
Homemade Flea And Tick Prevention For Dogs

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Izzee and dog mom in water (Caption: Homemade Flea & Tick Prevention)

Izzee, my loyal and trusted sidekick and licensed therapy dog, and I go everywhere together. Her unconditional love is astounding. In return, I want to give her the best life possible including top-notch food and chemical-free products. There are so many ill-fated side effects from the chemical-based flea and tick prevention medicines. So, I don’t want to take that risk with Izzee.

This led me to research and create a homemade flea spray and homemade tick repellent for dogs that anyone can make at home.

DIY Natural Flea And Tick Treatments For Dogs

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Looking for a homemade flea and tick spray for dogs? Here’s how to make the best homemade flea killer for dogs:

  1. Pour a quart of boiling water over a large thinly sliced lemon and let steep overnight
  2. Drain the lemon water and pour it into a large glass spray bottle
  3. Add 10 drops each of Lemongrass oil and Citronella oil
  4. Add 1 cup of vinegar (white distilled or apple cider vinegar)
  5. Add a few drops of Cedarwood oil
  6. Keep the DIY tick spray for dogs refrigerated and shake well before applying to your dog’s coat

Another Natural Flea And Tick Treatment For Dogs

For an added natural tick treatment for dogs, I use Rose Geranium oil (different than plain Geranium oil), by placing several drops (undiluted) on the inside of Izzee’s collar and on the base of her tail. I also use it on my wrists and ankles when I am in the woods. (Keep in mind that Izzee weighs about 80 pounds, so be sure to adjust the amount of oil according to your dog’s size.)

How To Use Natural Flea Treatment For Dogs

After spraying the mixture on Izzee including her belly, I spray some on my hands to wipe on her face so that none of it goes in her eyes. Then, I run my fingers through her fur to ensure full coverage. Also, Izzee LOVES the water so I often reapply after her fur dries from her most recent water adventures.

How often you apply natural flea and tick prevention is dependent on your dog and your lifestyle. The more frequently your dog gets in the water, and the more time the two of you spend in the woods, the more often I recommend applying the natural flea and tick treatment. If those two things are at a minimum, then once a week is enough.

Don’t Feel Like Making Your Own?

You can also buy a natural flea and tick product if you don’t feel up to the task of making your own.

Best Natural Flea & Tick Product: Wondercide


View Wondercide’s Products on Amazon

Our vote for the best natural flea and tick product is Wondercide’s line of products. They include organic, human-grade ingredients that kill the flea and tick life cycle upon contact and provide ongoing prevention. They offer natural sprays, shampoos, oils, and tonics, as well as yard and home control products.


Below is a sampling of Wondercide’s products.


Cedarcide Vet's Choice

View Cedarcide’s Products on Amazon

Cedarcide offers several 100% natural and eco-friendly sprays that kill and repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, bed bugs, mites, ants, chiggers, flies, moths, and more. They also carry pet-safe flea and tick repellent granules for your yard. And their pricing is very reasonable for natural products.

Vet’s Best

Vet's Best Flea and Tick Advanced Strength Dog Shampoo

View on Amazon

This advanced strength flea and tick dog shampoo contains 100% certified natural essential oils and plant-based ingredients (no harsh chemicals). It kills fleas, flea larva, flea eggs, and ticks on contact. This shampoo also cleans and deodorizes your dog’s coat with a pleasing rosemary and peppermint scent. It’s safe for puppies 12 weeks and older.


Video: Checking Your Dog For Fleas

This two-minute video from Banfield Pet Hospital shows how to properly check to see if your dog has fleas or not. Learn more about getting rid of fleas in your home and on your pet. You may also want to check out some non-homemade prevention products you can buy.

Flea Prevention Infographic

Check out this infographic we created that summarizes how to prevent fleas and ticks, how to remove ticks, and our DIY natural flea and tick treatment.

Infographic: Flea prevention for dogs

My hope is that someday we can eliminate the chemical-based products that are used so frequently on our pets as well as on us. Just like our bodies were not made to process and get rid of such toxins, our dogs were not either. The better we care for our dogs through high-quality food, exercise, love, and fewer chemicals. The healthier they will be, the longer they will live, and the lower their vet bill will be.

This guest post was written by Deanna Dzybon. Want to follow Deanna’s adventures? Check her out on Instagram: @Izzee Talk.

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