Katherine Baldwin

Katherine qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London, in 2010. She started her professional life in mixed practice, working across small animal, farm, and equine sectors. She spent seven years working in a busy, 24-hour small animal hospital in Cambridgeshire, providing routine and emergency care. Her professional interests are in medical workups, oncology, and ultrasonography. She is passionate about client education and empowering pet owners with the knowledge to improve patient welfare and access to veterinary services.
MDR1 In Dogs: Symptoms, Genetic Testing & More

MDR1 In Dogs: Symptoms, Genetic Testing & More

The study of dog genetics is revealing more about the health of our canine companions than ever before. Hidden in…
Dog Itching Relief & Home Remedies For Dog Allergies

Dog Itching Relief & Home Remedies For Dog Allergies

Is your dog’s itchy skin driving him a bit bonkers? As pet parents, we want to give our pups immediate…
Can Dogs Eat Hot Dogs As A Meal Or A Treat?

Can Dogs Eat Hot Dogs As A Meal Or A Treat?

A hot dog cooked on the grill may seem simply irresistible to your furry friend; what’s not to love? But…
Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper? Is Pepper Bad For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper? Is Pepper Bad For Dogs?

Salt and pepper are everyday seasonings used in a lot of human food. Some foods that are healthy for people…
Anal Glands In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Our Personal Experience

Anal Glands In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Our Personal Experience

Let’s find out what normal anal glands are, how to spot issues with your dog’s anal glands, and how to…
Antibiotics For Dog Ear Infection

Antibiotics For Dog Ear Infection

Ear infections in dogs are common and one of the top reasons you may need to seek veterinary treatment for…
Puppy Deworming Schedule: How Puppies Get Worms, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment & More

Puppy Deworming Schedule: How Puppies Get Worms, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment & More

Welcoming home a new furry member of the family is an exciting time. However, intestinal parasites and worms are common…
Dog Vomit Color Guide: What Does Your Dog’s Vomit Says About Their Health?

Dog Vomit Color Guide: What Does Your Dog’s Vomit Says About Their Health?

What do your dog’s vomiting habits say about their overall health? Find out what color your dog’s vomit should be…
Prednisone For Dogs: What To Use It For And When + Side Effects

Prednisone For Dogs: What To Use It For And When + Side Effects

Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid (steroid) used to treat a variety of conditions in pets. It is a prescription-only medication…
Folliculitis In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Folliculitis In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Folliculitis is a common skin condition in dogs. Folliculitis means ‘inflammation of the hair follicle,’ and it has a variety…
Seborrhea In Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Seborrhea In Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Is your dog greasy, itchy, or smelly at the moment? If so, he might have a condition called seborrhea. It's…
Uveitis In Dogs: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Uveitis In Dogs: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Uveitis is an inflammatory condition of the eye that can happen suddenly in dogs for a variety of reasons. Severe…
Alopecia In Dogs: Is Your Dog Losing More Hair Than Usual?

Alopecia In Dogs: Is Your Dog Losing More Hair Than Usual?

We all know that dogs shed their fur — we find it often enough on our clothes and furniture! But…
Lung Cancer In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Lung Cancer In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

As our dogs get older and live longer, and with advances in veterinary care, more and more dogs are getting…
Mammary Tumors In Dogs (Breast Cancer): Symptoms, Treatment & More

Mammary Tumors In Dogs (Breast Cancer): Symptoms, Treatment & More

Cancer in dogs is, unfortunately, common, particularly as they age. Our canine friends are living longer, and advances in veterinary…
Flea Allergy In Dogs: Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Flea Allergy In Dogs: Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Our canine friends can play host to a whole variety of unwanted critters, and there are very few dogs that…
Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy? Symptoms, Treatment & More

Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy? Symptoms, Treatment & More

Keeping your dog safe and happy is every pet parent’s top priority. Poison ivy may concern dog parents when walking…
DHPP Vaccine For Dogs: Is It Necessary, How Often & Side Effects

DHPP Vaccine For Dogs: Is It Necessary, How Often & Side Effects

Taking your puppy or dog to the vet to get their shots is part of being a responsible dog owner.…
Vestibular Disease In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Vestibular Disease In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Vestibular disease (or vestibular syndrome) refers to a group of diseases that affect a dog's balance system (known as the…
Dog Peeing Blood: What Is Haematuria, Causes & How To Treat

Dog Peeing Blood: What Is Haematuria, Causes & How To Treat

Let’s face it, our canine friends spend many of their walks peeing up every tree, bush, and lamppost possible, and…
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) in dogs is a condition in which the cushioning discs between the  spinal column bones (vertebrae)…
Fibrosarcoma In Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prognosis

Fibrosarcoma In Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prognosis

Lumps and bumps are common in our canine friends as they age and can vary hugely in their severity. As…
Mastitis In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Mastitis In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & More

Mastitis in dogs is a painful condition that can progress rapidly and make nursing dogs very sick quickly. Mastitis is…
Collapsed Trachea In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Collapsed Trachea In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tracheal Collapse in dogs is a form of obstruction of the trachea or “windpipe” caused by flaccidity and flattening of…
Hemangiosarcoma In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More

Hemangiosarcoma In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More

Every pet parent dreads their furry family member being diagnosed with cancer. Hemangiosarcoma is a type of blood vessel cancer…
Symptoms Of A Dog Stroke: Types, Causes & Treatment Options

Symptoms Of A Dog Stroke: Types, Causes & Treatment Options

While strokes are less common in dogs than they are in humans, they are equally as serious. The symptoms of…
Laser Therapy For Dogs: How It Works, Treatment Options & Conditions Treated

Laser Therapy For Dogs: How It Works, Treatment Options & Conditions Treated

When our pets are in pain or injured, we naturally want to do everything we can to get them back…
Syncope In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More

Syncope In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & More

Syncope is a medical term for fainting or passing out. These fainting spells are usually brief, caused by a temporary…
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