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Standard Poodle Growth Chart: Male And Female Weight & Height


Last Updated: July 29, 2024 | 18 min read | 2 Comments

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Poodles are an incredibly popular canine breed. These low-shedding, adorable, sweet pups make lovely companions. They can grow to be quite large. Many people associate Poodles with small dogs; however, the Standard Poodle is no small pup. Poodles come in three sizes, Standard, Miniature, and Toy. This guide focuses on the growth milestones of the Standard Poodle.

All dogs have their own perfect size, depending on genetics, lifestyle, care, nutrition, and a few other factors. Understanding the different factors that affect growth, as well as general milestones, is helpful for owners. These guidelines give owners reference points to compare their own dog’s development. Dogs can be bigger or smaller but keeping track of growth helps owners keep their pups healthy and on the right track.

A big question new owners have is, “How big will my Poodle get?” It is normal to want to make sure your pup is developing normally. Our comprehensive guide and Poodle Growth Chart gives owners insight on what to expect for the first year and answer frequently asked questions about Poodle growth and development. You can learn more about the Poodle breed, temperament, and history here. While growth charts are helpful, keep in mind that growth rates will vary. Not all dogs are the same, even among the same breeds.

What To Expect

This information helps owners know what milestones to look for. Learning about a new dog is one of the best things owners can do to help them provide the best care possible. While growth charts like this one can offer general guidelines and milestones, all dogs are different. They may not follow this pattern exactly and can grow faster or slower.


This article presents the average growth patterns of a Standard Poodle. Full-grown male Poodles will weigh between 60 and 70 pounds. Females reach 40 to 50 pounds. Fully grown Poodles stand 15 or more inches. Standard Poodles can reach between 18 and 27 inches tall. Standard Poodles will grow until they are about two years old. However, most growth happens in the first six months of life.

By one year, they have reached almost full size but will continue to grow and fill out slowly over the next year. Standard Poodles will reach emotional maturity around 16 to 18 months. On average, Standard Poodles have a lifespan of 10 to 18 years.

Puppy Growth Timeline

Poodle playing with toy in grass
We take a detailed look at what to expect during the Standard Poodles growth cycle.

Here is a timeline of expected growth for your Standard Poodle puppy and information about the different developmental stages they will experience during the first two years. Learn more about puppy milestones here.

Birth To 2 Weeks

Newborn Standard Poodles will weigh between two and four pounds. They are born blind and deaf, with both their eyes and ears sealed. Over the first few weeks of life, your ears and eyes will open, and they will begin to sense the world around them. For these first two weeks, puppies will not do much more than eat and sleep. They will stay close to their mothers, relying on her for everything. If for some reason, a mother dog cannot nurse her puppies, puppy formulas are available as substitutes.

Even though puppies will not have much activity during this time, they are, in fact, rapidly growing. Owners can expect puppies to gain 5 oz or so the first few weeks and then a pound or more every week for the next few months.

1 Month

By one month old, a Standard Poodle puppy can see, hear, and will start associating different scents with different things. He will find his feet and explore a little bit around him. Puppies will still stick close to mom and rely on her for most of their nutrition. They will still be a little wobbly but will be very curious. Sensory development will be well underway, so puppies should always be kept in a calm, relaxed, safe environment. He will start to put on noticeable weight. Poodle puppies will range between 5 and 9 pounds as they develop between one and two months of age. Males will be slightly larger than females.

A puppy’s baby teeth will begin to erupt around four weeks, which is also the time owners should start to wean them from their mothers. Puppies should be separated from their mothers and offered a small amount of puppy mush. The mush should be made from high-quality puppy food and water. Even kibble will work here, mix one part of food into three parts and let it soak until a watery mush is formed. Puppies may take to this new food quickly or can be hesitant.

Puppy formula replacement can be substituted for water which may make this much more appealing. Once puppies are weaned, they should eat three or four meals of solid food daily. Owners can slowly decrease the amount of water in the food until they are happy eating solid kibble.

2 Months

By two months, a Standard Poodle puppy will have gained control of his feet and is ready to explore. This is also when owners want to start house training their Poodle. While he still may not fully understand how the process works or be able to control his bowel consistently, it is good practice to take him outside regularly and continue with house training until he is fully trained.

Puppies will be full of energy and ready to explore but still need to be closely supervised at this age. If they have not already been to the vet, it is time to start puppy vaccinations. Puppies can begin to be prepared to leave mom and go to other homes.

Puppies will be growing by leaps and bounds by two months old. Female Standard Poodles can weigh between 10 and 16 pounds by two months. Males will be noticeably larger by now, between 15 and 20 pounds. They should be eating three to four meals of high-quality puppy formulated dog food. They must be fed puppy food, not adult dog food. Adult dog food is not formulated to have enough nutrients, protein, or other necessary ingredients to sustain such rapid growth.

3 Months

Three-month-old Standard Poodle puppies are quite independent. They will be ready to explore the great big world and will be growing large quickly. Males can weigh between 22 and 26 pounds, while females will follow close behind, weighing anywhere from 20 to 24 pounds. Remember that every puppy is different, and some will grow quicker than others. Other dogs may simply have a smaller frame or be larger than average.

By three months old, house training should be well underway. Poodles are a very smart breed of canine, so house training done the right way should be a smooth process. Keep in mind that they are babies and will need supervision. Training them to go outside is a process.

It may be helpful to housetrain using a leash or harness and indicating with a familiar word like “potty” or “let’s go” that it is time to go outside to use the bathroom. Repeating this behavior will train your puppy to understand that when he needs to go pee or have a bowel movement, he needs to go outside. Positive reinforcement like cuddles, treats, and toys can greatly benefit the house training process. It is vital to have patience with yourself, end your dog during this time, and understand that accidents are going to happen.

4 Months

A four-month-old Standard Poodle puppy Is a curious, lively ball of fluff. Growth will be significant, and owners will notice a change from week to week. By four months old, males can weigh between 28 to 35 pounds. Females will weigh between 22 and 28 pounds. Despite this large size, Standard Poodle puppies at this age are much like human toddlers. They are playful, high-energy, easily excitable, and may not understand their own size just yet. Owners who need to leave their Poodle puppy for extended periods may want to look into doggy daycare.

They will be well into the teething process and may be prone to chewing things to alleviate pain and other teething symptoms. Watch out for mouthing and biting. These are typical behaviors during teething. Poodles can retain their baby teeth longer than many other canine breeds, so do not be alarmed if their adult teeth have not started to grow in yet. This process may not begin for some Poodles until they are closer to five months old. Owners should be prepared with plenty of soothing teething toys to keep their puppy from chewing up furniture or other household items.

This may be an excellent time to discuss with your veterinarian when the right time to spay or neuter your Standard puppy is. Male Standard Poodles are typically neutered between about four and six months old, in part to prevent aggressive behaviors and tendencies from developing. Most females are spayed between 6 months and 12 months old. Females can reach their first heat between six months and two years of age, so it is essential to discuss this with your veterinarian sooner rather than later.

5 Months

A five-month-old Standard Poodle is nothing short of a handful. They will be large by this point; males can weigh between 32 and 40 pounds. Females follow closely and can weigh between 25 and 30 or more pounds. This is a time of rapid physical growth for your puppy. It is vital to ensure he eats three or four meals of high-quality puppy food. Around five or six months, owners can start to reduce feedings to three times per day.

House training should be almost complete by now, though there still may be the occasional accident. Behavior training and socialization are also essential if they have not already started. Teething behavior will be strong at this time. Owners need to be aware of this, as Poodles tend to take longer to grow in their adult teeth than other breeds. It may not be wise to allow strangers or unknown young children to be around a teething Poodle without supervision.

Their behavior is not aggressive but may be perceived as so as they try to alleviate the discomfort in their mouths. Puppies must understand feeding routines and be provided with plenty of time for physical activity. Significant changes to their schedule, diet, and surroundings can trigger unruly behavior and stress reactions.

6 Months

It may be hard to believe, but by six months old, your Poodle pup is basically a teenager. As odd as it sounds to have a teenager who is teething, that is a fairly accurate description of a Standard Poodle mentality at about six months old. Standard Poodles take longer to mature, anywhere from 15 months to 2 years. Adult teeth should grow in at six months old, and baby teeth should fall out. Sometimes, baby teeth may not fall out before adult teeth grow in. In these cases, veterinarians often remove the extra teeth during a dog’s spay or neuter procedure. Pavy should be eating three meals of high-quality, well-balanced puppy food.

A six-month-old Standard Poodle will be larger than full-grown small and medium-sized dogs of other breeds. Males will reach between 40 to 48 or more pounds females will be slightly smaller, between 30 and 35 or more pounds. Around six months of age, they will be close to their full height, around 18 to 22 inches from paw to shoulder. They will continue to grow taller until they reach about two years old. Standard Poodles generally stand between 18 and 24 inches tall. Keep in mind this is an average. There are Poodles that are taller and Poodles that are smaller.

7 Months

Seven months old Standard Poodle puppies are big, playful, and still a little bit clumsy because they are still growing. It is hard always to be sure of themselves. They will resemble a lanky teenager who has not yet grown into his body. Behavior-wise, they should be reasonably well trained, and house training should be an old habit. If you notice bathroom problems at this age or have concerns about teething or growth, it is good to talk to your veterinarian to ensure your Poodle pup is developing normally. By now, puppy vaccinations should be close to finished, and it is time to get out and explore the world.

Around this age, it is OK to start taking your Standard Poodle to dog parks and for walks in new places. Remember, he is still a puppy, so he must be kept on a leash and closely supervised. He may even be mistaken for a fully grown dog.

Weight gain may start to slow down around this time. Remember, puppies go through growth spurts and lulls. Males will weigh between 45 and 55 pounds. Females will range between 28 and 38 pounds or more. While your puppy’s energy level will still be relatively high, his behavior will likely calm down. Routines and schedules are essential to stick to. This breed will respond very well to positive behavior reinforcement.

8 Months

A male 8-month-old Standard Poodle will weigh between 50 and 57 pounds. Females will weigh between 30 and 38 pounds. They will still be putting on one to two pounds a week for the next three or four months. It is common to see both growth spurts and plateaus during these months. Make sure dogs get regular access to physical exercise, plenty of mental stimulation, and high-quality nutrition at this age. Poodles must be trained to walk on leashes and socialize with other dogs. They are a very good-looking breed and often attract attention.

Though they are cute and fuzzy, Standard Poodles are pretty large. It is essential to start training young and consistently reinforce it throughout their first year. An 8-month-old Standard Poodle will be quite large, and it can be easy to expect adult behavior from a dog of that size. Physical size does not relate to mental maturity.

These dogs still have a long way to go before they are considered fully mature adults. Even at a larger size, these dogs will still exhibit puppy-like tendencies and behavior. Owners must be patient and remember that they are still relatively young. Remember that though these dogs are large, their bones are not fully developed. They could still have soft spots and weak points, so high-impact physical activity is discouraged until they are significantly older.

9 Months

Around nine months old, Standard Poodles should be done with the teething process. This will help to mellow out their behavior and energy. This is an expected time for puppies to start testing their limits. Male dogs may want to establish dominance around this time, so owners must be especially vigilant about reinforcing obedience training. He may also start to be tired of his regular puppy games and activities. This is a wonderful time to introduce him to hiking, as well as new games and toys if you have not already.

Growth will continue, and owners can still expect their dogs to be gaining at least one to 2 pounds a week. Males will weigh between 51 to 61 or so pounds. Females will weigh between about 35 and 40 pounds. While there will still be some growth in height, it is not as noticeable or rapid as the increase in weight. Remember, Standard Poodles grow and mature until they reach about two years old.

At nine months old, they are still going through different stages of development and will have hormonal and physical changes happening to their bodies. Poodles tend to be quite hyper when they are puppies, so even at nine months, they will likely still have a lot of energy and need plenty of physical activity.

10 Months

Standard Poodle puppies should have well-established routines and behavior expectations by ten months old. If they are experiencing boredom, it might be time to increase physical activity or introduce new areas to explore.

In male dogs especially, dominant behavior will start to show up around this time. Owners need to stand firm and boundaries and behavior reinforcement. Do not allow your dog to take the upper hand. Once that happens, it is tough to regain that dominant role. Reaching out to an obedience trainer may be a good idea if you start to notice behavior and aggression concerns at this time. It is important to remember that though your dog may look and act like a fully mature adult, he is still not all the way there.

Size-wise 10-month-old males can weigh between 55 and 65 pounds, and females will weigh between 36 and 46 pounds. While there will still be some weight gain over the next few months, Standard Poodles will be close to reaching their full size.

11 Months

It is time to start thinking about switching your Standard Poodle from puppy food to adult-formulated chow. This is not something that should be done suddenly. However, you can begin to add a little bit of adult dog food to his puppy kibble to get him used to the taste of it. Over the next two months, gradually decrease the puppy chow and increase the adult dog food. Make sure to pick an adult-formulated dog food that supports a large breed like the Standard Poodle. You will want to ensure they are getting plenty of healthy proteins, good fats, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that support coat health.

For females who have not yet been spayed, this is an excellent time to talk to the veterinarian about setting this procedure up. Any dogs that are not going to have breeding purposes should be spayed or neutered. Doing this procedure young helps prevent some disagreeable behaviors and certain health concerns. Male Standard Poodles will be quite large by this time and wave between 55 and 68 pounds. Females will way between 38 and 48 pounds.

1 Year

It’s party time! Your Standard Poodle is one year old, and it is time to celebrate. Though they will still have some emotional maturity to develop, physically, a Standard Poodle will be fully grown at one year old. Males will weigh between 60 and 70 pounds, and females will weigh between 40 and 50 pounds. At 12 months old, your dog can switch entirely to adult dog chow.

By their first birthday, Standard Poodles should be well behaved, socialized, and somewhat calmer than they were a few months ago. They will still have plenty of energy. However, they will be well established in their daily routines and behavior expectations. They should eat three meals a day and have a relatively good understanding of good and unruly behavior. By now, your dog will have learned many different tricks and games and should be leashed trained. He should do well being around other people and dogs; however, temperament varies among this breed.

18 Months – 24 months (2 years)

By 18 months (about one and a half years), most of that puppy energy will have worked its way out of your Standard Poodle’s behavior. There should not be much weight gain, though these dogs may continue to fill in a little until they reach two years old. Their full height of 22 to 27 inches from paw to shoulder will be reached between 18 and 24 months or two years old.

A Standard Poodle is considered an adult, fully grown, and mature dog at two years old. There should not be any rapid weight gain or weight loss. If this is the case, it is best to consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical concerns. Adult Standard Poodles will need regular daily exercise, consistent grooming, and high-quality nutrition. They are large dogs and need a well-balanced diet to sustain proper growth and development from puppyhood to their senior years. A Standard Poodle is considered a senior dog when they reach about seven years old.

What Happens Next?

Standard Poodle
Though this is a larger-sized canine breed, it is best not to overfeed them.

A Standard Poodle puppy will continue to develop for about 12 months after he reaches his first birthday. He will be considered a fully mature adult dog between 18 and 24 months or two years old. If you are concerned that he has missed any puppy milestones or is not developing properly, it is best to reach out to your veterinarian as soon as you notice these issues. Maintain a consistent feeding schedule throughout your dog’s life, from puppyhood to senior years. Adult Poodles should be eating two to three regular meals a day.

Full Grown Poodle

The Standard Poodle is considered an incredibly smart dog by the American Kennel Club and just about everyone who meets one. They grow to be medium to large size and will live from 10 to 18 years on average. Standard Poodles are the largest breed of the Poodle variety and stand at least 15 inches tall. They are quite athletic and well trainable, making them extremely popular show dogs.

Adult Standard Poodles will be calmer and less obnoxious than their younger counterparts. They are highly trainable and should respond to commands well and understand appropriate behavior and interaction with humans and other dogs. Around two years old, Poodle coat colors may start to fade from the bright puppy colors to a more muted hue. This change varies. Some owners will not notice any fading of their coat color, while others may see a drastic change.

Poodle Growth Chart: Weight & Height

AgeMale Weight (lbs.)Female Weight (lbs.)
Birth to 2 weeks2 - 42 - 4
1 month5 - 94 - 6
2 months15 - 2010 -16
3 months22 - 2620 -24
4 months28 - 3522 - 28
5 months32 - 4025 - 30
6 months40 - 4830 - 35
7 months45 -5528 -38
8 months50-5730 - 38
9 months51 - 6135 - 40
10 months55 - 6536 - 46
11 months55 - 6830 - 48
1 year ( 12 Months)60 - 7040 - 50
18 months60 - 7040 - 50
2 years (24 Months)60 - 7040 - 50
HeightMale & Female
2 Months10 - 12
3 Months14 -15
4 Months16 - 18
6 Months18 -20
12 Months22 - 24
18 - 24 Months22 - 27

Factors To Consider

Several different factors will go into how large a Standard Poodle will be. Breed and genetic makeup will play a significant role. Growth charts and puppy guidelines are a good reference point for owners to keep track of milestones and growth periods; however, they are not an absolute measure or prediction of how large or quickly any specific dog will develop.

Dogs will reach the right size for them, even if they do not precisely follow guidelines or breed standards. Owners should always discuss developmental and growth concerns with their veterinarians sooner rather than later. Several distinct factors can impact a Poodle’s growth and development. Consider the following when monitoring your Standard Poodle’s growth.


Genetics is one of the most significant impacting factors when it comes to how large any canine breed will be. Bloodline matters, and in some cases, mixed breeds will be larger than purebreds. There will always be some genetic variants at play. Owners can look at parent dogs and bloodlines to get an indication of how large their Standard Poodle puppy may be. This also applies to coat colors and types.

Poodles can be prone to health conditions that may impact size and development. Poodles have some predisposition to hereditary health problems such as thyroid disease, progressive retinal atrophy, skin issues, Addison’s disease, hip dysplasia, gastric torsion, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Thyroid issues are common. These can be present in puppies or develop as a dog ages. Poodles can suffer from idiopathic epilepsy, an inherited condition that causes mild to severe seizures.


Next to genetics, nutrition is one of the most vital factors in how large a Standard Poodle will get. They need a diet with plenty of healthy proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, and more. Healthy meats include chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, salmon, whitefish, duck, and rabbit. All-natural food free of fillers is best. Make sure to feed him puppy food until he is about a year old.

Avoid foods with artificial colorings and with animal by-products. Coat health, skin health, vision, and bone health depend on proper nutrition throughout a Poodle’s life. This breed can have a sensitive stomach, so be very careful to consistently provide top-quality nutrition. Sudden changes can cause significant discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This can lead to dogs not wanting to eat, which will negatively impact their development.

Growth Spurts & Plateaus

All canines will experience growth spurts and plateaus. They use and expend enormous amounts of energy to grow, which can fluctuate with these growth spurts. Growth spurts and lulls are unpredictable and can happen anytime throughout your pup’s first couple of years. Remember that Poodles can grow for up to two years, both physically and mentally.

As owners, it is our job to ensure puppies have everything they need to support proper growth and development. Talk to your veterinarian if you are worried about your Standard Poodle’s growth or lack of growth. It helps to keep good records of his care and any growth milestones. This can help your vet determine if his development is normal.

Neutering & Spaying

Neutering or spaying your pup too early can result in some developmental issues. While it may not impact size, it can affect lifelong health. It can impact bone growth, causing a delay in how long bones need to develop fully. It can also impact joint health throughout a dog’s lifespan. With Standard Poodles, males may go through a neutering procedure sooner than females, as it takes females a little longer to sexually mature.

Physical Health & Activity

The physical health of a dog is another critical factor in how big they will grow. Dogs with poor nutrition, disease, or underlying health conditions may not grow as fast or as large. Puppies with chronic illnesses or who do not get enough exercise can develop slowly. Too much exercise can overexert a dog and cause mobility problems, anxiety, and exhaustion. Regular physical activity is pivotal to proper growth and development.

Physical health is the core of proper growth and development. Improper feeding, poor care, and an unsafe home can all contribute to stunted and poor growth. Always make sure Poodles have plenty of room to play, opportunities to play and run outside, and a home free of obstacles that can cause injury. If your dog is inactive or seems not to be doing well physically, it is time to check in with the vet.

Dental health is an often-overlooked area of canine health. Serious dental disease can develop by just two years old. Many owners do not realize dental care’s impact on overall health and development. Dental care should start as soon as a dog gets his adult teeth, if not sooner. Regular veterinary care is vital to proper growth and development and is one of the best steps an owner can take. This stays true throughout your Standard Poodles life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average size of a Standard Poodle?

Males can reach 60 to 70 pounds. Females reach about 40 to 50 pounds. Fully grown Poodles stand over 15 or more inches tall. Standard Poodles can reach between 18 and 27 inches tall.

How does neutering/spaying my Standard Poodle impact growth?

There is not a lot of research about this stunting growth. However, it can have a significant impact on development and bone health. Doing this too early can impact the length of time bones grow, weakening the skeletal system. In some cases, it can result in a taller than average dog.

How long does it take a Standard Poodle to reach full growth?

This breed will do most growing in the first year but can continue to grow until they are two or even three years old. They will be almost adult size around 12 months.

Are growth spurts normal for Standard Poodles?

Yes. Growth spurts and plateaus are normal for all breeds, Poodles included. All dogs are different, and there is no way to predict or control these. Always reach out to your veterinarian if you feel that your dog is growing too quickly or slowly.

Final Thoughts

The Standard Poodle is a regal, medium to large-sized dog. They will grow leaps and bounds in the first year. This breed grows for longer than many other breeds and will not fully mature until about 24 months old. When fully grown, they will be medium to large-sized pooches.

Males will be larger than females. Growth can depend on many factors, including genetics, nutrition, health, and physical activity. This dog will need to have top-quality nutrition to support growth and development. Knowing what milestones to look out for is the first step to helping your dog live a long, healthy, happy life.

Knowing what to look out for is a good start, and this Poodle growth chart offers general guidelines to look out for. Always consult your veterinarian about your specific puppy’s health and growth concerns.

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