I’ve never had my dog stay at a kennel before, but I have some travel coming up, and she can’t go with me this time. I’ve booked a highly-reviewed boarding facility and even visited them. I am feeling good about the place, but I’m worried about my dog not being ready. She has never done daycare or stayed in this kind of place before. She will have her own “room” with a bed, a pee enclosure, a little yard, and also outside playtime with other dogs. What can I do to get her ready?
You cannot know for sure until she stays, but you might consider taking her for one night when you are in town for a trial run. Then, if anything goes wrong, you are still around to go pick her up. And if that is not possible, maybe take her for a tour of the facility before you leave her there for an extended stay to make sure she seems okay.
I’d say do a night in the kennel for her before you go out of town. If they offer daycare, you could even start with that. You don’t want her to get anxious or too freaked out if you just leave suddenly. If she can spend some time there, it will make her more comfortable with you leaving.