Grrr…It’s been raining NONSTOP the past few weeks and my dog takes forever to go potty when it’s wet plus he comes back all muddy!! No fun for anyone! We wipe his paws down with a towel and use warm water with soap but anyone have any tips for dealing with ongoing rain, in places like Seattle where it’s an ongoing weather condition!???
Ugh, I feel your pain! My dog does the same thing—takes forever to find the spot when it’s wet out. 🙄 One thing that’s helped is getting a little doggy raincoat (not sure if your pup will tolerate it, though). It keeps them a bit dryer and less muddy.
Yes dog raincoats can definitely help! That and lots of patience. Ha! We keep a towel by the door to wipe off paws after muddy walks. There is also a paw cleaning foam we tried once to get some of the muddy paws between baths. Booties might be a good option too you could try! Hope that helps and stay dry!
Hi @childlessdoglady. I saw your post and wanted to see how things are going. I also wanted to suggest setting up an alternative spot for your pup to go potty when it rains. My little dog refuses to go outside and pee on the wet grass. So, I’ve set up a potty spot in the garage. I use one of those dog potties made from artificial turf. It has been a game changer for getting my dog to go outside and potty when it’s wet or really cold. In this article, you can learn more about other options, like dog litter boxes and indoor potty options. For my larger dog, I have a spot of artificial turf under a covered part of the pard, so she always has somewhere to go. It helps with the muddy mess and was well worth the extra cost and effort to set up. To keep the paws clean, I use a dog paw washer, which is sometimes messy but saves my white carpet.