
How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs: Treatments & Tips To Prevent

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Combing a dog's paw getting fleas out (Caption: how to get rid of fleas on dogs)

Got fleas? That bites – literally! When it comes to household pests, there is one in particular that sends fear deep into a dog owner’s heart – fleas. There are many common misconceptions about fleas and a wide number of possible solutions to getting rid of them. Are you wondering how to get rid of fleas on my dog?

Some cures for flea infestation have been proven to be completely effective, while others don’t even make a dent. Whether your flea problem begins with a single flea carried by your pet or with a whole host transferred to your home unknowingly, the result always ends in an infestation. So, getting rid of fleas will take a concerted effort. Luckily, we’ve got some tips to help you out in your battle.

Fleas Overview

There are over 2,000 different versions of fleas throughout the world. Fleas are particularly small, as anyone who has experienced an infestation will be able to tell you, varying from 1/16 inch to 1/8 inch. You might realize you have a flea problem if you notice your pet (or even you) itching like crazy or if you see any small, raised red bites.

Fleas may start with one family member, but oftentimes they jump to other family members, so it’s important to act quickly. Fleas can jump as high as seven inches and 13 inches horizontally. They travel from one place to another in search of a fresh blood supply, but, there are some fleas that cannot live off of human blood. Many of the common flea species can be eliminated with your average eradication solutions.

Person on computer checking pet insurance quotes (Caption: Save Money on Vet Bills, Button: Get Free Quotes)

Find The Source Of Infestation

Lifecycle of fleas on dogs

Before taking action, you must determine where the infestation came from. If the infestation came from your pet, you should make a trip to the veterinarian so your pet can have a flea bath to kill the fleas that are currently living off your pet. Do not bring your pet inside your home until you completely rid your home of fleas, or else they may be infested again. You can avoid this type of infestation by applying a flea and tick preventative to your pet on a regular monthly basis.

If your flea infestation began with a carpet or other item that was given to you by friends or family, it is important to let them know that there were fleas in the item so that they can address the problem in their own household as well. Bringing up a flea infestation with anyone is a delicate matter but do not be tempted to let the situation go because fleas can quickly and easily infest even the cleanest home. It is also worth contacting individuals that have been in your house since the infestation began since fleas can travel on humans.

Before You Treat, Wash

Before you pursue any treatment, you should do a good old-fashioned cleaning. And when we say clean, we don’t just mean your dog’s bed; we mean everything. From your bedding to your towels to anything your dog lies on, make sure you wash it all, and in hot water if possible.

While you’re ridding your washable items of those tiny pests, break out the vacuum on every floor and couch, and be sure to empty the vacuum bag. Then fasten that bag securely, and place it outside so that none of those unwanted pests make their way back into your home. Clean your hard surfaces, and after washing everything – including your dog – you’re ready to start your flea treatment.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs: Two Methods (Natural And Chemical)

Dog taking a bath

When it comes to eliminating fleas from your home, there are those who believe that the quickest way to rid themselves of the problem is also the best way, and there are those who believe that the best way to eliminate the infestation is the natural way. Neither of these ideas is right or wrong since both have been proven to work in different circumstances.

However, depending on your beliefs or needs, you may be more partial to one method. On one hand, your top concern may be saving your small children from flea bites as quickly as possible. Or it may be exposing your children to as few foreign chemicals as possible. No matter which method you decide to pitch your flea-killing tent in, you have options.

How To Remove Fleas From Dogs The Natural Way

Looking at how to naturally get rid of fleas on dogs? Here are nine ways.

1. Sticky Flea Pads And Electronic Traps

Sticky flea pads are similar to the fly paper that many households used decades ago. Generally, you attach them to an electronic trap that you plug in near a location that is severely infested with fleas. Fleas are attracted to the trap over a period of weeks and get stuck on the paper. The drawback to using sticky traps is that they appear extremely unsanitary and take a long time to eradicate fleas. It’s important to use traps for a significant period of time to ensure all fleas are captured and that you bathe all animals in the home (as specified above) to reduce the number of parasites living off your pet.

We recommend The Terro Flea Trap – $17.09

2. Boric-Acid-Based Products

Boric-acid-based products are a highly recommended solution for flea infestations, particularly when there are animals living in the household. Boric acid is not toxic to people or animals, but it kills fleas. When boric-acid-based products are sprinkled on the carpet and throughout the infected household, the extremely fine particles of boric acid work their way into the carpet and are not easily sucked up by vacuum cleaners.

The trick is to sprinkle a layer on the carpet and use a broom to work it down into the fibers, then vacuum off any excess. As fleas come in contact with the particles, they quickly die. However, this means that it is extremely important to vacuum the floors regularly to reduce the dead fleas that are on your carpet.

We recommend Granular Boric Acid – $17.99

3. Nylar

When it comes to homes with tile, wood, or linoleum flooring, many health-conscious individuals choose to use Nylar (a pyriproxyfen). Nylar regulates the growth of fleas and is commonly used where pets spend most of their time. It only needs to be applied once a year to clean up a flea infestation. This product is unique in the way it works — it mimics the juvenile flea hormone, preventing young fleas from becoming adults. It also stops flea eggs from hatching, reducing flea populations drastically.

We recommend Ultracide Flea & Tick Pest Control – $35.13

4. Rosemary Flea Dip (DIY) or Wondercide All-Natural Flea & Tick Spray

Homemade rosemary flea dip is a DIY-recommended holistic cure for canine flea infestations. Place two cups of fresh rosemary sprigs in boiling water for half an hour. Then strain the liquid and add it to a gallon of warm water (it must be warm to be effective). You could also add 2-4 drops of rosemary essential oil to your warm water. When the solution is warm but not too hot, pour it on a flea-infested dog. Then, let the dog air dry. Be sure not to let the dog lick or scratch until it is dry.

If you’d prefer to go with a pre-made herbal solution, there are some options available at stores as well.

We recommend Wondercide Flea & Tick Spray – $26.99 ($1.69 / Fl Oz)

5. Lavender Essential Oil

A lavender essential oil can serve as a natural flea killer when it’s applied to dogs. For a 50+ pound dog, you just place one drop of oil at the back of the neck and one at the base of the tail to control flea infestations. For a smaller dog, just start with one drop at the back of the neck to start. A few drops of lavender oil can also be applied to baseboards in areas where flea infestations are troublesome.

We recommend Now Foods 100% Pure Lavender Oil –

6. Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a non-toxic solution for treating your dog for fleas directly. In fact, natural living experts claim that one small tablet or a spoonful of Brewer’s yeast added to your dog’s food will make him taste repulsive to fleas. When using this natural control, it is important to check with your veterinarian to find out the correct dosage because it varies based on the weight of the dog.

We recommend Four Paws Brewers Yeast Tablets – Check Amazon for availability

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another canine-only flea controller since it has a particularly strong odor and would leave the home smelling particularly foul if it was used throughout the home. Adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water bowl will make them taste terrible to fleas and reduce the likelihood of a flea infestation. It can also treat pyoderma, a skin disease that is a symptom of fleas when placed topically.

We recommend Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar – $6.84 ($0.21 / Fl Oz)

8. Warm and Soapy Water And Flea Comb

Another non-chemical solution is warm and soapy water, but it only helps with adult flea infestation. Here’s how it works: when it gets dark outside and your pet goes to bed, place a dish of warm soapy water beneath a night light. The fleas are attracted to the warm light, but they are not able to swim in the soapy water and will drown. Only the adult fleas will leave their host to enter the warm light, so there will most likely still be fleas on your pet.

However, with the reduced number of adult fleas, the population will increase at a slower rate. This solution is not fully effective since many of the fleas on your pet will not want to leave their host. So if you decide to use this method, make sure that you wash your pet thoroughly in Johnson and Johnson’s baby shampoo or Dawn dishwashing soap and warm water using a flea comb.

We recommend the Safari Flea Comb – $9.94

9. Lemon Spray

Lemon spray is another known natural flea repellent. To make, quarter a lemon and steep in boiling water overnight. In the morning, strain out the lemon pieces. Then spray the solution on your dog or around your household in areas where fleas gather.

Learn more about homemade and natural flea prevention

How To Treat Dog With Fleas The Chemical Way

Some of you may be looking for the quickest route possible to eliminate fleas. While many chastise others for their decision to use harsher chemicals, there are quite a few good reasons to eliminate fleas as quickly as possible. There are a few treatments for fleas on dogs that you can do that involve more effective, faster results.

Hire A Professional

For most people, using a chemical-based flea eradication technique means they have a professional come to their house. They apply compounds that eliminate fleas in a matter of weeks rather than a matter of months. There is one important thing to consider when choosing a faster method of flea control, especially when it is a result of allergies within the home. Individuals that are sensitive to flea bites may also have allergies to the more abrasive agents used in flea control methods.

In addition to speed, another advantage to using this type of pest-removal service (Orkin is a national company that offers Flea infestation solutions) is typically they guarantee their services. If they don’t resolve your issue following service, you will receive your money back or a second treatment free of charge.

Do It Yourself

If you are looking for a more affordable best way to get rid of fleas on dogs, you may want to purchase flea eradication powders or solutions from your local vet or pet supply store. Speak to a salesperson in the store to see if they have used the product or know someone who has. This will help you learn more about the product and its side effects. While the most guaranteed solution is to hire a professional (if you are not as concerned about earth-friendly and natural solutions), that is not always a feasible option. Here are a few chemical treatments that warrant a mention.

The only tick collar that detaches and kills fleas and ticks effectively, the Preventic Tick Collar is a great complement to a topical flea treatment program. Each collar is effective for three months, so two collars provide a convenient six months of protection.

We recommend the Preventic Tick Collar – Check Amazon for availability

Convenient tablets that are administered orally (we recommend inserting them into a soft treat). It’s effective, safe, and provides protection that can’t be washed or rubbed off.

We recommend Capstar Flea Treatment Tablets – Check Amazon for availability

Be Vigilant In Eradication To Avoid Re-Infestation

Whether you choose to use natural flea eradication methods, hire a professional pest control company or use a flea control product that you buy from your local veterinarian or a store, you should always be vigilant in your pest control. Flea populations can quickly return when only a few fleas are left alive, so it is crucial that you continue treatment procedures even after all signs of fleas have gone.

Flea Prevention

After (or hopefully before) eradication comes prevention. Continue to vacuum every other day, wash bedding in hot water once a week, and treat your dog regularly, whether that be one of the natural remedies listed or a chemical, vet-prescribed, or over-the-counter treatment.

If an over-the-counter treatment is your prevention route of choice, here are a few of our favorites, and you can also read our comparison of Advantage vs. Frontline.

Advantage Topical Flea Treatment For Dogs

This once-a-month topical flea treatment for dogs kills adult fleas before they lay eggs and larvae before they hatch. It’s safe, prevents re-infestation for four weeks, and one package includes six treatments – $50.98 ($12.74 / Count) .

Merial Frontline Plus Flea And Tick Control For Dogs And Puppies

This medicated ointment for dogs kills 98 to 100 percent of fleas, eggs, larvae, and ticks. The package contains three treatments for three months of protection and is waterproof to sustain swims and baths – $69.00 ($11.50 / Count) .

VetGuard Plus – XL Dogs

This monthly flea, tick, and mosquito treatment for dogs over 66 pounds break the flea life cycle and prevents eggs from developing into adults for up to 123 days. It also kills flea larvae for up to four months and kills/repels ticks for up to four weeks – Check Amazon for availability .

How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs Infographic

How to prevent fleas and ticks on dogs infographic

Professional Pest Control Is Always A Consideration

As small as fleas are, it is quite possible for just a few to escape your treatment. And since the female flea is capable of laying up to 600 eggs in her lifetime, it doesn’t take long for an entirely new flea infestation to begin. If you want to be sure that you’ve eliminated your pest problem, your best bet is to always utilize professional pest control services that guarantee their work, and if you look hard enough, you may just find a local pest control service that utilizes natural solutions to terminate fleas. Read our flea & tick prevention recommendations and subscription options.

Sadie Cornelius

Sadie graduated from the Moody School of Communications at the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s in Advertising and a business concentration from UT’s McCombs School Of Business. She has covered dog-related topics for Canine Journal since 2012. Her dog advice and expertise have appeared in many notable media outlets, including The New York Times, Forbes, People, Reader’s Digest, Apartment Therapy, and dozens of regional news organizations. Sadie’s love of pets started from an early age with her childhood Cocker Spaniel and cats and is a dog mom to a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Georgie.

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