My dog HAS to be under a blanket when he’s napping. He has his special blankets for the couch, his dog bed, in his crate, and when he sleeps on my bed at night. If he can’t successfully burrow under the blanket, he comes to get me to cover him. He’s such a goofball!
Go on Etsy – there are a ton of fun childless dog lady shirts for Kamala. Probably not to support her campaign, but you can support like-minded supporters!
OMG Frankie. Mine does the same thing. Drives me crazy too. My dog also licks my couch, blankets, and sheets until they’re soaking wet. I’d love to know how to curb this too. I haven’t found anything that works.
OMG, I feel you! My dog is a pain in the butt about licking our food, whether it’s cooked or not. We’ve never had a problem with getting sick from this, but now I’m wondering if I’m not being careful enough. Anyone have any advice?!