
Sunday Lawn Care Review: Check Out What It Did In My Yard

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Sunday Lawn Care product next to dog sitting in the grass.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

Having a luscious green lawn and keeping your pets safe from chemical fertilizers can be tricky. At Sunday Lawn Care, their mission is to “support the whole ecosystem for a beautiful lawn that’s full of life.” Included in that is making your lawn safe for your pets and family to enjoy.

In addition to a la carte products, Sunday provides custom DIY lawn care kits based on your location, weather conditions, yard size, and soil type. They offer many solutions to maintain curb appeal while protecting your pooch’s paws. I researched and tested many of Sunday’s pet-safe products and share my experience to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Visit Sunday’s Website

Sunday Lawn Care Review

Sunday logo

Product Name: Sunday Lawn Care

Product Description: Sunday Lawn Care is a pet-safe lawn fertilizer subscription program.


Sunday Lawn care is an excellent choice to help keep your pets safe and your lawn looking healthy.

We based our overall rating on several factors, including plan customization, quality of pet-safe products, ease of use, customer service, pricing, customer feedback, and more.

Overall Score



  • Offers a customized subscription plan or individual product purchases
  • Pest control, weed control, lawn care, plants, trees, and garden tools available
  • Plans tailored to your climate area
  • Organic and natural ingredients
  • All products are non-toxic for pets and humans
  • Excellent value
  • Easy to use
  • Free shipping


  • Customers complain that the Dandelion Doom bottle leaks
  • Instructions for products can sometimes be oversimplified or sparse, causing the user to have questions

Key Features

Sunday Fertilizer box overhead shot.
  • Convenient subscription service
  • Lawns up to 25,000 square feet can be serviced
  • Earth-friendly, pet-safe ingredients
  • Free soil analysis test included with every custom plan
  • All tools needed (except for a hose) are provided
  • Also offers various natural, pet-safe products, including weed killer, grass seed, pest control, and more
  • Unlimited expert support and customer service is available 7 days a week
  • A 1% for the planet business that donates a portion of all sales to help the environment

How Does Sunday Lawn Care Work?

Sunday is a company that specializes in pet and kid-safe lawn care and pest control products. You can purchase all of their products on their website or sign up for a subscription lawn care plan customized for your lawn. The goal of the subscription is to tweak your soil throughout the year so it can grow the healthiest grass possible. 

To get your custom plan, first, you type in your address and answer a series of questions related to your yard. Then they’ll use this information to determine your yard’s square footage, soil type, and climate. These factors determine your plan.

Sunday Lawn Care Quiz screenshot.
Sunday wants to know what’s most important to you regarding your lawn to ensure you get the right products to fit your needs.

Sunday then uses a combination of satellite imagery, climate information, and soil conditions to customize your plan.

Sunday Lawn Care Yard Satellite vie Screenshot.
A satellite image of your neighborhood is provided to ensure Sunday has the correct location and size of the lawn you want to treat.

Sunday creates an in-depth analysis of your yard in seconds using the information provided. It provides a breakdown of your lawn’s potential given the soil profile, predicted rainfall, temperature by month, and more.

Sunday Lawn Care Yard Analysis Screenshot.
Sunday’s in-depth soil analysis helps them determine the appropriate products for your lawn needs.

Next, you’re given several plans, from basic to more complex needs like repair or pet damage. You also have the option to “pay as you grow” or pay in full for the year. Shipping is free with all plans, and you see a breakdown of what comes in each box.

Sunday Lawn Care Cart Screenshot.
You get an itemized total of what’s in your lawn care plan and any add-ons you may have chosen.

Sunday then ships you their all-natural, pet-safe fertilizers geared toward your lawn’s specific needs. They also ship you a free soil analysis kit with your first shipment that you can send back to their lab for a more precise diagnosis of what your lawn needs.

Sunday Lawn Care products custom plan sitting in grass.
These are some add-ons I got to tend to some areas in my yard, including bare spots from construction work, urine spots from my dog, and the sporadic dandelions that pop up.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

Depending on the time of year you sign up, you will get up to 3 shipments annually with 2-4 product pouches in each box. Initially, you’ll also get a sprayer that attaches to your hose and works as a delivery system for the pouch contents. Delivery timing is specific to each customer’s climate and grass growth.

Full-Year Custom Lawn Plan Pricing


Use code KICKOFF20 to get 20% off all lawn plan purchases. Just use this link to get started.

Sunday Custom Plan Price Quote Examples

I ran quotes for my lawn and others to provide you with a range of pricing examples from different parts of the country and for yards of various sizes. Each plan comes with a free laboratory soil test kit. Here is what I found for basic care packages (base plans).

Location (Yard Size)North Carolina (XL)Iowa (Average)Ohio (Mid-Size)
Size Yard 12,329 sq ft3,710 sq ft5,110 sq ft
Soil Typesilty, acidic soilsilty, balanced pH soilsilty, acidic soil
Annual Cost$299 $189 $219
# Pouches1568

See other plan options below based on the Ohio plan (middle range, mid-sized yard).

Sunday Lawn Care Plan Options screenshot.
You get to decide which bundle fits your wants and needs.

Sunday Lawn Care Products

Below is a sample of items sold by Sunday that you can add to any plan or buy individually as needed.

Fertilizer & Nutrients

Sunday Lawn Care fertilizer and nutrients.
  • Microboost Liquid Fertilizer
  • Super S Liquid Fertilizer
  • Core Seagreen Dry Fertilizer
  • Lawn Aid Heat Stress Prevention Treatment

Shop All Fertilizer & Nutrients

Premium Grass Seed

Sunday Lawn Care grass seeds.

These come in 5-pound bags unless otherwise noted.

  • Fescue Rescue
  • Kentucky’s Best: Bluegrass
  • Shade Select: Mix of Fescue & Ryegrass
  • Bermuda Time: Bermudagrass
  • Lucky Lawn: Mix of Fescue, Bluegrass, and Clover
  • Bare Repair Sun & Shade (3.75 lb. jug)
  • Bare Repair Bermudagrass (3.75 lb. jug)

Shop All Grass Seed

Natural Weed Control

Sunday Lawn Care Natural Weed Control products.

These all-natural products can conquer the weeds in your lawn.

  • Weed Warrior: Kills grass, weeds, algae, and moss
  • Dandelion Doom: Kills most broadleaf weeds

Shop All Weed Control

Natural Pest Control

Sunday Lawn Care Natural Pest Control products.

Add on these items to help control bugs in your yard and one to help with critters inside your home.

  • Nix Ticks: Yard control spray
  • Mosquito + Tick Protection Pack
  • Ant Adios: Bug and ant killer
  • Bug Doom Outdoor insect barrier
  • grubGONE! Biological Insect Control: Banish grubs, protect beneficial insects
  • Bug Doom Indoor insect control

Shop All Pest Control


Sunday Lawn Care Natural pet products.

If pets are a lawn problem, these add-on items can help.

  • Pet Patch: Liquid pet spot lawn repair
  • Pet Lawn Bare Repair: Pet tough grass mulch, seed, and fertilizer
  • Pet Lawn Grass Seed: Pet-resistant seed blend
  • Pet Protect Bug Spray & Repellant

Shop All Pet Care

Garden Soil & Fertilizer

Sunday Lawn Care Soil products.

Don’t forget these green thumb products for your growing garden too.

  • Flower & Bloom Plant Food Mix
  • All-Purpose Plant Food Mix
  • Veggie + Tomato Plant Food Mix
  • WonderFert All-Purpose Garden Fertilizer
  • Natural Garden Soil Mix
  • Natural Moisture Potting Soil Mix

Shop All Garden Soil & Fertilizer

Sunday also sells live plants and trees, gardening tools, birdhouses, bird seeds, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s a list of the questions our readers often ask about Sunday. Don’t see yours? Ask us in the comments.

What Ingredients Do They Use In Their Products?

Sunday’s website provides this list of natural ingredients that they use in their lawn care products:

Soy protein, Iron, Seaweed, Molasses, Potassium acetate, Salicylic acid, Surfactant, Phosphorous, Micronutrients, and Potassium.

Is Grass Seed Included?

No. Their basic plans do not grow new grass. They only support the growth and health of the grass you already have. However, you can purchase hybrid seed blends and patch kits as add-on items. I’ve succeeded with Sunday’s grass seed and patch kids to grow new grass in my yard.

What About Weed Control?

Sunday believes weed control is about enriching the soil with its nutrient plans. However, if you have weeds you can’t conquer, you can add on their organic iron-based spot weed control product.

What Makes Sunday Products Pet Friendly?

When looking for products you can use around pets, you’ll want to pay attention to three things.

  • Ingredients (what the product is made of, the breakdown period, etc.)
  • Product form (liquid vs. dry materials — tip: liquid is easier on pet safety)
  • Whether or not your pet will be curious about the product (smell, if they eat everything, etc.).

You’ll want to avoid fertilizers with pesticides built into the formulation and products that can potentially burn or injure pet paws (think rock salt!). You’ll also need to know your pet fairly well. Are they ultra-curious about every smell? If so, store products safely on shelves or keep strong-smelling mulched areas fenced off. Knowing your pet’s tendencies is key to keeping them safe.

All Sunday products are made with pet safety in mind. Their product line includes pesticide-free fertilizers and biodegradable ingredients. Plus, pet-safety dry time and application are built into all instructions. Sunday also has a pet-friendly product line, which includes:

  • Pet pee-resistant seed and grass patch repair
  • Pet spot soil remedy liquid lawn treatment
  • Tick repellent for dogs and bedding
  • Pet-safe ice melt

Does Sunday Test On Animals? 

Sunday does not directly engage in testing on animals. However, as part of the required registration processes, certain regulated ingredients in their products may undergo animal testing. This testing, mandated by external agencies, is necessary to determine their safety for humans, wildlife, and pollinators and to assess their efficacy against targeted pests.

Should Pets Avoid The Area After Application? 

Pets should be kept off lawns until the products dry. This helps keep the product off paws and allows the nutrients to be absorbed effectively. Once the products dry, pets can resume play. As with any grass seed or grass, pets shouldn’t consume it. We always recommend contacting your local vet if there’s any concern.

My Personal Experience With Sunday Lawn Care

I purchased Sunday’s smart lawn plan on my own in 2021. In 2023 and 2024, Sunday sent me additional products to test out and offer more information to readers. Here is my lawn care experience and an update on how it’s been going over the past couple of years.

Spring 2021

Sunday Lawn Care product being sprayed onto grass (caption overlay: application process).
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

I purchased Sunday’s lawn plan in April 2021 to avoid harsh chemicals and use something safe for people and pets in preparation for the growing season. The application process is straightforward, and the price is hard to beat. Sunday says applying two pouches to your lawn should take about 25 minutes, but it takes me double that amount of time or longer. I think the lack of water pressure from my hose increases the time. 

Summer 2021

Sunday Lawn Care yard comparison (caption overlay: lawn treated with Sunday vs without).
The left side of the photo is my lawn. On the right is a neighbor’s lawn that’s professionally treated with harsh chemicals.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

After only two months of use, I had the greenest lawn on the block. The majority of my neighbors hire professionals that use harsh chemicals. My neighbors’ brown yards made it clear to me that the harsh chemicals couldn’t stand up against the 90-100°F weather we get in the summer.

Sunday also gives many lawn care tips to help me attain the healthiest lawn. One that I have noticed that’s made a big difference in my yard compared to my neighbors’ is to cut grass at a specific height and to hold off on mowing until the grass is out of its dormancy period. This has helped keep my grass healthy, especially during extreme heat periods with less rain.

Fall 2022

After 18 months of following Sunday’s lawn plan and tips, I’m noticing a more green, lush lawn. I hired a professional company to aerate and overseed my yard to help alleviate compaction.

Spring & Summer 2023

Variety of   Sunday Lawn Care products sitting on the grass.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

I have been using Sunday for two full years now. I waited until the weather warmed up and the grass was out of dormancy before I mowed or applied lawn nutrients for the first time this year.

Repairing Pet Urine Spots With Pet Patch

Sunday’s Pet Patch is especially a lawn-saver. It completely turned my backyard around from random brown spots (due to pet urine) to lush, bright green grass. It’s the most satisfying product to me because I can see a quick change in the quality of my lawn in a short time with minimal effort.

The backyard looks much healthier, and the grass looks more green and lush. Overall, I’m thrilled with how the backyard is looking. It’s a complete night and day difference. There are a couple of spots I need to seed in the backyard due to damage to the lawn when I had a shed built in the winter of 2022, but other than that, the yard looks pretty immaculate!

Sunday before and after pet patch.
My backyard before applying Pet Patch and after.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

Repairing Damaged Grass With Fescue Rescue Grass Seed

Yard with grass seed applied (caption overlay: grass seed applied here).

Unfortunately, some unexpected utility work needed to be done in my yard during the fall of 2022, which set my lawn back. Heavy machinery and digging caused damage to my lawn that required additional grass seed. However, the weather wasn’t ideal, so I had to wait to reseed the area until now.

Sunday sent me a bag of their Fescue Rescue grass seed blend (in exchange for an honest review). For best results, it says to seed Fescue Rescue when day and night temperatures are between 55-75°F. I waited to seed the area until temperatures were optimal at the end of April.

Before seeding, I prepped the lawn by removing large rocks and chunks of cement. I also mowed the area to ensure the existing grass wasn’t too high so the seed could get ample sun and reach the soil more easily. Seeding the area was simple, and I was diligent with watering afterward.

Check out this quick video to see the application process.

I’m ecstatic with the results. I seeded the area when temperatures were within the recommended range, but then we got hit with an unexpected cold front, causing temperatures to drop below 50°F. I was worried that the seed wouldn’t take, but fortunately, it all worked out in the end.

after sunday grass seed applied to yard
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

Planting A New Arborvitae Tree

Additionally, Sunday sent me a Green Giant Arborvitae in exchange for an honest review of the plant and tree aspect of their business. I immediately unboxed it, gave it a good drink of water, and left it outside to acclimate to the weather conditions. The 34-inch tree was in excellent condition, and planting it was easy. However, no instructions were included with the tree, so I ended up finding instructions online from a different website.

About a week later, I planted the tree along my fence line to help block the view and sound of a road located behind my house. Green Giant Arborvitaes grow rapidly at a rate of 3-5 feet per year and mature to 15-20 feet wide and 40-60 feet tall. I’m hopeful that by April 2024, the tree will be 6-8 feet tall.

Green Giant Arborvitae planting before and after.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

Weed Control With Dandelion Doom

I noticed a bunch of dandelions popping up in my yard, so I applied Dandelion Doom (sent to me by Sunday in exchange for an honest review) to as many of the dandelions as possible. The application process isn’t the fastest because I have to spray each individual dandelion, and the spray bottle leaks all over my hand when I use it, so I would recommend wearing gloves. However, I checked the dandelions three days later, and they were dead, so the spray does work.

Sunday Lawn Care dandelion doom before and after.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

A month after using up all of the Dandelion Doom, I still had many dandelions pop up in my yard. Putting so much time into spraying the weeds was frustrating, and nothing we applied from Sunday seemed to prevent them from returning. At this point, I’ve been using Sunday’s products consistently for two years, but the dandelions were increasing and overtaking areas of my yard.

Because of this, I opted to disperse Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action, and it took care of the problem immediately. (Note: Scotts Turf Builder is not chemical-free or considered “pet/child safe,” so it may not be a product you want to use.)

I would love to see Sunday offer an overall weed killer that could be spread on the entire lawn instead of spraying each dandelion and pulling them after they’re dead. Using Dandelion Doom can be cumbersome, and you can easily miss weeds you don’t see.

Pest Control With Mosquito Deleto & Nix Ticks

Sunday lawn care mosquito deleto.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

As the temperature increased throughout spring, I noticed an increased presence of bugs (specifically ticks and mosquitos). I decided it was time to apply some Mosquito Deleto and Nix Ticks to the lawn to address the issue. I instantly noticed results, making spending time outside more enjoyable.

Now, when I water my plants or sit on the deck, I’m not being swarmed with mosquitos or finding ticks on me in the evening. The only downside is that the application only lasts up to four weeks, so it’s recommended to reapply every two to four weeks.

Summer 2024

Variety of Sunday fertilizer products in the grass.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

This was the summer of testing out all the plant fertilizers Sunday has to offer.

Flower Fertilizer

Flowers hanging pot before and after.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

The results of using Sunday’s Flower nutrients were truly remarkable. The vibrant and healthy blooms that sprouted drew continuous compliments from both friends and neighbors. I selected an assortment of plants and placed them in containers of various sizes, and the results surpassed my expectations. The table below provides detailed information on the specific plants I cultivated in each container.

13″ Hanging Basket22″ Planter30″ Planter
1 Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow1 Supertunia Latte2 Supertunia Latte
1 Dark Star Coleus1 Dark Star Coleus
1 Silver Falls Dichondra1 Silver Falls Dichondra
1 Little Bluestem Grass1 Little Bluestem Grass

Vegetable Fertilizer

Sunday fertilizer with veggie garden.
Photo by Kimberly Alt for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

This year was challenging for my garden, so I don’t think Sunday’s Veggie nutrients had a fair chance to boost my produce. The weather was highly erratic. At the start of the season, we experienced several severe storms with high winds, nearly a foot of rain in just a few days, and numerous tornado warnings. Then, the weather shifted to extreme heat for weeks, with temperatures surpassing 100°F. Finally, I dealt with countless pests, from bunnies to chipmunks to insects. Overall, my garden struggled this year, but I am looking forward to giving Sunday’s Veggie fertilizer a more fair shot next summer.

Sunday vs The Competition

Sunday is not the only choice when considering pet-safe lawn care. Our experts review the top picks in pet-safe lawn fertilizer so you can decide which products will work best for your yard.

How Do I Stop Dog Urine From Killing My Grass?

Visit Sunday’s Website

Sunday Lawn Care is an excellent choice to help keep your pets safe and your lawn looking healthy. Once you get your yard looking great, you’ll want to keep it that way.

I dealt with a large area of my backyard that was dying due to my dog’s urine. Sunday’s Pet Patch resolved the issue quickly. It’s my favorite product from them. We have additional advice on stopping dog urine from killing your grass and eliminating outdoor odors.

Why Trust Canine Journal?

Kimberly has years of experience using Sunday for her lawn care needs. After researching many pet-safe lawn care options, she signed up for Sunday because of everything it offers. She has noticed vast improvements to her lawn and can see noticeable differences between her lawn and her neighbors’ lawns. Kimberly has also used Sunday’s pest control and some of their gardening items. Her in-depth research and first-hand experience make her an expert in all things Sunday Lawn Care.

Kimberly Alt

Kimberly is a writer and content strategist for Canine Journal, specializing in pet insurance consulting. She has written and edited professionally since 2010. In 2014, Kimberly began researching dogs and discovered her passion for pet insurance. She strongly advocates for insuring pets and knows insurance is a complex subject for most. Kimberly has read hundreds of pet insurance policies (including the fine print), ran more than 3,000 pet insurance quotes, engages in frequent discussions with pet insurer representatives, and conducts mystery shopping to gain an unbiased perspective and explain how companies differ and their strengths. Her passion is teaching others about the pet insurance industry and helping them make informed decisions for their pet insurance needs. Kimberly has a B.A. in Multimedia Journalism from Simpson College. She is a Dog Writers Association of America member, and her work has appeared in many brands, including The New York Times’ Wirecutter, Reader’s Digest, Forbes, People, Woman’s World, and Huffington Post. Kimberly is the parent of a rescue Coonhound mix, Sally.

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