Mixed Breeds

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Can You Own An Exotic Wolfdog Hybrid?

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Can a wolf mix with a Husky? Yes, they can, and this paring creates a beautiful yet formidable dog. The Siberian Husky crossed with a wolf is known as a wolf hybrid or a Wolfdog. Wolf hybrids are a relatively unknown entity, as not many people successfully take this challenge on. This wolf hybrid is undoubtedly stunning but comes with many difficulties, and only very few families can safely raise this animal. This pup is nowhere near as tame or practical as other Husky mixes.

Ultimately, what you need to remember is that the wolf is not a dog, this is a wild animal, and therefore the wolf hybrid is also going to be very wild in both character and needs. If you are interested in learning a bit more about the Husky and the wolf and comparing each of his parents, then be sure to read our Husky vs. Wolf article.

It’s also important to remember that owning a wolf hybrid can come with its own legal challenges, and it’s not recommended in most states for recreational pet owners. Many wolf-hybrid dogs end up in rescues as they can’t be integrated with traditional wolf packs when they don’t work out. You absolutely MUST check your state’s local laws around owning a wolf hybrid before owning one. Certain states restrict their ownership entirely depending on the percentage of wolf that the hybrid contains. Even then, we do not recommend them due to their wild nature.

Breed Overview
    • specLabel iconWeight75-155 Pounds
    • specLabel2 iconHeight25-33 Inches
    • specLabel3 iconLifespan12-14 Years
    • specLabel4 iconColorsGray, White, Brown, Tan
  • Child Friendliness
  • Canine Friendliness
  • Training Difficulty
  • Grooming Upkeep
  • Breed Health
  • Exercise Needs
  • Puppy Costs

Wolf Hybrids

Not only is there already a lot of debate within the canine community about mixing pedigree dogs, but there is an extra level of controversy surrounding the Husky wolf-dog mix more so than any other designer dog. Despite the belief that all dogs have either descended from the wolf or that they evolved separately from a common ancestor, over thousands of years, domesticated dogs have evolved so much that they are almost entirely different in their physiology and behaviors.

Therefore, mixing the wolf, whose Latin name is Canis Lupus, and the dog, whose Latin name is Canis Lupus Familiaris, while possible, is frowned upon by the majority of those in the canine kingdom. It is also important to note that no matter what percentage, or ratio, of wolf genetics is in the husky wolf hybrid, he will always be a wild animal at heart and not ideal as a typical family pet.

Even if the Wolfdog is claimed to be just 10% wolf, he will display most, if not all, wolf traits simply because their wild instincts are so strong. In order to understand the Husky wolf hybrid, it is important to learn a bit more about his parents.

Siberian Husky

White and Gray Dogs Lounge Outside

Siberian Huskies were bred to pull sleds across frozen tundras.

The Siberian Husky is one of the most ancient dog breeds on the planet, and they were developed in Siberia as a sled-pulling dog used to transport goods and people from tribe to tribe. Their companionship and affection traits were also utilized, and they were used to keep children warm and protect them at night. The first Husky was imported to Alaska in 1908, and they were put to work as sled dogs during the gold rush era.

The Siberian Husky is an energetic dog who craves companionship, and being a pack dog, he needs to feel that he is part of the family pack. He needs a family that can invest and spend a lot of time with him. Otherwise, he will become very unhappy and destructive. The American Kennel Club (AKC) describes him as loyal, outgoing, and mischievous.

Wolf (Canis Lupus)

Wild Gray Animal With Amber Eyes

The Gray Wolf is one of the most familiar of the wolves.

Firstly, it is important to understand that there are two types of wolves, the red and the gray, and it is believed that there are up to 38 subspecies of the wolf, and they are named after the area that they live in. The gray wolf is the most common wolf, and he is the parent of the Husly wolf dog, so throughout this article, we will be referring to the gray wolf.

Evidence suggests that the gray wolf is around 1 million years old, and it is thought that he comes from the Eurasian continent. After some time, the gray wolf was found in North America and has since migrated across the world. They are very adaptable creatures, and they are one of the few mammals to have survived the Ice Age.

Over the last few centuries, there have been many attempts to domesticate the wolf and keep them as family pets. Despite being adaptable creatures, there is a lot of controversy regarding whether they are adaptable enough to be domesticated, with many people believing that they are wild animals who should never be kept as family pets.

There have been successful stories. However, there have also been a lot of fatally unsuccessful stories. There are no statistics regarding their popularity as pets. It is a contentious issue that is undoubtedly gaining popularity.

Wolfdog Mix

Small Pack of Canines in Snow

Wolfdogs will not be domesticated because of their wild wolf parent.

It is important to understand that, with one wild parent, the husky wolf hybrid will never be fully domesticated, and his natural instincts will never be fully suppressed, no matter how well he is trained. Just like his wolf parent, the Husky wolf mix will begin to challenge the status quo at around the age of two, as this is when he becomes mature enough to challenge the pack leader in the wild and assume the role of the leader himself.

If you show any signs of weakness, such as not being dominant enough, being injured, or even tired, then the Husky wolf dog will likely see this as his chance to challenge you. It is important that any prospective owner masters the concept of pack mentality. Never let him into a power position, for if you lose it, you will never get it back.

They are also extremely territorial, and this is a trait that will never be trained out of them. His wolf parent will urinate and defecate around food in order to claim or protect it, and the Husky wolf mix is known to display this behavior in the home from the age of three months. They are also very protective of items once they have them in their mouth, so do not attempt to take anything from the Wolfdog’s mouth. Otherwise, you will likely get bitten.

However, if they are placed into the right home with strict training, then they are also known to be friendly with their pack, similar to his Husky parent, but with slightly more reservation. While this is great, the Husky wolf hybrid should not become accustomed to constant human comfort and interaction, as they will gradually need to spend more and more time outdoors.

Size & Appearance

Gray Canine Standing on a Tall Rock

Wolfdogs are rather large and look like a true Husky wolf mix.

The Wolfdog’s looks will vary significantly, even within the same litter. They can either keep the wild look of their Wolf parent or the domesticated look of their Husky parent. The male Husky wolf mix weighs between 85 and 155 pounds, and the female Wolfdog weighs between 75 and 130 pounds. The male Husky wolf hybrid will measure between 26 and 33 inches tall, from paw to shoulder, and the female will measure between 25 and 32 inches tall.

The Husky wolf mix will usually inherit the golden-brown eyes of the wolf and, on occasion, inherit the bright blue eyes of the Husky. They will almost always have large triangle-shaped erect ears, and their teeth will usually be larger than the domesticated Husky. Their tail will also normally be straight and does not tend to curl up on excitement like the Husky.

Coat & Colors

Handsome Gray Sable Canine Standing in a Snowy Forest
Gray, tan, white, and brown are the most common colors for a Wolfdog.

The Wolfdog has a medium-length double coat that is quite thick and dense. The Husky wolf mix also enjoys a variety of colors, including black, gray, white, brown, and tan. Like his wolf parent, the Wolfdog’s coat color will change until he is around 1 year of age, and while it might not change drastically, the tone and shading certainly will so bear this in mind when you are purchasing him as a puppy.

Exercise Requirements & Living Conditions

Gray Canine Walking Outdoors

These part-wild animals need 3-4 hours of daily exercise.

The Wolfdog will need around 3 to 4 hours of intense exercise every day to ensure that they are kept occupied and happy. A restless dog is destructive, but a restless and bored wolf hybrid is a completely different level of destruction that really cannot be put into words.

Firstly, you need a lot of land. It is suggested that each Wolfdog requires 1 acre of land to roam, and if you have two or more, there needs to be ½ an acre of land for each Wolfdog to avoid pack aggression. This is a minimum requirement, as it should be remembered that wild wolves roam around 20 acres of unconfined land every day. As your wolf hybrid will be confined within the area, it is also advised not to own more than four wolf hybrids at any one time, as this can lead to behavioral problems within the pack due to limited space.

The area must be enclosed with fencing at least 8 feet tall, with 6 feet of strong fencing with an extension of 2 feet at the top, either with an inward incline or with an electric wire. It is also recommended to get a second fencing close to the first fence as it will add an extra level of security, both to prevent an escape, but also to prevent humans and other animals from having contact with the fence, as you will be liable for any mishaps. Two feet of reinforced mesh wire should also be buried vertically into the ground to prevent them from digging out of the enclosure. There are other criteria, so be sure to check this out.

When not outdoors, they can live in the home, but it would be wise to crate-train them so they cannot wander or destroy your property at nighttime. You will need a large house with plenty of room to avoid cabin fever.


Gray Canine Sitting in a Snowy Forest
It is difficult to train a Wolfdog due to its wild nature.

While the Husky wolf mix is very intelligent, do not expect him to pick up commands as easily as a domesticated dog. The concept of interacting with and listening to a human is relatively new to a wolf hybrid, and being trained by one is unfamiliar. Many wolf hybrid trainers suggest the most effective way to train a Wolfdog is to teach him through the process of mimicking, as this is exactly how they learn from their parents in the wild. Standard dog training is very unlikely to be successful with the Husky wolf mix.

Of course, as much socialization is imperative to teach him to be confident in his surroundings with unfamiliar people and sounds. It is also important to introduce him to other animals of all shapes and sizes, including other dogs, so he knows not to attack or be afraid of them.

If he is a puppy, then he will do well with other pets, as he will grow up thinking that this is the norm. However, if he is an adult Wolfdog, then you must introduce him to other household pets slowly, with barriers in place. However, the Husky wolf mix may not accept unfamiliar animals as pack members, which will cause difficulty, but it is something to be prepared for.


Gray Canine Standing on a Rock
This hybrid is considered very healthy with few potential concerns.

His parent, the Husky, is a very healthy dog, and it is recommended that he is tested for hip dysplasia and to undergo an ophthalmologist evaluation. Of course, wolves aren’t required to undergo any health checks, but they are known to suffer from similar health issues to other large dogs, such as joint dysplasia and eye conditions.

Therefore, you can expect the Wolfdog to experience these two health conditions. It would be wise to seek a Veterinarian who understands wolf hybrids. The lifespan of a Wolfdog is 12 to 14 years, so it is a long commitment to undertake just like any other dog.


Gray Wolfdog Lounging Outdoors
Because of their primitive nature, they should be fed a raw meat diet.

Wolfdogs should be fed raw meat, except pork, as it is dangerous for them to consume. Wolfdogs will not reap any benefits from being fed dog kibble and will become quite unwell if they do not get the nutrients they would otherwise get in the wild.

They should be fed several pounds of raw meat every day. It is also advised that they should be given nutritional supplements such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, glucosamine, and wheatgrass, to name a few, all of which can be hidden in the raw meat.

What should be noted here is that this raw diet is much more expensive than any other dog diet, so you must consider this. Unfortunately, however, their diet is non-negotiable, and this is not something you can scrimp on. Otherwise, they may start to look at family pets or begin hunting themselves.


Close Up of Gray Canine Face
Just like both its parents, Wolfdogs are heavy shedders.

The Wolfdog has a double coat that is dense and thick, and he is a heavy shedder throughout the year, especially during shedding season. Being a pack dog, the husky wolf mix will enjoy a grooming session with his pack as pack members clean each other in the wild, but just be sure to groom him from an early age so that he can get used to it. Brush him several times a week to keep his coat manageable, and only bathe him around four times a year when he gets very dirty, as they are self-cleaning dogs.

Breeders & Puppy Costs

Small Gray Puppies Outside

These are not inexpensive dogs to adopt.

Expect to spend around $1,000 on a Wolfdog, but remember to consider the costs of owning one. You can search online for Husky wolf hybrid breeders, and they come up on the first page of most online search engines. It is important to read reviews and speak to others in online forums if you can, for they might know which breeders are great but also which ones to avoid.

Once you find a breeder you like, be sure to meet them, as you will have just as many questions for them as they will for you regarding your suitability. Additionally, “Mission: Wolf” has incredible information and resources for prospective owners, so be sure to check them out.

The average price of a Wolfdog starts from around $1,000. While they might seem like any other dog puppy, as soon as they reach about three months, they transition into the wild animals that they are, so remember that a Wolfdog is for life, not just for its cute puppy period.

Additionally, many breeders will claim that the Wolfdog has a high percentage of wolf just because this appeals to many owners, and therefore, they can charge a premium price. However, the percentile of the dog’s lineage is often very difficult to prove, so unless they have the paperwork to back their claim up, do not pay extra.

Before searching for puppies, you need to look at your local laws, as many states have implemented laws and rules regarding wolf and wolf hybrid ownership. In some states, it is outlawed entirely, and in some states, the owner must obtain an exotic license, and this is not always an easy license to obtain.

Rescue & Shelters

Box of Gray Puppies
You may find a Wolfdog through a rehoming organization.

Many Husky wolf mixes are sent to rehoming centers simply because their families were not prepared for the challenge they took on. The Wolfdog Project lists names and contact details for rescue centers in each state, and these guys are the best people to contact who can help you find the most suited centers to begin your adoption journey.

As Family Pets

  • The Husky wolf mix is unlike a domestic dog, so do not expect him to be.
  • He is a completely different species that may not even be legal to own in your state.
  • A Wolfdog requires a very large home, with a yard that is at least 1 acre, along with other criteria.
  • This breed is not suited to a family with children, be they younger or older.
  • Only an adult family home is recommended here due to his unpredictability and wild tendencies.
  • This breed craves companionship, but finding another breed to pair them with is a challenge.
  • The Husky wolf mix is a sensitive dog who will not take well to changes in circumstances.
  • He may not accept other people into the home or family, including other animals.
  • The Husky wolf mix is very active, and he needs 3 to 4 hours of exercise a day.
  • The Wolfdog needs a formidable leader who will never back down from him.

Final Thoughts

With his wild looks, the Siberian Husky wolf mix is undeniably a visually striking dog. However, the Wolfdog will not be a puppy forever, and as he grows, if he is not trained adequately as a puppy, he will also be undeniably difficult to keep as a family pet. Not only must you seek professional dog training from someone who has wolf hybrid experience, but you must commit your life to training him and looking after his needs. He is an unpredictable pup who needs a knowledgeable master.

According to “Mission: Wolf,” 9 out of 10 Wolfdogs will die as a result of escape, neglect, euthanasia, and misunderstanding. The one surviving Wolfdog will end up homeless because his owners cannot look after him. So, this challenge is not for the fainthearted.

Emma Braby

For the last 5 years, Emma has specialized in writing canine content on Canine Journal, sharing her expertise with dog lovers around the world. Her dog knowledge comes from being a dog owner, professional dog walker, time spent traveling around Europe as a dog sitter, and volunteering in her local rescue centers for the last 15 years. Emma currently has two rescue dogs and hopes to adopt as many dogs as her backyard will allow.

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