
Can dogs eat basil?

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  • Author
    • #132441
      Rilbie Dilbie
      Verified Participant

      I’m pretty sure tomato and mozzarella are OK, and our Caprese salad does not have a garlic or onion in it (just a little olive oil). I wanted to give our pup Dieter a bite for his gotcha day celebration, but then I realized I’m not sure if dogs are supposed to have basil?

    • #132966
      Emma Braby and dogEmma Braby

      Hi Rilbie Dilbie,
      Lucky for Dieter, a little bit of basil is okay for dogs. But as a general rule, you should avoid feeding your dog too much seasoned or flavored food, as it might upset their tummy. Tomatoes, mozzarella, and olive oil are fine for dogs in small quantities.
      We have a guide on toxic foods for dogs that you should take a look at.
      When it comes to spices, cinnamon, anise seed, basil, chamomile, coriander, dill, ginger, mint, and turmeric are non-toxic spices. Toxic spices include allspice, cayenne, bay leaves, cocoa, chives, cloves, curry powder, garlic, hops, marjoram, mustard seeds, nutmeg, onion, oregano, paprika, and Spanish thyme.
      Happy gotcha day!

    • #132967
      Rilbie Dilbie
      Verified Participant

      Very helpful information, thanks for taking time to share @Emma Braby ! I’m going to print this out and post it on my fridge right now.

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