What can be cuter than the Corgi Poodle mix? These adorable canines resemble Poodles with tiny legs. Their cuteness has made this mixed breed quickly rise in popularity. Corgis are already extremely popular in their own right, so it was only time before people started mixing them with other popular breeds. Mixing a Corgi and a Poodle creates the Corgipoo, also called the Corgi Doodle, Corgi Doo, or Corgi Poo.
Corgis are actually one of the more popular mixes in the “designer dog breed trend,” which means that you’ll frequently see them crossed with other breeds in an effort to make a Corgi hybrid that looks different than a purebred.
However, mixed breeds do not have set, reliable traits like purebred dogs do. This makes it difficult to figure out what any mixed-breed puppy might act or look like. While these dogs might be adorable, it is important to know what you’re getting into before adopting one.
When you mix two dog breeds together, you never really know what you’re going to get. The resulting puppy can inherit any trait from either parent. Sometimes, dogs resemble one of their parents very closely. More often, they look like a random mix between the two.
Because of this, Corgi Poodle mixes can vary quite a bit in appearance. Some might look like Poodles while others look like Corgis. More likely, though, they’ll look like something in the middle.
To get a better idea of what this mixed breed might look like, let’s take a look at the appearance of the Corgi and the Poodle.
Corgi Appearance
There are actually two types of Corgis. The Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh. For simplicity’s sake, we will be discussing the Pembroke Corgi, as this is the most common one in America. There are many popular Corgi mixes, including the Labrador and the Beagle.
Corgis are well-loved for their extremely short legs and cute rear ends. They have these short legs due to a genetic mutation that occurred in the breed long ago. Their short stature and unproportioned body can lead to certain health consequences in a purebred or Corgi mix.
The Corgi has a double-layered coat. The top layer is coarse and weather-resistant, while the bottom layer is thicker and softer. They shed quite a bit, often daily.
The Corgi head has been described as “fox-like.” They have triangular, pointed ears that can look overgrown when they’re puppies.
The Corgi can come in a few different colors. The most common is red, though lighter tans also occur. Black and white markings are common and can sometimes take up much of the Corgi’s coat.
Corgis can be born without tails, though this is uncommon. Their tails might also be docked at birth, especially if they are meant to be working dogs. It is much safer for shorter herding dogs to be without a tail. Those with tails risk injury if it is stepped on by the livestock they are herding.
Poodle Appearance
The appearance of the Poodle is well known. They have very curly, single-layered coats. Despite some misconceptions, they do shed. However, the loose hair often gets caught in their coat and doesn’t make it onto your couch.
There are many different haircuts available for Poodles. Most show cuts are very high maintenance, so pet Poodles are often cut down substantially to limit the amount of brushing required. Because of this, they’ve become popular targets for being mixed with other purebred canines like the Bernese Mountain Dog.
Poodles come in a variety of colors, such as white, black, brown, silver, grey, and many more. The color of the parent does have a direct effect on the color of their puppies.
Most Poodles are solid colored, but other variations do exist. The coat usually shows varying shades of the same color. White patches on a Poodle are common, and this sort of coloration is called “parti.” Some Poodles also have tuxedo-type colorations.
Corgipoo Mix Appearance
The Corgi Poodle mix is a designer dog breed that can inherit traits from either parent. You can never be sure exactly what a puppy is going to look like until they are fully grown. Most Poodle Corgi mixes have a Miniature Poodle parent and will reach between 10 and 28 pounds at full size. Corgipoos typically stand between 10 and 12 inches tall from paw to shoulder.
Corgipoos can have the curly hair of their Poodle parent or the straight hair of a Corgi. Their coat might be two-layered or only one-layered.
The color can vary quite a bit and depends on the coloration of the parents. Puppies will likely receive a mix of their parents’ coat colors and markings.
The Corgi Poddle mix’s coat will likely be at least somewhat weather-resistant, though this can vary substantially from dog to dog.
This mixed breed’s legs are usually shorter than normal. But they will never be as short as a purebred Corgi’s legs. They might not be shortened at all, depending on the exact genetics a dog inherits.
Temperament does depend quite a bit on genetics. Certain dog breeds are more prone to certain behaviors. This is what sets one type of dog apart from the others.
Some dogs have intense guarding instincts, while others are bred to be calm and laid back. These innate predispositions cannot be changed.
However, the environment also plays a substantial role. A dog that is improperly socialized or abused might be aggressive no matter how predisposed it is to be friendly. The same is true for dogs who are innately more aggressive than other breeds.
It is important to consider a dog breed’s personality before you adopt one. Of course, this is more difficult with mixed breeds because you’re never exactly sure what traits a particular puppy will inherit.
Corgi Temperament
Corgis are known for being very friendly and affectionate. They are very family-centered dogs who like being in the middle of the action with their people.
They have a great need to please their owners and generally are more well-behaved than most dogs. Corgis are easy to train and not particularly stubborn. They just want to make you happy.
They are also quite intelligent, which makes training them even easier. However, this also means that they will require regular mental stimulation. They bore easily and must be given something to do.
Most Corgis are good with other pets and children, especially when socialized early. They do have intrinsic herding instincts, however. Corgis chase whatever moves, which can get them into trouble. They might also attempt to “herd” their owners, resulting in nipping. This normally isn’t a problem for adults but can make children fearful.
Poodle Temperament
Poodles are very intelligent and energetic. They were bred to retrieve waterfowl all day long, and it shows in their personality.
They are not the friendliest dogs and can be aloof with strangers. However, they are not particularly territorial or aggressive either. In most cases, Poodles warm up to new people quickly and can be quite friendly after they get used to them.
Poodles are very easy to train due to their high intelligence. They pick up on new commands very easily and are not particularly stubborn.
While Poodles are built to be great swimmers, they do not automatically know how to swim. They require a gentle introduction, and not all of them necessarily even like the water.
These dogs are usually okay with children and other pets as long as they are introduced to them at a young age. They are not the most patient breed out there, but they can learn to get along with toddlers and small children.
These dogs do best when they have a quiet place they can retire to when stressed, so we recommend crate training them at a young age.
Corgipoo Mix Temperament
You can expect a Poodle Corgi mix to have an above-average intelligence. They will have no problem picking up on new commands.
However, their intelligence also means they will become bored easily. This can make them destructive and hyperactive. They will need mental stimulation on top of their other needs.
These dogs will also be friendly with the right amount of socialization. In most cases, they bond readily to their family members and want nothing more than to please them. This makes training even easier and produces a very obedient canine.
Their temperament towards strangers is mixed. Some Corgi Poodle mixes are quickly accepting of strangers, while others are more reserved. This depends a lot on socialization, but genetics play a big role as well. Still, these dogs are not known to be particularly aggressive.
When introduced at a young age, these canines can get along with children and other pets. They can learn to get along with even small toddlers when supervised. They do not have a particularly high prey drive and, therefore, should not have a problem with cats and smaller pets.
Corgi Poodle mixes usually do not have strong herding instincts, making nipping less of a problem. However, this is not true for all dogs of this breed.
The Corgi Poodle mix is, overall, a healthy dog. Their parents are very genetically different, which means they have less of a chance of developing genetic defects.
This is true of nearly every mixed breed and is a large reason why they are usually healthier than purebreds, according to studies. Corgipoos have a long lifespan and can live anywhere from 10 to 18 years.
With that said, these canines do have a few health problems they are prone to.
Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVD)
IVD is a back condition that is somewhat common in dogs with long backs and short legs, such as the Corgi and Dachshund. These dogs do not have proper support for their spine due to their short legs. This can cause the vertebrae in the spinal column to bulge or bust. When this happens, the nerves in the spinal cord are squished, which results in pain and damage.
IVD typically progresses at a moderately fast pace, though this varies from dog to dog. Overall, dogs will get worse if they are not treated. The faster a canine receives treatment, the more likely they are to make a full recovery.
The first symptom is usually pain and weakness in the dog’s rear legs. They might avoid jumping and walking or cry in pain when picked up. They can also have muscle spasms, be anxious, and lose bladder and bowel control.
Eventually, the weakness in the rear legs will progress until they are unusable. Dogs will also stop feeling pain in their legs, which is a sign of severe nerve damage.
IVD Treatment
Luckily, there is treatment for this disorder. In some cases, anti-inflammatories and reducing movement are all that is needed for the dog to recover. This can involve crating them for up to six weeks. This reduces the swelling in the spinal cord and returns feeling to the dog’s legs.
Surgery is also used as a treatment and involves removing a portion of the vertebrae over the spinal cord. This releases some of the pressure. However, treatment is not always successful, and some dogs never regain control of their back legs. Cell-based solutions are also in the works.
Luckily, not recovering fully is not necessarily an end to their life. With the advent of things like doggie wheelchairs, even fully paralyzed dogs can still live a full life.
Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition that causes the hip joint to form improperly. This improper development can cause the dog’s leg bone to be too loose or not fit in the joint at all, resulting in wear and tear.
Hip dysplasia resembles arthritis but occurs in dogs that are much younger. The dog will begin to act as if their joint is sore and stiff. They might have difficulty with stairs or even getting out of bed. Some dogs try to prevent moving their leg joint, which can result in a “hopping” walk. Limping is also common.
Because hip dysplasia is an inherited disease that affects development, there is no cure. Instead, the focus is put on reducing a dog’s symptoms. Medication is often required, as well as lifestyle changes. Weight control, healthy diet, exercise, supplements, and massage are all common ways to manage this disorder.
Luckily, in minor cases, this disorder is not debilitating and can be handled with lifestyle changes. In severe cases, though, surgery might be suggested.
Due to the possibility of long-term health conditions, Corgipoo and all pet owners may want to consider pet insurance. This health insurance can be beneficial in emergency situations and can assist with other unexpected health costs over their lifetime.
Poodle Corgi mixes will need moderate to high amounts of grooming, depending on the exact style of their coat. They will shed quite a bit. If their coat is curly, these loose hairs can get stuck in the surrounding coat and cause mats. In canines with straight fur, this fur will likely end up all over your couch.
Corgipoos may inherit the coat of the Poodle parent. Poodes are considered hypoallergenic dogs, and if a mix inherits the Poodle’s low-shed, curly coat, they may not shed as much. However, if they take after the Corgi parent, you can expect plenty of shedding.
Either way, these dogs will need to be brushed on a daily basis in order to stay healthy and happy. This will help remove loose hair and prevent tangles.
The Corgi Poodle Mix will also shed particularly heavily two times a year, usually when the season changes. They will need extra brushing during this time. It might be your best option to groom your pup during these periods to remove all the excess hair with a good set of clippers.
If you aren’t up for it yourself, you’ll want to budget for a trip to the groomer regularly. For dogs with a coat resembling a Poodle, this will likely be every four to six weeks. Those with straight hair might be able to skip the groomer altogether. Using an anti-shedding shampoo can help as well.
Don’t Forget The Ears & Teeth!
You will also need to clean a Poodle Corgi mix’s ears regularly. Unlike most dogs, Poodles grow hair in their ears. If your Corgi Poodle mix inherits this trait, they will be particularly prone to ear infections. Their ears will need to be cleaned on a very regular basis with a special solution, and it is suggested that the inside of their ears be regularly shaved.
They will need their teeth brushed two to three times a week, like every dog breed. You should also keep their nails appropriately short. If they regularly visit the groomer for a haircut, they should be able to cut their nails as well.
These dogs have quite a bit of energy. They will need to be exercised regularly to stay at a healthy weight. Exercise will also prevent your dog from becoming hyperactive and destructive. A tired dog is a good dog.
Daily walks are vital if you want your pooch to remain healthy. You can expect to take at least two fifteen-minute walks a day. On top of this, your Corgi Poodle mix will want to play throughout the day. While this can be done inside, a fenced-in backyard can make things a lot easier.
This spunky dog can behave in an apartment if they are properly exercised and not left alone for long periods.
On top of physical exercise, this dog’s mind will need to be exercised as well. They are intelligent and require regular mental stimulation. The easiest way to do this is through obedience training. This is inexpensive and can help build your dog’s obedience level.
Puzzle toys and simple games are also a great way to tire your dog’s mind out. Children particularly like to get involved with fun games like hide-and-seek.
Breeders & Puppy Costs
The price of a Corgi Poodle mix will depend on the breeder you work with. On average, healthy Corgipoo puppies range from $500 to $1,500 or more. The exact price depends on the breeder’s location and the bloodlines of the parents. Be sure to ask for health screening information, as well as verify a breeder’s reputation and business documentation.
You can also consider looking to a breed rescue or local shelter to adopt. While they are a designer breed, these mixed doggies may end up in rescues. A rescue pup will cost less, but you will have less information available about their health, bloodline, and history.
As Family Pets
Corgi Poodle mixes can make wonderful pets. A fun fact about the Corgipoo is that their name translates to “dwarf water dog.” The name breed Poodle comes from the German word Pudel, which means “to splash,” and Corgi means “dwarf dog” in Welsh. So together, they mean dwarf water dog, or dwarf dog that likes to splash. Some of these pups may even like to splash, play, and swim.
There are a few things to keep in mind before bringing one of these fluffy mixed-breed pups home.
- Corgipoos have a cheerful, engaging personality.
- This breed is very intelligent, as both parent breeds are quite smart.
- Depending on the type of coat they inherit, the Corgi Doodle may need a good amount of grooming.
- This breed is prone to some specific health conditions, including hip dysplasia and intervertebral disk disease.
- Poodle Corgi mixes need a good amount of daily exercise.
- Depending on the size of the Poodle parent, the Corgipoo may need small-breed dog food.
Pros & Cons Of Owning A Corgipoo
As with any breed, there are pros and cons to owning a Corgipoo.
- Smart and easy to train.
- Good with children and other pets.
- Small in size, can live in apartments and smaller homes.
- Good for first-time owners.
- They are very cute as puppies and adults.
- Affectionate and active dogs who will increase an owner’s physical activity level.
- Corgipos make wonderful, loyal companions.
- May require obedience training regularly to stay on track.
- Prone to overeating and obesity.
- At risk for inherited health conditions.
- Requires a significant financial investment.
- Unpredictability in size and temperament due to being a mixed breed.
Understanding Doggy Behavior
Dogs are wonderful companions, but they can act strangely at times. This may seem even more true if you have a mixed-breed pup like the Corgipoo. Some dogs pee when they get excited, while others may try to dominate every other dog at the dog park. And, of course, almost all dogs are caught sniffing at our crotches at least once in a while. Some things we can explain, like why dogs stare at us when they poop and why they jump up on strangers. However, there is a lot we don’t know, and many times, dog ownership is a learn-as-we-go experience, regardless of whether our pups are purebred or mixed breed.
Do you have any experience with a Corgi Poodle mix? Feel free to share any pointers about this lovely mixed breed with us in the comments below.