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Saint Bernard Mixes: 15 Cold Weather Friendly Crossbreeds


Last Updated: November 7, 2023 | 11 min read | 22 Comments

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Are you considering the adoption of a Saint Bernard mix puppy or adult dog? It’s easy to see why. The Saint Bernard is known as a gentle giant and a capable working dog. Saint Bernards have very handsome features, most notably their distinctive coat markings. But it’s their tender personality and love for their families that has led to their undeniable popularity. Because of this, the Saint Bernard has become quite common as a breed to mix with other dogs while trying to create the perfect giant breed.

You’ll see this quite commonly with other friendly purebreds, most commonly in those with a loving disposition. Typically, you see very popular family-friendly breeds being mixed, ranging from big to small. In this article, we compare our favorite mixed breed pups that originate from pairing a Saint Bernard with another breed.

There are thousands of mixed-breed dogs sitting in local shelters across the country. If you love Saint Bernards as we do but are open to the idea of a Saint Bernard mix, you can find many of the lovable crossbreed pups below in your local shelters.

Popular Saint Bernard Mixes

The Saint Bernard is beloved for their personalities and can be mixed with other canine breeds to make some wonderful mixes. These dogs can get huge and will need plenty of room and regular exercise. Saint Bernards are massive, weighing on average between 130 and 180 pounds. The largest on record toppled the scales at 357 pounds. Any breed mixed with them has the potential to be a very large to giant pooch.

No matter what Saint Bernard mixed breed you choose, be sure these dogs have high-quality large to giant-breed dog food, room to run, and regular exercise. As a larger breed, any Saint Bernard mixed pup may be prone to certain health conditions such as hip dysplasia, gastric torsion (bloat), and cherry eye. Take care not to overfeed them, as they can become overweight. Regular veterinary care is a must to keep these mixed breeds healthy and happy. Let’s get to know 15 of our favorite Saint Bernard mixes.

Golden Saint: Golden Retriever Saint Bernard Mix

Saint Bernard Mix in Snow
The Golden Saint mixes the Golden Retriever and Saint Bernard.

The Golden Saint is as wonderful as their name suggests. This crossbreed is a result of mixing the popular Golden Retriever and the sweet Saint Bernard. These large and adorable pups will be sure to win a spot in your heart. The Golden Saint will weigh anywhere between 60 and 190 pounds. Because of the huge variation in potential weight, owners that adopt a Golden Saint should be prepared to expect a larger dog in their home.

Golden Saints typically love everyone, which is common in most Golden mixes. They can also have separation anxiety if not properly trained from a young age. Golden Saints will do well in all family types. They are particularly good with families with kids. If your kids are younger, you’ll want to be cautious, as the Golden Saint has energy and can be known to knock kids over unintentionally during playtime.

Labernard: Labrador Retriever Saint Bernard Mix

Saint Bernard Labrador
The Labernard crosses the Labrador and the Saint Bernard.

You can expect a devoted and affectionate pup in a Labrador Retriever and Saint Bernard mix. The Labernard is friendly and loving by nature – combining the gentleness of the Saint Bernard and the playfulness of the Lab. The Labernard can range from 50 all the way to 180 pounds. It really is a guessing game on which end of that spectrum an individual Labernard will fall on, so as an owner, you’ll want to be prepared for a giant breed. While they can be willful by nature, if raised properly, you’ll have a docile and sweet pup on your hands.

As with most Lab mixes, a well-adjusted Labernard is even-tempered, playful, and very sweet. They enjoy family time and can engage in destructive behavior when left alone for long periods of time. They are excellent with children, exhibiting significant patience. Labernards make great dogs for families and will require less experience than other stubborn Saint Bernard mixes.

Saint Berdoodle: Saint Bernard Poodle Mix

Saint Berdoodle
The Saint Berdoodle mixes the Saint Bernard and the Standard Poodle.

As the offspring of two popular breeds like the Saint Bernard and the Poodle, the Saint Berdoodle is bound to have many of the desirable traits that made their parent breeds so popular. Loyal, patient, and hardworking are all adjectives that can be used to describe a Saint Berdoodle. They can inherit the thick coat of a Saint Bernard or the curly Poodle coat, which will vary from one dog to another.

This large pup is the perfect Poodle mix of a majestic Poodle and a gentle Saint Bernard. A fairly energetic breed, they will require daily exercise but enjoy hanging out with their family. This mix is protective and usually will be more bark than bite. If they sense a potential threat, they will protect their family members but are not known for being aggressive. Introducing a Saint Berdoodle to many different situations, animals, and people will help ensure they are well-equipped to handle any situation.

Saint Berhusky: Saint Bernard Siberian Husky Mix

Saint Berhusky laying down
The Saint Berhusky crosses the Saint Bernard and the Siberian Husky.

This Saint Berhusky mix is large and can be full of energy. This mix combines the Siberian Husky and the Saint Bernard. You’ll want to have plenty of time and space to dedicate to training this pup. The Saint Berhusky weighs between 60 and 180 pounds, and, like many Saint Bernard mixes, they are gentle giants. Generally speaking, Saint Berhuskies inherit their reserved nature from both parent breeds. They can also be protective of their family members.

This mix is not suited for novice owners due to their size, strength, and stubbornness. If they don’t have an owner who sets clear boundaries and establishes themselves as the leader, the Saint Bernusky can become difficult to control. A well-cared-for Saint Berhusky is excellent with children and a great adventure partner that does well in cold climates.

Saint Bermastiff: Mastiff Saint Bernard Mix

Saint Bermastiff
The Saint Bermastiff combines the Mastiff and the Saint Bernard.

The Saint Bermastiff is a giant breed that results from mixing a Mastiff and a Saint Bernard. With two parents that are giants, this pup can be quite large. They will range between 120 and 200 pounds. Some Saint Bermastiffs can weigh over 200 pounds if they inherit more of their Mastiff parent’s genes. This pup will have a unique look. They will have longer hair that requires grooming and can sometimes look just like a longer-haired English Mastiff. Saint Bermastiffs won’t need a ton of exercise. You’ll spend more time grooming them than exercising. Grooming will be needed at least 3 times a week will be needed to keep hair at bay.

The Saint Bermastiff can make an excellent watchdog. Their impressive stature is likely to deter potential intruders. Like all giant breeds, their lifespan can be on the shorter side due to their size. Because they are a mix, that means health is usually in their favor. You can usually expect around 7 to 10 years from a Saint Bermastiff. Despite this, the Saint Bermastiff is wonderfully affectionate, the definition of a “gentle giant,” and does especially well with children.

Saint Bernese: Bernese Mountain Dog Saint Bernard Mix

Saint Bernard Berner mix
The Saint Bernese mixes the Saint Bernard and the Bernese Mountain dog.

The Saint Bernese is the result of mixing a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Saint Bernard. This large breed will likely weigh between 70 and 190 pounds. Both parent breeds were bred to be determined workers. This deeply ingrained trait is sure to carry over into this mix. Any Saint Bernese owner should be committed to providing adequate outlets for this drive to work.

This hybrid is known for being mild and affectionate in nature. They will have a dense, thick coat that will shed year-round – so prepare for lots of hair. With proper socialization and leadership, this highly intelligent breed will be very trainable. Provided with proper structure and exercise, the Saint Bernese is an incredibly affectionate and joyful breed.

Saint Bernewfie: Saint Bernard Newfoundland Mix

Saint Newfoundland
The Saint Newfoundland crosses the Newfoundland and the Saint Bernard.

The loving Saint Bernewfie is a great option for any family with room in their home and hearts for this large breed. This mix between Newfoundland and Saint Bernard can weigh up to 180 pounds. Known for being a bit stubborn, they can sometimes be difficult to train, making them an ideal choice for someone who has experience with large breeds. A Saint Bernewfie just wants to be around their family. They are intensely loyal and can, at times, be protective.

Because of their size, stubborn nature, and protective tendencies, the Saint Bernewfie is not recommended for inexperienced owners. This mix requires a confident leader. Saint Bernewfies need firm and consistent training. However, a well-adjusted Saint Bernewfie will be gentle, loving, and excellent with children. Bernewfie’s aren’t notorious for being aggressive. But because of their parentage, they are fantastic watchdogs. Early socialization is key so they can easily distinguish intruders from family and friends.

Saint Berxer: Saint Bernard Boxer Mix

Boxer Saint Bernard mix
The Saint Berxer mixes the Boxer with the Saint Bernard.

Meet the Saint Berxer, a mix between a Boxer and Saint Bernard that is known for their tenderness. The Boxer brings so much affection and playfulness into this mix. This mix can look quite imposing, but rest assured. They are more likely to be gentle giants than anything else.

As with other Boxer dog mixes, Saint Berxer’s are both energetic and alert. They will need daily exercise and plenty of room to roam. The Saint Berxer will usually display very distinctive Boxer traits and weigh between 50 and 120 pounds. Due to their size and energy, this mix is better suited for a house with a large yard. As long as the Saint Berxer has plenty of room and a family willing to give them the daily exercise they need, they can be a wonderful family dog.

Saint Bullnard: Saint Bernard Pitbull Mix

Pitbull Saint Bernard mix
The Saint Bullnard mixes the Pitbull and the Saint Bernard.

The Saint Bullard is a powerful mix between a Saint Bernard and a Pitbull. A Bullnard can be quite large, weighing anywhere between 70 to 180 pounds. Saint Bullnards usually also have a protective nature. It’s quite possible this Pitbull mix will inherit the best characteristics of both parents: faithful like a Pitbull and affectionate like a Saint Bernard.

The Saint Bullnard is eager to please their owner, making them fairly easy to train. Bullnards need a consistent routine and should need moderate exercise. Inconsistencies in their schedule can cause erratic behavior, so making sure you have a regular routine can help. The Saint Bullnard does best in a family that can provide a stable environment with plenty of stimulation for this loving mix.

Saint Chownard: Saint Bernard Chow Chow Mix

Saint Chownard
The Saint Chownard mixes the Chow Chow and the Saint Bernard.

The Saint Chownard is an unusual mix between a Chow Chow and a Saint Bernard. This mix is generally going to be big but will be middle of the pack when it comes to exercise needs. The Chow Chow is known for being quite suspicious of strangers. While the Saint Bernard may bring a friendlier disposition to this mix, they should be provided with consistent training and socialization to remain well-behaved and well-balanced.

Because of their size and temperament, we do not recommend keeping a Saint Chownard in an apartment. Chownards can get bored quickly and start down the path of destructive habits without proper exercise. Because of their stronger will, we recommend this mix for more experienced families. We’d also recommend looking at other mixes if you have a family and are just looking for the perfect family companion.

Saint Dane: Saint Bernard Great Dane Mix

Dane Bernard Mix
The Saint Dane combines the Great Dane and the Saint Bernard.

A Saint Dane, also known as a Great Bernard, is a mix between a Saint Bernard and a Great Dane. Because their parents are both giant breed dogs, expect your Saint Dane to be the same. They can weigh anywhere between 120 and 190 pounds. Like most Dane mixes, their life span is shorter, usually between 7 and 10 years. Saint Danes are gentle, especially with children, and do well as a family companion pet.

Due to their size, we don’t recommend apartment living for the Saint Dane. They also eat quite a bit, so you’ll want to be prepared to have a budget that can feed a giant breed. They will also cost more to care for when they have trips to the vet. The love you’ll get from a Saint Dane will far exceed your budget. As long as you can afford them, the Saint Dane is a devoted and loving family companion.

Saint Pyrenees: Saint Bernard Great Pyrenees Mix

Saint Pyrenees
The Saint Pyrenees pairs the Saint Bernard and the Great Pyrenees.

The majestic Saint Pyrenees is a perfect family companion but also doubles as a fantastic working dog. They may have thicker white coats or carry some of the brown markings coming from their Saint Bernard parent. The Saint Pyrenees is a stubborn breed when it comes to training. They don’t respond well to harsh criticism, similar to other giant breed dogs like the American Mastiff.

This breed, like many on our list, does excellent with children. However, they should be supervised due to their size and clumsy nature. They can also exhibit some willfulness, which can make it difficult to train and handle. Dog owners who have experience with stubborn breeds will do best. Because of their stubbornness and energetic spirit, we do not recommend the Saint Pyrenees to people without prior canine experience.

Saint Shepherd: German Shepherd Saint Bernard Mix

Saint Shepherd
The Saint Shepherd mixes the Saint Bernard and German Shepherd.

The Saint Shepherd mixes the loyal German Shepherd and the gentle Saint Bernard. Both parent breeds are somewhat guarded and can be suspicious of strangers. As a result, it’s important to socialize a Saint Shepherd so that these tendencies don’t commonly show up in the presence of family and friends.

Once socialized, this mix can be loyal, friendly, intelligent, and kind. Saint Shepherds are great family dogs and are well-behaved when they are properly exercised and have a family that can devote time to training them.

Saintkita: Akita Saint Bernard Mix

Saintkita dog laying down
The Saintkita is a mix between the Akita and the Saint Bernard.

A mix between an Akita and a Saint Bernard will give you a Saintkita. This sturdy Akita mix can weigh over 100 pounds. The Saintkita, also known as an Akita Bernard or a Saint Berkita, will do well with a more experienced dog owner. We’d also recommend a larger home and yard for training. Saintkita’s usually do better with handlers who have experience working with giant breeds.

The Akita Bernard is known for its intelligence and devotion. These traits make the Saintkita a capable guard dog. They also tend to bond closely with the person who spends the most time with them. They do best when surrounded by their family. If you are away from your home and working constantly, this may not be the perfect fit. Due to their somewhat anxious nature, Saintkita’s do not do well when left unattended for long periods. Because of their longer double coats, cold climates are best for this mix. Having a larger yard to roam in will also be a benefit, as will having the time to provide them with sufficient daily exercise.

Saintweiler: Saint Bernard Rottweiler Mix

Saint Rottweiler
The Saintweiler combines the Saint Bernard and the Rottweiler.

The Saintweiler is a unique mix between a Rottweiler and a Saint Bernard. This Rottweiler crossbreed is extremely loyal, an excellent watchdog, and a wonderful family companion. The Saintweiler needs to be socialized from a young age. If socialization is done early, Saintweilers will do well around children and other animals. These are large dogs, generally weighing between 70 to 180 pounds. This is a lot of dog, and because of that, it’s not necessarily the perfect dog for first-time dog owners.

They are likely to shed year-round, although the appearance of their fur will depend on which parent breed they take after more. Both parent breeds tend to stick to their family like Velcro, so you’ll definitely be getting a loving and devoted companion.

Final Thoughts

Saint Bernards have been a family favorite for a long time – with good reason. This loving and sweet breed adds gentleness, loyalty, and so many other wonderful qualities to any mix.

If you’re considering owning a Saint Bernard, being open to a mix can reward dog owners with both health benefits and a longer lifespan. Not only can you save a life, but you’ll likely save money on the long-term costs and care of your dog. Looking into some of these amazing Saint Bernard mixes, you could find your next best friend.

Closeup image of groomer brushing small dog to remove excess hair from coat

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