle parent helps to boost their IQ. The Poogle is a great all-around dog that does well in just about any family and living situation.
47. Pooton: Coton De Tulear Poodle Mix
The Pooton combines the Coton De Tulear and the Toy Poodle. Similar to other Doodle mixes on this list, the Pooton sheds minimally and is generally easy to care for. They reach anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds when fully grown and make excellent family companions. Pootons won’t require too much exercise, either. They are excellent for first-time dog owners due to their low maintenance needs both with grooming and exercise.
Pootons can be a little needy and suffer from separation anxiety. If you have a strict work schedule, try to make sure you have adequate time to pay attention to your Pooton, or they may engage in destructive behaviors. Overall, this mix loves to please its owner and reacts well to learning basic commands. They do well in multi-pet households and are excellent with children. Pootons can live from 12 to 15 years of age.
48. Pugapoo: Pug Poodle Mix
The Pugapoo combines the fun-loving Pug and a Toy Poodle. Pugs are quite common in the designer dog world, being a parent to several different mixes. The Pugapoo’s coat inherits some coloring from their Pug parent, including the black mask. They shed far less than a Pug, as Pugs have more hair per square inch than most breeds and shed more as well.
Pugapoos are smaller dogs, usually not getting any larger than 15 pounds, regardless of their gender. They make excellent family companions and enjoy spending time cuddling up to their owners. They are “shadow” dogs and love to follow you most places that you go. If having a companion follow you around consistently is not something you are ready for, then the Pugapoo may not be the right breed for your family.
49. Pyredoodle: Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
Pyredoodles have enjoyed a surge in popularity over the last several years. This unique mix combines the Great Pyrenees and the Standard Poodle to create a large but lower-shedding dog. Pyredoodles are a highly intelligent large breed that can be used as anything from a family companion to a livestock guardian. They have a lower energy level than their Poodle parent but a stronger prey drive.
Pyredoodles typically take after their Great Pyrenees’ parent regarding coat color. They are typically white and inherit their Poodle parent’s fur texture. These larger pups can tip the scales at over 100 pounds, depending on the size of their parents. Genetically, they also tend to have fewer health issues than purebred parents. Pyredoodles can be a little more sensitive to guests and need early socialization in order to accept new people in the home. They generally do fine with other animals in the home.
50. Ratoodle: Rat Terrier Poodle Mix
The Ratoodle combines the Rat Terrier and the Poodle. Similar to other smaller Poodle mixes, the Ratoodle sheds very minimally. Their coats can be a variety of different colors but generally take on black with some brown spotting like their Rat Terrier parent. It’s also possible they are tri-colored, with a mixture of white, black, and tan.
Ratoodles can be great dogs to have around your farm or homestead, as they are excellent watchdogs and bark at the sound of any intruder. They weigh no more than 15 pounds when fully grown and have plenty of energy. They can live in smaller spaces but need consistent daily exercise.
51. Rottle: Rottweiler Poodle Mix
Rottles combine the beautiful Rottweiler with the Standard Poodle for a fluffier-looking Rottie. Rottles are great for someone looking for a dog that may have a more aggressive guardian instinct than a Poodle. These pups are generally friendly but can be more reserved with strangers due to their Rottweiler parent.
They are great with kids, provided they are socialized from a young age. Rottles are better than their Rottweiler parent for dog owners who may have an allergy to pet dander. While the Rottle is not hypoallergenic, they shed less than their Rottie parent. Rottles grow fairly hefty in size, and it’s not uncommon to see them top 80 pounds, sometimes crossing the 100-pound barrier for males. You need room for your Rottle to roam and must dedicate a good chunk of time to train them properly.
52. Saint Berdoodle: Saint Bernard Poodle Mix
The Saint Bernard and Poodle combination makes for a lovable and loyal breed. They are affectionate, happy dogs that love to please. Expect the Saint Berdoodle to be large, as they can reach over 100 pounds easily.
They’re going to have thick, curly fur that needs a lot of grooming attention. If you live in a warmer climate, I would recommend shoring them. With that said, they love colder weather and have a lot of energy to jump around in the snow.
Saint Berdoodles are big babies who are easy to train. They love all people and animals and like to sit on you or paw you to get your attention.
53. Sammypoo: Samoyed Poodle Mix
The Sammypoo is often bred to be smaller than the average Samoyed, which really doubles them up on cuteness. As they are mixed with the Poodle, the Sammypoo is going to shed a good bit less than their Samoyed parent, though they likely won’t stop shedding entirely. These dogs love being with their families, and their playfulness allows them to get along well with children. You should still supervise them, though, since they may not know their own strength.
These dogs are easy to train, especially for being a watchdog. They have keen senses that allow them to alert you when something is amiss. For this reason, they like spending time outdoors. They need at least 75 minutes of exercise a day, though more is usually better, as they are highly active. Mental and physical stimulation can do wonders in preventing boredom, so do your best to give them a variety of games, toys, and activities.
54. Schnoodle: Breeds Schnauzer Poodle Mix
The Schnoodle mixes the Schnauzer and the Poodle. This mix can be a smaller pup if the Toy Poodle is a parent and the Miniature Schnauzer the other. They can also be rather large if a Giant Schnauzer is one parent and a Standard Poodle is the other. Depending on the parents, your Schnoodle can come in a variety of different sizes. A larger Schnoodle can weigh between 50 and 70 pounds, whereas the smaller version typically won’t top 25.
The Schnoodle’s coat will be low-shedding, as both parents don’t shed much. Schnoodles are fantastic for people with pet allergies. Their coat color ranges from black to white and even brown. They are often described as teddy bear dogs due to their sweet appearance.
Breeding one purebred parent of each won’t necessarily give you a Schnoodle, as it takes a few generations to reach the desired mix. The fluffy coat of the Schnoodle is a balanced combination of wavy and incredibly soft. It’s difficult to pin down the general disposition of a Schnoodle because of the intense breeding that goes into making the “perfect” dog. However, they are usually not aggressive and don’t need a lot of socialization at a young age.
55. Scoodle: Scottish Terrier Poodle Mix
Mixing a Scottish Terrier and Poodle results in a fun-loving and friendly mix called the Scoodle. The Scottish Terrier is a small terrier breed that can carry a wheaten, dark, or brindle coat. Scottish Terriers are friendly but mischievous. They are sometimes mistaken for a Schnauzer due to their similar appearance and temperament.
The Scottish Terrier Poodle mix is a bundle of fun and can thrive in many different living situations. While they need around 45-60 minutes of daily exercise, they can live in apartments and smaller living quarters if sufficiently exercised. Scoodles are great with kids and do very well in a multi-pet household. Both parent breeds have single coats, so you can expect grooming and shedding to be easier to manage with this mix than with others. Expect the Scoodle to live anywhere from 10 to 14 years, depending on the health of their parents.
56. Sheepadoodle: Old English Sheepdog Poodle Mix
The Sheepadoodle is a Poodle mix that combines the high-focus Poodle with the work-driven Sheepdog. This combination makes the “hard to train for family life” Old English Sheepdog easier to get along with. They are often found larger and can hit 30 pounds after four months.
Sheepadoodles love children and other dogs but must be trained to play gently, as their large frame makes it easy for them to knock anyone over. They likely have a herding instinct if the Doodle favors their Sheepdog parent, so giving them a job to do is good for their mental health!
You need to brush them daily and often, as their long fur commonly attracts debris and dust. Similar to other big dogs, they are susceptible to hip and joint issues.
57. Sheltiedoodle: Shetland Sheepdog Poodle Mix
Sheltiedoodles are smaller mixed-breed pups that combine the Shetland Sheepdog and Poodle. These pups are on the smaller side, as their Sheltie parent doesn’t get much bigger than 20 pounds. This mix is extremely energetic, so you’ll need to ensure you have the time to devote to them, or they can become destructive.
Sheltiedoodles are generally good with children and also excellent in multi-pet households. Because of their Sheltie heritage, they may inherit their nipping trait from their time spent as shepherd dogs. You’ll need to train this behavior out of your pup so they don’t annoy guests or your family members. Sheltiedoodles can carry a bit of separation anxiety if you leave them at home for long periods, so you’ll likely want to think about adopting a different mix if you have a hectic work schedule.
58. Shepadoodle: German Shepherd Poodle Mix
Shepadoodles are a crafty mix that blends the German Shepherd and Standard Poodle. This extremely intelligent mix has considerable energy and needs a very firm and dedicated owner. Shepadoodles want to control the home and need someone consistent with obedience training from an early age.
Shepadoodles do not shed nearly as much as their German Shepherd parent. This is intentional and one of the reasons the Shepadoodle was created. While not recommended for first-time dog owners, the Shepadoodle can be both a wonderful family companion and a working dog. They make great seeing-eye dogs, service dogs, and emotional therapy dogs. This comes from their intelligence level and ability to both learn and obey commands. If you have the patience for training, a Shepadoodle can be an excellent family pet.
59. Shiba-Poo: Shiba Inu Poodle Mix
Another Inu-and-Poodle mix is the Shiba-Poo. Like the Aki-Poo, these dogs have a certain protective instinct about them. They make good family pets, though the Shiba Inu may impart a more independent quality to the hybrid. They will likely differ from the other needy Poodle mixes on this list. However, as they are still Doodles, you can expect them to enjoy a good bit of socialization still– they’ll just be more resilient when left alone for long periods of time. Shiba Inus are obedient, no-nonsense dogs, so when matched with the Poodle’s incomparable intelligence, training and socialization become very easy.
Shiba-Poo are friendly, though they are happiest when they are treated fairly in the home. They don’t like rowdy behavior and may be resentful of children who make them the butt of jokes. Still, they are quite playful and need exercise just like any other dog. Give them around 50 minutes of exercise every day. Walks, as well as hikes, are good for this mix, as they are pretty athletic and skilled at navigating rough terrain. When sufficiently tired out, they are fine living in smaller homes.
60. Shih Poo: Shih Tzu Poodle Mix
The undeniably adorable Shih Poo is a Poodle mix that can be stubborn due to their Shih Tzu ancestry, but this can easily be trained out thanks to their Poodle parent. This doesn’t mean they don’t need daily training, though. Once the training clicks with the Shih Poo, they’re well-behaved.
They aren’t as eager to please as the other Doodles and are more interested in different smells than your attention. The Shih Poo doesn’t do well in large families or with small children and is prone to pick favorites.
Shih Poos don’t need much activity or playtime and prefer to laze around all day with their pet parent. They are perfect for anyone looking for a low-impact dog. However, they aren’t good with new dog owners as they take a bit of patience.
61. Springerdoodle: Springer Spaniel Poodle Mix
The Springerdoodle is a crossbreed that pairs the Springer Spaniel and the Poodle. Springerdoodles are an energetic mix that makes for an excellent hunting companion. They take after their Springer Spaniel parent in their hunting ability, but their shedding is both reduced and easier on people who have allergies to pet dander.
Springerdoodles are usually longer and leaner. They are medium-sized dogs and typically weigh no more than 40 to 50 pounds when fully matured. Their coat colors typically resemble their Springer Spaniel parent, picking up some spots in their coat. Their coats also take after their Poodle parent in texture and feel. Springerdoodles are excellent family pets and generally get along with most other animals if socialized early.
62. Tiboodle: Tibetan Terrier Poodle Mix
Tiboodles are a unique mix of the Tibetan Terrier and the Poodle. They are excellent family dogs with a lower energy level than their Poodle parent. This mix can be prone to separation anxiety, as many Doodles can. The Tiboodle does well with children and in multiple pet households.
TIboodles have coats that range in color. They can be white, black, or anything in between. Their low shedding keeps their fur off your furniture and your clothes. Tiboodles grow to about 20 pounds in weight and make excellent family companions. They are adaptable and do well in any household, including apartment living.
63. Vizsladoodle: Vizsla Poodle Mix
Vizsladoodles are an uncommon mix of the Standard Poodle and the Vizsla, a Hungarian hunting dog breed. They are extremely intelligent and highly independent. When fully grown, Vizsladoodles grow to anywhere between 40 and 60 pounds. Both parents are very energetic, so you’ll need plenty of space in your backyard or access to a larger outdoor area to exercise your Vizsladoodle sufficiently should you welcome one into your home.
This mix can be high-strung and anxious. Labradoodles can be an easier mix to train if you are a first-time owner. If you are an experienced dog owner and are looking for a hunting companion, both parent breeds lend themselves very well to the Vizsladoodle. In fact, they can be extremely proficient hunting dogs, often rivaling both parent breeds. They can live anywhere from 10-14 years and should have minimal health problems, depending on their parents.
64. Weimardoodle: Weimaraner Poodle Mix
Want a pup that looks like a Labradoodle but is a little more interesting? The Weimaraner Poodle mix can fit the bill. These pups are often mistaken for a Labradoodle, but you can usually tell them apart by the Weimardoodle’s silvery coat and their yellow, pale blue, or grey colored eyes. Weimardoodles are Doodle dogs with tons of energy, and they keep you running all over the place for hours on end.
If you are considering adopting a Weimardoodle, you’ll want to ensure you have plenty of backyard space. The Weimardoodle has tons of energy and enjoys being outside to run off energy. Giving them at least 45-60 minutes of outside exercise daily is best to keep them from developing destructive habits at home. These pups definitely keep themselves occupied if you don’t. They typically weigh around 60 pounds and are longer, leaner dogs.
65. Westiepoo: West Highland Terrier Poodle Mix
The West Highland Terrier (or Westie) combined with the Poodle creates a feisty, high-energy dog that needs a lot of attention and play. The Westiepoo gets distracted very easily, though, but that curiosity and drive make them fun to exercise.
Westiepoos have a high prey drive and thus have trouble playing nice with other animals. They are unlikely to attack them, but they are fond of chasing smaller dogs or cats, which can lead to anxiety for the other animals.
Their coats are generally easy to take care of, but their fur length and texture depend on the dog. It’s essential to watch the Westiepoo’s weight, as they’re susceptible to rapid weight gain.
66. Whoodle: Wheaton Terrier Poodle Mix
Probably one of the least common mixes, the Whoodle is an interesting combination between a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and a Poodle. Due to this, there isn’t a large enough sample size to know general temperament, health issues, and size.
Wheaten Terriers are great family dogs that are dependable, friendly, and easy to train. Poodles also train well and are overall intelligent, so it’s likely the Whoodle is rewarding to teach. You most likely have to groom the Whoodle daily, as they have thick coats.
Finding one can be difficult, and you’ll likely have to travel across the country even to hope to get one.
67. Yorkipoo: Yorkshire Terrier Poodle Mix
This familiar Poodle mix stems from the Yorkie and the Poodle. They are a rambunctious breed that needs early training and a lot of attention. Yorkipoos share the temperament and energy of most other small dogs.
Yorkipoos are a very vocal breed and typically live longer lives. Make sure to socialize them when they’re puppies, or you might have behavior issues when they’re older. Still, they are very active social dogs who love attention, but their Yorkie side can lead them to be standoffish.
Their coats vary between curly and straight, and different fur types mean different grooming requirements.
It’s important to know that each dog is a unique individual, especially among mixed breeds. However, taking a closer look at the common traits of the parent breeds–comparing and contrasting them–is a useful way to get a clearer picture of a mix’s traits. Understanding your dog is essential to their proper care. Poodle mixes will most often be very smart, talented, and affectionate. Make the most of their vibrant personalities by keeping them safe, happy, and healthy, providing them with a fulfilling life.
Have you enjoyed raising any of these or another Doodle breed? Share your Poodle mix stories with us in the comments.
Keeping Your Doodle Healthy
No matter your Doodle’s specific mix, a healthy lifestyle helps keep them by your side for as long as possible. A healthy diet is one of the key components of keeping your pup healthy and happy. Food formulated for Poodles is a good place to start, but consider the size of your pup and the other parent breeds. This is a big factor in what food will serve them best. Along with a top-notch diet, keeping up with regular vet check-ups and vaccines and discussing health and diet concerns with your vet is very important. We cover this more in our guide to the secrets of living a long life as a dog.