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Can Dogs Eat Honeydew?


Last Updated: January 11, 2024 | 7 min read | Leave a Comment

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This article was written by a veterinarian, but it should not serve as a substitute for a discussion with a trained professional. If your dog ate this food item and is reacting adversely, contact your local veterinarian immediately.

Our canine friends are often interested in what we eat, and fortunately for them, many human foods, when prepared properly, can be safe for them. Fruits and vegetables are among some of the tastiest treats. Melon is a treat that many dogs enjoy. However, there are many different kinds. One often asked about is honeydew. Can dogs eat honeydew? Should they eat it? Does it have any nutritional benefits?

When choosing what foods and treats to supplement your dog’s diet, knowing what is safe and what is not is challenging. Fruits have many different parts, like stems, leaves, seeds, and peels or rinds, which may not be as safe as the fleshy parts.

We know dog owners have many questions and are here to help. Adding fresh fruits to your pup’s bowl is often a nice treat. Adding new foods must be done the right way to keep him safe. Let’s get into the juicy details about dogs eating honeydew melon.

Is Honeydew Safe For Dogs?

The simple answer is yes, in moderation, honeydew is safe for dogs. The fleshy part is completely safe, but the rinds and seeds should be removed. The melon is 90% water and has a mild, sweet flavor. It can be a very refreshing treat and a good way to add extra moisture to your pup’s diet.

Nutritional Benefits Of Honeydew Melon

honeydew slices

Honeydew, also called the White Antibes cultivar, has several nutritional benefits and is high in moisture. It is low in calories and high in fiber. Along with that, this melon has potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and B6. 5 min B6 is a water-soluble item that is essential and involved in many different roles in the body. Along with that, vitamin B9, also known as folate, is important in the production of red blood cells. Keep in mind that this food will not provide enough folate if your pup has a deficiency. It is best to speak to your veterinarian about a vitamin supplement if you are concerned your pup is not getting the right amount.

  1. These melons are very high in moisture. This is a very effective, tasty way to add moisture to your dog’s diet, especially if a pet needs encouragement to drink more on their own or is on a dry food-only diet.
  2. Fiber aids in digestive health and helps keep the bowels moving smoothly.
  3. Vitamins A and C are antioxidants and help with skin health. Antioxidants also have cancer-fighting properties. Vitamin A is also involved in healthy vision development, immune function, and overall growth and development. However, too much of this can be harmful to canines, something to keep in mind when adding any kind of fruit to a dog’s diet. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. However, canines can make it themselves, and supplementing too much may be an issue. Because vitamin C is not essential for drug development, and health, it is important not to add too much extra to their diet.
  4. Calcium and phosphorus also aid in skin, coat, and bone health.
  5. Potassium can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. Potassium is a key element in muscle movement, maintaining blood acidity, and nerve function. It is a part of many different essential chemical functions in the body. Puppies with potassium deficiencies may experience poor growth and weakness. In adults, a potassium deficiency can affect blood flow, blood pressure, and the amount of blood pumped from the heart.

Risks Of Honeydew

Though the White Antibes cultivar is not toxic, it does not come without risks. Pets should never eat this as a large part of their diet. Nor should they be fed this every day. Some of the risks include:

  1. Honeydew is not toxic, nor are the seeds and rinds. The main danger is that these are both choking hazards. The rind is very fibrous and difficult for canines to chew and digest. Eating it can cause gastrointestinal distress and diarrhea. Additionally, the rind can cause an obstruction in the intestines or even the windpipe. This is a serious situation and can become life-threatening in severe cases.
  2. Some dogs may be allergic to fruits, including melon like this.
  3. Too much melon can cause a high fiber level, constipating your pup and causing stomach pain.
  4. This fruit is high in sugar, which canines do not need much of. Too much sugar can cause digestive upset and diarrhea. Additionally, a high-sugar diet raises a canine’s risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.
  5. Do not feed melon to pups that have kidney disease or malfunction or those with diabetes or heart disease. The higher sugar levels can cause harmful long-term effects to them.
  6. Too much melon can have a laxative effect and lead to stomach cramping, diarrhea, and loose bowels.
  7. Melon that has bacteria in it or has grown mold is not safe. Eating these can cause diarrhea and discomfort.
  8. Canines cannot digest plant material as well as humans, and overeating at one time can lead to bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and stomach pain.

Medical Conditions Associated With Honeydew

There are several health conditions that your dog can be diagnosed with that are connected to honeydew. If honeydew is something you’re considering feeding your pet, you should consider getting pet insurance before taking this chance. Pet insurance can help take the financial stress off your plate and allow you to focus on your dog’s health in an emergency.


Canine obesity is a widespread problem. In fact, some veterinarians would call it an epidemic. Obesity is largely a result of canines eating low-quality food and overindulging in human foods or foods that are not healthy for them. This includes things like fruit, which contain high levels of sugar. Obesity can lead to many other health concerns, including respiratory issues, diabetes, heart disease, joint diseases, and urinary tract concerns. High-sugar treats like melons may not be the best pic if your dog is on the chunky side or on a special weight-conscious diet.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel disease is a condition where the digestive tract becomes inflamed. This has similar symptoms to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Canines who experience inflammatory bowel disease may be very picky eaters and experience stipulation, vomiting, and diarrhea, among other symptoms. These can fluctuate in severity. IBD is usually treated by medication and diet modification. Because of this, if you have a dog known to suffer from either IBD or IBS, it is important to keep them on that specific diet and not add outside treats like fruit. These dogs need highly digestible foods, And some do well on fresh, human-grade meals, which is different from adding a piece of fruit to their bowl here and there. Speak to your veterinarian for ideas.

How To Feed My Dog Honeydew?

Dogs can safely eat this fruit if it is properly prepared. Always supervise your dog when they eat new foods in case of an allergic reaction, and make sure they do not overeat. Stick to one or two small slices per serving. Once or twice a week is plenty. More than that is too much sugar and fiber for your dog to digest properly.

Always choose fresh, ripe fruit. The unripe fruit is hard to chew, tastes bad, and causes indigestion and stomach cramping.

Never feed a dog fruits with added sugar or that have been prepared with other spices or ingredients. Fresh, plain melon is best.

First, cut open the melon and remove all the seeds. Then, thinly slice and remove all the rinds. Finally, cut it into bite-sized pieces and serve it to your dog. You can add the bites to your pup’s kibble or serve as a stand-alone treat. Additionally, melon can be balled and frozen, offering a nice cool down on a hot day.

Do not replace your pup’s regular meals with melon or any other fruit. Fruit can be a nice treat, but it does not offer enough to provide canines with everything they need.

What Other Fruits Are Safe For Dogs?

There are several fruits that are safe for canine consumption, but owners should always be cautious. Always make sure to remove the skins, seeds, and pits. In general, owners should avoid foods like cherries, known as stone fruits, that have hard pits. These can become severe choking and intestinal obstruction hazards.

Some fruits that are safe for canines include apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, butternut squash, cantaloupe, cranberries, kiwi, nectarines, papaya, pears, pineapple, pumpkin, strawberries, and watermelon. This is not a comprehensive list, you can learn more in our guide on fruits safe for dogs to eat, and our guide here includes vegetables and fruits that are safe and not safe. Additionally, owners should take time to learn what common yard plants and flowers are toxic to pups.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are melons like honeydew and cantaloupe bad for dogs?

In small portions, as an occasional treat, these melons are not bad for canines. However, they do contain high levels of sugar and are not suitable to be fed in large quantities. Eating too much of them can harm your pet’s health, so only feed these foods in moderation.

Are dogs allergic to honeydew?

While most are not allergic, fruit allergies in canines are common. Fresh fruit isn’t a large part of most pets’ diets. Because of this, it is always important to watch your dog closely the first time you give them a new fruit. Fruit allergy symptoms include inflamed skin, itching, skin infection, ear itching and infection, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of fur. Some pups may even have trouble breathing, experience abnormal drinking and appetite, have difficulty urinating, dehydration, and more. Take your dog to the nearest emergency vet if you notice severe signs like dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, or shock.

Do dogs like honeydew melon?

This question likely depends on each individual dog. Some like it, and some do not. Honeydew can be a tasty, refreshing snack, especially on a hot day. Pets develop their own food tastes; some may truly love this food, while others will not care for it. Make sure pets only eat this in moderation and under your supervision.

Final Thoughts

While fresh fruit is not a part of every dog’s diet and should not be a daily treat, some common ones, like honeydew, are safe. These can be tasty treats but should always be fed in moderation and under supervision. Fruit is very high in sugar and not something canines need high amounts of. Always remove the rind and seeds and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Remember, this is an occasional treat, not something that should be mixed with their daily food. Always look for high-quality dog food before adding any kind of supplements. Plenty of options are on the market, including dry, wet, freeze-dried, and fresh human-grade meals. Discuss any dietary concerns you have with your veterinarian before making changes to your pup’s plate.

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