
Best Dog Halloween Costumes?

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    • #132500
      Verified Participant

      I know this isn’t toys, but I wasn’t sure where to put this question …

      Has anyone got any fun and unique ideas for a Halloween costume for my small dog? We love scary stuff in our house, so the scarier, the better! It would be great to scare some of our trick or treating guests 😉 mwhahaha

    • #133059
      Verified Participant

      Chucky? Costumes where the dog looks like their walking on two feet always crack me up—especially on small dogs.

      Terrifier 3 is in theaters right now… you could DIY an Art the Clown costume. 🫣

    • #133060
      Fire Dan
      Verified Participant

      Those Chuky costumes are so funny! I just saw this Pennywise costume from IT that looks pretty great.

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