Mixed Breeds

42 Dachshund Mixes: Information: Facts, Traits & More

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Dachshunds are beloved all over the world. Almost everyone knows at least one Doxie. They’ve been a famous breed since the 1950s, commonly among the top 15 most popular dogs in the United States. They have an iconic appearance, with long bodies, short legs, and floppy ears.

Dachshunds are an awfully cute bunch, made even more lovable by their bright and lively dispositions. Their personalities truly pack a punch, as they’re always ready to play and be off on their next adventure. This is likely due to their history as hunting dogs. Doxies can be quite smart, though beware of their stubborn streak. Thankfully, training them is still quite easy, provided they are given firm instruction.

The Dachshund’s adorable look, vibrant personality, and athleticism make them a wonderful choice to mix with other breeds. This is an excellent way to get a dog that is uniquely yours. Many retain the Doxie’s long body even if the other parent is differently-built.


The Docker is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Dachshund.

Breeds: Cocker Spaniel and Dachshund

We start off this list with an absolutely gorgeous mix. The Docker has very beautiful parents, so it’s almost a certainty that they are very good-looking themselves. This mix likely has a wavier coat compared to the short, straight one of their Doxie parent. Both parents have refreshing personalities, so expect that your Docker is very talented at making you smile. You need to have some patience with them, though. Dockers are intelligent but can be quite stubborn in the training process. Displaying strong but gentle leadership as you train them leads to better results, especially when supplemented with positive reinforcement. Give this mix plenty of treats, toys, and praise– this makes them much more eager to perform well.

Because the Cocker Spaniel is a more energetic breed than the Dachshund, you likely need to exercise your Docker more than you would an ordinary Doxie. Since they are smaller than many dogs, you need to take care not to wear them out when you go out for walks. As such, you have better success with two shorter walks of around 30 minutes each day, as opposed to one 60 minute walk. Your Docker loves to play, so give them a wide range of toys and activities to enjoy when they’re not out taking a walk with you. This helps them stay satisfied and free from boredom.


The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed in America, so it is not too hard to run into a Dachsador at some point in your life.

Breeds: Labrador Retriever and Dachshund

The combination may be strange: Dachsadors are bigger than regular Dachshunds, though not as big as their larger parent. Still, this hybrid’s parents’ personalities balance out in a wonderful way. Dachsadors are smart, energetic, and full to the brim with charm. The Labrador’s gentler personality tempers the Dachshund’s desire to be the Alpha in the home. Expect this mix to be much more docile, though still very high-spirited. This makes them a good choice for families with kids. A more upbeat household suits them very well.

Dachsadors have higher energy needs than Doxies, so be sure to give them ample amounts of moderate-intensity exercise each day. Walking them for around 45 to 60 minutes each day is ideal. Your Dachsador is up for a good session of play, so bringing them to the dog park for a game of fetch is a great supplement to your walks together. Giving them a fenced-in yard to roam around in, plus lots of toys to enjoy, helps them stay entertained and content.

Golden Dox

Golden Dox
The Golden Dox is another charmer on this list, coming from another Retriever parent.

Breeds: Golden Retriever and Dachshund

They can be very energetic dogs who are always eager to play, but they’re also very sensitive to human emotion. Golden Doxes have a knack for knowing how to behave, making them one of the best dogs for bigger families that may be more topsy-turvy. This also makes them much easier to train than a lot of other mixes on this list. As such, they’re a good choice for inexperienced dog owners, provided that they can attend to their high need for exercise and play.

This dog requires at least 60 minutes of activity each day. You can spend a bulk of that on a nice, brisk walk, with the remaining time on more intense exercises. Training sessions are a good way to tire this bright mix out, keeping them away from boredom and any potential destructive tendencies. Your Golden Dox is very happy when given toys to play with in their downtime, so take care to give them a good variety for maximum enjoyment.


Dachshund Corgi Mixed Breed Dog - Dorgi
Dorgis are so special because they come from parents who are both long with stubby little legs.

Breeds: Corgi and Dachshund

They may be small, but this mix is hugely adorable. The Dorgi’s personality is positively sparkling. They are always full of vigor and good cheer, making them great as companion dogs for people who could use the extra pep. Owners need to be patient with their Dorgis, as both their parents are stubborn dogs. This could hinder the success of obedience training and socialization. However, if done early enough in the Dorgi’s life, it’s possible to teach them the right behavior without much hassle. Their devoted nature makes them a good choice for those who need affection. This mix never hesitates to show how much they love you.

The Dorgi has higher energy needs than regular Dachshunds do, but not by much. Around 45 minutes of exercise every day is a good choice for them. Despite having shorter legs, the Dorgi’s parents are hunting and herding dogs. This means they have a natural ability to run quite fast. Taking them out for walks is good, but you can also help them expend their energy by having them sprint around the park. They also need a large, secure yard where they can bounce around freely.


Black Jackshund Outdoors
When looking for a Jackshund puppy, make sure you adopt before you shop.

Breeds: Jack Russell Terrier and Dachshund

The Jackshund comes from hunting parents, so they’ll likely have the talent for it too. This makes them a great choice for people who have a hunting hobby. It also means that their Jackshunds thrive best with lots of time outdoors. The Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) and Dachshund have similar temperaments in that they are both brave, energetic, and stubborn. These dogs have strong personalities, so their owner needs to work hard to keep up and maintain their dominance. While training them might be difficult, the reward is always well worth it. They are very loving dogs who do perfectly in an active household with older children.

This mix is a quite high-energy breed, so be prepared to devote a good amount of time to their exercise. They run around like no one’s business, so it’s unwise to keep them in a cramped space for too long. Jackshunds thrive best in larger homes with yards they can play in. However, be sure that the yard is secure. They have a high prey drive that can prove to be dangerous for smaller pets and other animals in and around your home.


Duskies are wonderfully exuberant pets with friendly and outgoing personalities.

Breeds: Siberian Husky and Dachshund

Duskies love to play and are eager to bring a smile to their humans’ faces. They’re very good dogs as they are but still need training and socialization to be at their best behavior. Unfortunately, Duskies can be very strong-willed and often not listen to you if they don’t deem your activity worth their attention. For this reason, they are better suited to owners who have had prior experience raising dogs, especially ones with high energy needs.

Speaking of high energy needs, you absolutely need to put in lots of effort for your Dusky’s exercise. Dachshunds themselves only have moderate needs for exercise, but Siberian Huskies are famously active. It’s always a good idea to observe how often your dog gets restless so you can gauge when it’s time for their daily walk or a good play session. However, more often than not, you need to give this mix around 60 minutes of activity every day. This tires them out efficiently, so they aren’t frustrated enough to destroy your belongings and rip up your prized flower beds.


Breeds: American Pitbull Terrier and Dachshund

If you regularly read our articles on dog mixes, you’ll know that we advocate highly for the proper treatment of Pitbull mixes. They get a bad reputation because they aren’t handled properly. As such, you may find a Doxiepit for adoption in the local pound. Doxiepits are adorably chunky, making them sturdier than Dachshunds, though they retain the shorter legs. They have a huge propensity for affection. They make ideal family dogs when trained and socialized well. It may take some time to break through their stubborn exterior, but Doxiepits are eager to please, especially when given positive reinforcement.

Doxiepits are always happy to play. They are more active than Dachshunds, so they are more eager to head into the great outdoors for a good old-fashioned run around the yard or a walk in the park. Give them 45 minutes of activity each day. This is enough to keep them satisfied. When you’re not interacting with your Doxiepit, it’s a good idea to keep them outside in a fenced-in yard, good weather permitting. This lets them explore and play on their own terms, which is important for this mix to feel content.


Breeds: Japanese Chin and Dachshund

The Doxie-Chin is such a wonderful companion dog. They have an easy-going personality that makes them much more lax than your average Dachshund. This makes them a good choice for families that spend most of their time relaxing versus a more intense environment. They are also very affectionate and gentle, so they’re good around kids, provided they are socialized well. This mix is very well-adjusted, so they are smart without being too stubborn. More inexperienced owners do not have much trouble assimilating the Doxie-Chin into their lifestyle.

The Doxie-Chin’s laid-back temperament means that they are adaptable to many different lifestyles. They are good in both larger homes or in smaller apartments. They have lower energy needs than Dachshunds, so they only really need 30 minutes of exercise every day. You could even get away with less, provided they are given enough toys to play with in their own time. This helps keep them mentally stimulated and away from frustration, which can lead to them becoming destructive.


Breeds: Mini Pinscher and Dachshund

Doxie-Pins are sensitive dogs, quite a bit more so than others on this list. This can make them shy, so they need a lot of gentle and loving coaxing to help them come out of their shells. When they feel more comfortable with their humans, they have no shortage of affection to give. If you’re looking for a quiet companion who is emotionally intelligent, the Doxie-Pin is an excellent choice. They are best suited to quiet households with people who can appreciate them carefully, just as carefully as they regard others. As such, it may be hard for a Doxie-Pin to feel at home in a household with young, rambunctious children.

Despite their shy nature, Doxie-Pins are intelligent and curious creatures. They don’t really have a strong desire for play but are eager to explore the outdoors with you on your daily walks together. Be sure to give them a lot of time to stretch their little legs without tiring them out so much. Allow them the luxury of getting to know the sights, smells, and sounds of the world around them. This mix must be handled with care. Do your best to keep them both satisfied with their exercise and emotionally fulfilled.


Doxie Chon
The Doxie Chon mixes the Dachshund and the Bichon Frise.

Breeds: Bichon Frise and Dachshund

If you’re looking for a dog who is extroverted, confident, and absolutely adorable, you can’t go wrong with the Doxie-Chon. Both the Doxie-Chon’s parents are lively dogs, both energetic and a little cheeky. The Doxie-Chon has a personality that is large and in charge, so take extra care to keep them grounded. Their high intelligence means that they are eager to show off tricks, but getting to the point of them learning those commands may be hard. Like many other Doxie mixes, the Doxie-Chon is stubborn. They require a lot of patience and adoration. Try not to be too hard on them, as their egos can be easily bruised. Give them positive reinforcement instead.

Since your Doxie-Chon spends many waking hours wanting to play, you should see to it that they get enough activity in to keep them satisfied. These social dogs love parading around the dog park, so it’s recommended that you take them as often as you can. Playing fetch and jogging around the track are great ways to tire this dog out so they behave better, and keep away from mischief. Bored Doxie-Chons with pent-up energy are very much susceptible to displaying destructive behaviors, so take extra care that your furry friend doesn’t chew up your belongings.


Breeds: Cairn Terrier and Dachshund

The Doxie-Cairn comes from the Cairn Terrier and Dachshund, who are both known to have bold personalities and are fearless in the face of danger. This can make for a great adventure buddy, given that the Cairn Terrier is more energetic than the Dachshund. Once you’re both home, your Doxie-Cairn is happiest winding down with a good cuddle with you. They are very affectionate animals who make awesome playmates for younger children, provided you can train and socialize them well. This may be difficult, as both the Doxie-Cairn’s parents are known to be quite stubborn. If you start training early on and reward them well for good behavior, you’re sure to have an easier time.

Both the Cairn Terrier and the Dachshund are known to be noisy dogs, so expect that your Doxie-Cairn has a serious set of pipes. For this reason, it’s better to keep a Doxie-Cairn if you live in a more rural area where there may not be many neighbors. This proves to be a good venue for all the playtime and exercise they need to stay happy. The Doxie-Cairn is an energetic dog, so be sure to take them out on walks every day, play games with them, and give them toys to enjoy.


Breeds: Poodle and Dachshund

If you are looking for an elegant, intelligent, cheeky dog to welcome into your home, you might most likely find your match with the Doxiepoo. Both Poodles and Dachshunds have animated personalities with a deep love for playtime. Thanks to their impressive intelligence, training them is quite easy– provided you can get past their occasional bouts of mischief. Doxiepoos see their owners as their equals, so it may be hard to deal with them when they insist on getting their way. However, they love being spoiled with love and attention, so enough adoration should make them content enough to do what you need them to. Thanks to the Poodle’s amiable personality, the Doxiepoo is likely a good companion for a wide range of families. All you need is to socialize them with new humans and pets as soon as possible.

The Poodle side of your Doxiepoo is going to make them more energetic than their Dachshund parent. This means they need a good amount of exercise every day in order to keep both their bodies and minds healthy. Beyond daily walks lasting around 45 minutes, you absolutely need to entertain your Doxiepoo. Their high intelligence means they get bored very easily. Give them enough activities to do each day, like training, playing a game, or completing a task. This prevents them from getting destructive.

Miniature Schnoxie

Miniature Schnoxie
This sturdy dog comes from the delightful Miniature Schnauzer coupled with the feisty Dachshund.

Breeds: Mini Schnauzer and Dachshund

Their personalities suit each other well. The Miniature Schnoxie is a well-adjusted mix more even-tempered than the Dachshund. They enjoy their owner’s attention, as their Schnauzer parent loves being the star of the show. However, they are demanding of it, following their Dachshund parent’s more laid-back nature. Your Miniature Schnoxie thus is a friendly companion with a good grasp of when it’s appropriate to show off their large personality. Expect this dog to be very smart, though you need to take care in handling their stubbornness. Both the Schnoxie’s parent breeds are easily distracted and often prefer doing their own thing. They need someone who can handle their training with firm instruction, but still have the patience for when their mind inevitably wanders off.

If you are considering bringing home a Miniature Schnoxie, bear in mind that both their parent breeds are known to be noisy. Their penchant for yapping can make it difficult to live harmoniously with them in a place where neighbors mind the noise. An apartment complex is not a good place for these dogs. A larger home with a fenced-in yard suits them much better. Give them ample time for play and exercise every day. A 45-minute walk with 30 minutes of playtime should be enough to satisfy this mix.

English Bulldach

Breeds: English Bulldog and Dachshund

The English Bulldach is a dog who is much more relaxed than the more high-strung, regular Doxie. This is to be expected. Bulldogs are among some of the most carefree dogs out there. This mix could be a good choice for you if you live a calmer lifestyle. While these dogs don’t like to do much, they make the best cuddle buddies– if you don’t mind being covered in slobber. They are one of the most affectionate mixes on this list. The Bulldach doesn’t have a lot of interests outside adoring their pet parents. Unfortunately, they might be a bit more difficult to train. The English Bulldach can be very stubborn and they dislike being made to learn commands. Because of this, we only recommend that you keep a Bulldach if you’ve owned dogs before and are prepared to be very patient.

While they are difficult to train, the English Bulldach is very good-natured. They do have a curiosity around others because of their Dachshund parentage, but overall they are friendly and well-behaved. They have some inclination to play, though a lot less than a regular Dachshund. As such, they have lower energy needs compared to other dogs on this list, and only need around 20 to 30 minutes of activity each day. This can make them predisposed to gaining weight, so be sure to feed them the appropriate food for their size, weight, and activity level.


Coming from hunting dog parents, your Doxle is a natural at assisting you on your ventures into the wilderness.

Breeds: Beagle and Dachshund

They are very playful and active dogs who enjoy giving chase to their prey. This means that you need to take extra care in socializing them, especially if you plan to keep them around smaller pets. Given how bright these dogs are, it’s not really difficult for you to teach them how to behave. You just need to start their training young. They thrive best with lots of positive reinforcement. Getting them to learn how to play nicely opens up many possibilities for compatibility with different types of families. It’s so worth the effort because Doxles are super sweet dogs.

Your Doxle is going to be very active, a good bit more than regular Dachshunds. They do best with a few exercise sessions every day, instead of one long one that could tire out their little legs too quickly. Give them a good amount of things to do throughout the day. Walking is good, but so are training sessions, playing fetch, and giving them toys. Enough stimulation helps keep your Doxle happy and healthy all throughout their lifetime.

Shiba Dox

Breeds: Shiba Inu and Dachshund

The Shiba Dox has parents with personalities that a lot of people would say are quite strong. True enough, this mix comes from confident, alert, and brave parents. It goes without saying that they end up behaving similarly. While this can make them good choices for guarding the home, it’s in companionship that this mix truly shines. However, you need to soften any aloofness that may come from the Shiba Inu. You’ll be happy to know that the Shiba Dox is easy to train, with both parents being fairly bright. If you have other pets in your family, though, it’s a necessity to socialize your Shiba Dox as soon as possible. They do better in smaller families where they can receive more attention. They don’t enjoy sharing the limelight with any potential fur-siblings.

Your Shiba Dox is the perfect dog for any dwelling. They are happy even in small spaces. An apartment or condo unit in the city is enough to keep them happy. However, as they have higher energy needs than your ordinary Dachshund, you need to bring them outside every day for a walk around town. Around 50 minutes of activity is a good amount for your Shiba Dox. Try to give them variety by taking them out to different places while out on walks, or even amp it up by going jogging around the track, or hiking in the mountains.


Breeds: Shetland Sheepdog and Dachshund

If you’re looking for a good mix of energy, smarts, and playfulness for your Dachshund mix, we suggest the Shethund. Since their parents were both working dogs, this dog has a lot of talents ready for you to uncover. The Shethund loves making themselves useful, so they are happiest when given a task to complete. Their steadfastness makes them great companion dogs. They are loyal to their flock and wish to protect them. However, their prey instincts from the Dachshund may still be present, so take care to socialize them properly if you have smaller pets in your household.

These dogs are more active than you’d expect for a Dachshund mix, but not by much. The Shetland Sheepdog is a small dog like the Doxie, and as such does not need long hours of strenuous exercise. Around an hour of activity allotted for them every day should be enough for you to go out with them on walks and have enough time left over for play. This mix particularly enjoys hiking rough terrain as well as sprinting around the park. Give them a lot of toys to prevent them from getting bored. The Shethund has a capacity for mischief beneath their relaxed exterior.

Dach Griffon

Breeds: Brussels Griffon and Dachshund

The Dach Griffon is an ideal companion dog, with both parents being highly affectionate to their owners and trusted members of their family. They are likely be smaller in stature than the average Dachshund thanks to the Brussels Griffon’s toy size. These dogs aren’t particularly bright, meaning their training might be challenging. You need to be very patient when training and socializing a Dach Griffon. They also tend to dislike small children, as they have little tolerance for being victims of mischief. When part of a household with older and more sensible humans, though, they are at home and happy enough for their charming and cheerful personality to really shine through.

Your Dach Griffon do not need a big house, given how small they are and how seldom they play. This makes them ideal for people who live in apartments but still want a furry companion to brighten up their life. These dogs like to play, just not very often. Try to allow some time for exercise for them each day, as their smaller frames can easily be overburdened by their weight if they gain too much. Around 20 to 30 minutes of activity per day is enough for this low-maintenance mix.

Weiner Dog Chow

Breeds: Chow Chow and Dachshund

If you live a more quiet lifestyle and are hoping for a canine companion to join you in your pursuit of tranquil bliss, the Weiner Dog Chow is a great choice for you. This dog comes from an unlikely pair of parents. It’s true that the Dachshund is a lot more affectionate than the aloof Chow Chow, but both dogs share a relaxed approach to life. This makes them an ideal choice for smaller homes, as Weiner Dog Chows are content napping all day without doing much moving around. Since this mix tends to be wary around people and other animals, it’s a good idea to keep them only in small households with people they can trust. They fit best with single people or couples looking for a low-maintenance friend.

This mix doesn’t like going out for exercise, so you won’t need to worry about them clamoring for activity. The caveat is they are prone to becoming overweight from the lack of movement. Besides giving them a balanced diet, you still need to take them on walks to keep them healthy, no matter how reluctant they may be to go out and play. Thankfully, there’s still a lot of Doxie in their personality, so you can get them more excited for playtime by bribing them with some yummy treats– just be sure not to give too many.

Smooth Foxie Doxie

Breeds: Smooth Fox Terrier and Dachshund

The Smooth Foxie Doxie may have an adorably strange name, but these dogs are very proud and dignified. They come from hunting dog parents, making them athletic and keen on changes in their surroundings. If trained well, these dogs can do a good job of protecting your home. However, they tend to be impatient around small kids, and are instead be happier in a household that has older children, if any. Their high prey drive also makes it difficult for them to live harmoniously in a home with smaller pets. Socializing them is necessary to make them calm around other members of the family. Once you get them adjusted to everyone, these dogs have no trouble showering you with plenty of affection. They are actually very sociable dogs and need lots of attention to thrive.

Your Smooth Foxie Doxie needs a lot of exercise since it has higher energy needs than standard Dachshunds. Since their parent breeds were bred for hunting, they are adept at navigating even rough terrain. This makes them a good choice for a hiking buddy. They need a lot of time each day to stretch their legs during a walk around the neighborhood. Around 60 minutes of exercise every day is good for their health, including fun activities like playing fetch.

Wire Foxie Doxie

Breeds: Wire Fox Terrier and Dachshund

Another member of the Foxie Doxie family is the Wire Foxie Doxie. Since both parents are hunting dogs, you can expect them to have the same moxie as the Smooth Foxie Doxie. They are a tad more reserved around people they don’t know, but are always up for a good cuddle or play session with their favorite people. You need to socialize them when they are young to help them come out of their shell better. Once you do, you should find that they have a glowing personality with a truly contagious love for life. Be sure to still supervise their interactions around children, as they don’t have much patience for being made the butt of jokes and are likely to snap back.

You may have your hands full with the Wire Foxie Doxie, as they require a lot of exercise to be happy. As such, be sure that you are part of a household that can take responsibility for their energy needs. It may be more manageable to give them multiple short exercise sessions every day versus one long and strenuous one. You are looking at around 90 minutes of activity for this dog. Walks and games are the best way to fill up this time. It would also be best if your home had a fenced-in yard they could run around in to expend their energy.

Toy Foxie Doxie

Breeds: Toy Fox Terrier and Dachshund

The last of our featured Foxie Doxies are the Toy Foxie Doxie. This dog is the feistiest one among the Fox Terrier-Dachshund mixes. They may be small in stature, but they have no problem teaching others who’s boss. They are protective of their territory, which makes them a good choice for a guard dog if you train them properly. Despite this, they are very loyal and affectionate dogs who are most content following their owners around. Training and socializing them is important to ensure good behavior to assimilate better into family life. However, it may be difficult to get them to play nice around smaller pets. The Toy Foxie Doxie has a huge prey drive that is tricky to dull down.

Expect that your Toy Foxie Doxie is going to want to spend a lot of time outdoors. These dogs love playtime and exercise and demand it from you each and every day. Be prepared to take them out on long walks where they can stretch their legs and explore the world. They also enjoy running after frisbees in the park. Those hunting instincts make them incredible at catching moving objects. Despite loving the outdoors, these dogs are content living in most homes, including smaller apartments.


One of the smaller dogs on this list is the Dameranian, from Dachshund and Pomeranian parents.

Breeds: Pomeranian and Dachshund

We won’t blame you for being completely endeared to this charming mix from the very first time you meet. They positively radiate cheerfulness and are talented at making people smile with their funny antics. The Dameranian takes the Dachshund’s need for affection to the next level. These pups absolutely need to claim the spotlight in their homes. Leaving them alone for too long can definitely cause separation anxiety. Ensure you can take care of this little baby’s emotional needs, and you find that they make a great friend for everyone in almost any kind of household.

This mix is as active as a regular Dachshund, so they need light to moderate exercise every day. Take care not to wear them out too much. They are small dogs, so they do not have as much stamina as bigger ones would. Around 30 minutes of activity, every day is enough to satisfy this mix. Be sure to give them a lot of attention and affection after their daily workout is over, as they love the positive reinforcement.


Dorkie Dog
The Dorkie is every bit as comical and lovable as their name suggests.

Breeds: Yorkshire Terrier and Dachshund

With possibly the cutest name of all the mixes on this list–and there have been plenty of cute ones thus far. Firstly, they are super tiny. You won’t see a lot of Dorkies weighing over 9 pounds. Their small size makes them a good candidate for living in smaller homes. They are also very adaptable and are fine with living life on the move. They are highly affectionate dogs who are gentle and loving with those they trust. However, they have little tolerance for annoying behavior and tend not to like unruly children. If you plan to keep a Doxie as a pet for a household with smaller kids, be sure to socialize them well as well as guide your children in showing respect to their dog.

Dorkies are high-spirited dogs with a lot of energy they need to burn off. Even though they are one of the smaller Doxie mixes, you need to make sure they exercise enough. Around 50 minutes of activity every day, done in short bursts, is good enough to keep them satisfied. As they are smart dogs, you have to give them a lot of different things to do. They easily get bored if they don’t receive enough stimulation. You’ll be surprised at how much destructive power is in that tiny body. To prevent them from ruining your possessions, simply give them varied activities each day.


Mauxie Dog
The Mauxie combines the Maltese and the Dachshund.

Breeds: Maltese and Dachshund

Another super small Doxie mix is the Mauxie, who, like their name suggests, has no shortage of moxie. They fit an awful lot of delightfully large personalities into their tiny little bodies. This doesn’t mean that they are hard-headed, though. In fact, for a Dachshund mix, Mauxies are pretty submissive. This makes them a good choice for less-experienced pet owners who are looking for a bright and happy companions. Given the Doxie’s intelligence and the Maltese’s eagerness to please, this mix is easy to train. They are highly agreeable dogs and get along fantastically with children and pets, including other dogs, cats, and smaller animals. Just be sure not to leave them alone too long, as this makes them dreadfully lonely.

Taking care of your dog’s energy needs is integral to their happiness. However, the Mauxie doesn’t have a lot of energy to speak of and does not require very much exercise. Daily walks are still a good idea, as with any dog. However, you can cut that time down to around 15 minutes and spend 15 more later in the day playing a game. Mauxies love when their owners interact with them, so they definitely enjoy a good round of fetch if it means they get to run back to you with pride.


Breeds: Welsh Terrier and Dachshund

The Welshund is a peppy pup whose presence instantly brightens up the room. Their liveliness lends itself well to households that need the extra cheer. The Dachshund makes a good therapy dog, so the Welshund should be similar. They are wonderfully smart dogs, though their Terrier blood can give them something of a stubborn streak. They are happiest in homes that don’t have other pets, as they prefer to run the show. Even so, you should still take care to socialize and train them from an early age to prevent run-ins with other animals when you take them out for a walk.

To keep your Welshund happy and healthy, they need to have a lot of exercise. These dogs have high energy needs thanks to their Terrier lineage, but their Dachshund side tones this down a bit. Around 45 minutes of walking each day is enough to tire them out. Just be sure to supplement those walks with playtime a few hours before and after. Keeping your Welshund engaged with games and toys is a great way to keep their noggins hard at work. Welshunds are fine living in a smaller space like an apartment, provided they are given enough time to go outside and take in the smells, sights, and sounds.


Breeds: Silky Terrier and Dachshund

The Silkshund is another mix from hunter-dog parents. This means that they’ve inherited a great ability for running around at top speeds, plus a mean prey drive. The latter can get them (and the poor animal they’re chasing) into trouble, so it’s absolutely necessary to socialize this mix as soon as possible. Once they’re trained better, you’ll find that your Silkshund is one of the most agreeable dogs around. They enjoy almost everyone’s company, provided that they aren’t being annoyed too often. If you have kids and other pets, they must know how to treat this dog with respect in order to enjoy a happy and loving relationship with them.

Despite their love of chasing things around, Silkshunds actually aren’t very active. They are about as active as regular Dachshunds, and as such, only need moderate exercise. They can get away with a leisurely 30-minute walk, provided you can keep them entertained outside of that too. Their playfulness demands that you give them attention with toys and games as often as you can. The Silkshund is happy to live in homes both large and small, which makes them a good choice for someone looking for a dog to keep them company in their apartment.

Bo Dach

Dachshund Boston Terrier
Boston Terriers are among the finest breed you can have, so crossing them with the feisty-but-sweet Dachshund is sure to make a lovable mix.

Breeds: Boston Terrier and Dachshund

It’s no wonder that the Bo Dach makes such a great companion. These dogs are exceptional at showing their fondness for the people they love, being very gentle and affectionate. They also take wonderfully to even small children, plus other pets who may share the home. It may actually be that their constant need for affection ends up annoying the other animals you live with. They are easy to train and socialize with, without a lot of stubbornness, thanks to the Boston Terrier’s more submissive nature.

These dogs have higher energy needs than their Dachshund parent, though they prefer to let out their energy via games. As such, be prepared to spoil your Bo Dach with lots of toys in addition to their daily walks. The Dachshund’s need to be vocal is toned down a bit thanks to the quieter nature of the Boston Terrier. This makes the Bo Dach a good fit in apartment complexes. They are happy living anywhere as long as they can be by your side.


Breeds: Rottweiler and Dachshund

The Dachsweiler is a strange mix from an unlikely pair. It’s certain that this mix is a good bit larger than your typical Dachshund– the size difference has to even out somehow. Your Dachsweiler is not as slender as their Dachshund parents, often taking after the Rottie with a fair bit of chunk to their body. This mix is often highly intelligent and respectful of its trainers, making their education a joy. The courageous spirit of the Rottie makes itself perfectly seen in the Dachsweiler. This mix is a great guardian for your home. Even so, the Dachshund’s more affectionate personality allows this mix to be a gentle companion dog, too. It’s important that they are socialized while they are puppies, so they can grow up well-adjusted and friendly to other members of the family.

Your Dachsweiler is a good deal more active than the regular Dachshund, though not as active as the Rottie. Still, prepare to spend long hours each week giving them the training and exercise they need to keep their minds and bodies healthy. Grab a leash and harness to take them out on brisk walks of around an hour in length, and supplement their downtime with trips to the park for a good round of fetch. This keeps their minds and bodies engaged and ensures a better quality of life for them.


Senior Chiweenie Needing Adopted
Rescues or Shelters are great places to find a Chiweenie.

Breeds: Chihuahua and Dachshund

Not to be confused with the Schweenie (described below), the Chiweenie is a dog born from two small breed parents who have larger-than-life personalities. As such, you can expect your new mix of little stature to be packed with a character that melts your heart. These dogs are super spunky and funny, though they may need extra patience and care when it comes to training. Socializing them early on is very important, as the Chiweenie has little tolerance for small children who may pick on them. Even if they’re socialized properly, you should still supervise interactions between your pets and your children– they should both know how to respect each other. If you give the Chiweenie a harmonious home, they are better inclined to display their near-endless affection.

The Chiweenie has around the same amount of energy as their Dachshund parent but with less inclination to go out and exercise. As such, you should focus their activities on games and other tasks they can do in short bursts. It’s easier on their little legs. They may release their energy by barking. While it’s important to curb noisiness if it’s excessive, it’s essential to this mix that they communicate how they feel. Allowing them to express themselves is a good way to keep the Chiweenie happy.


The Schweenie is a mix between the Shih Tzu and the Dachshund.

Breeds: Shih Tzu and Dachshund

(Not to be confused with the Chiweenie above) As a crossbreed between the Shih Tzu and the Dachshund, the Schweenie makes for a highly affectionate companion. Both parents are very happy to spend time with their loved ones, after all, provided that they are given their own share of adoration. However, the Schweenie may not be compatible with households that have young children, as they have a temper when subjected to unruly behavior. Parental supervision is thus a necessity at all times to prevent rough handling of these delicate dogs. If you can treat them with respect, you have a devoted and loving companion who sticks by your side through thick and thin.

Perhaps surprisingly to some, the Scwheenie needs only little to moderate amounts of exercise. Hence, they would perfectly suit families that don’t see themselves off the couch very often. They still need daily walks around 20 minutes long, plus a few games of fetch here and there. However, they are most content relaxing with you in the comfort of your home. You might quickly find your Schweenie being very clingy. They are prone to developing behavioral problems if they feel neglected. Be sure to give this new addition to your family tree a whole lot of cuddles and love whenever possible.

Dachsi Apso

Breeds: Lhasa Apso and Dachshund

Your Dachsi Apso is a very confident breed. They are outgoing and up for whatever you have in store for them. This is likely due to the Dachshund’s adventurous nature. They are very playful and are able to thrive in families with young children. As long as they are given enough attention and their exercise needs are met, they are calm and cuddly companions. However, in order for them to be at their best behavior, they need consistent socialization and training starting from puppyhood. They are prone to being protective of their territory, so socialization is necessary to curb unwarranted aggression. Additionally, they are prone to destructive behaviors when left alone for too long.

The Dachsi Apso has moderate-level energy needs. They require, on average, at least 30 to 40 minutes of exercise per day. They also enjoy different forms of exercise, like swimming and hiking. Otherwise, two daily walks of 20 minutes each are enough to keep them happy and healthy. The ideal environment for them would be a spacious home with a fenced-in yard, though they don’t mind smaller homes as long as they’re allowed outside daily.


The Papshund is a unique-looking mix, often with the stubby legs of their Weiner Dog parent and the fluffy wing-like ears of the Papillon.

Breeds: Papillon and Dachshund

This mix has an abundant amount of energy and love for socializing with those they trust. However, they can also become nervous and sensitive in unfamiliar situations. When training them, you need to use positive reinforcement and gentle treatment so that they don’t feel anxious. It’s important to grow their confidence for the sake of their health and happiness. Because of their fragile bone structure, they may be better off in households without unruly children.

Despite their small structure, they are very active dogs that enjoy running around, either indoors or outdoors. However, their delicate bodies put them at risk of getting hurt when they overexert themselves. Avoid activities with a lot of jumping, as well as making them stand on their hind legs. Treating their bodies with care is essential to them living a long life. As for their exercise, a few walks that are 20 minutes long should be able to keep them happy each day. They are social creatures, so make sure to bring your socialized Papshund to the dog park to meet new friends.


Breeds: Chinese Crested and Dachshund

The parent breeds of the Crestoxie have a shared history as hunters, with the Dachshund hunting game and the Chinese Crested hunting vermin. This makes them very quick on their feet. Their prey drive persists in the Crestoxie. Thus, they need to be socialized as soon as possible to prevent them from running after smaller animals in the neighborhood or the home. They are very fast learners, though they can cause mischief when they feel like it. They tend to take charge and show streaks of stubbornness. However, like all dogs, they require patience and firm training from puppyhood to ensure they grow up to have minimal behavior problems. These dogs are impatient and do not tolerate rowdy younger children. As such, they are better suited for households with older members who can treat them with respect.

Their exercise needs are relatively simple. They have higher energy needs than the standard Dachshund, though their small stature doesn’t require anything too strenuous. Around 30 to 40 minutes of exercise each day is enough to leave them relaxed for the rest of the day. This makes them great apartment dwellers since they do not require too much time outdoors. But be sure to satisfy their inquisitive behavior by providing them with toys to keep their minds occupied.

German Hund Pointer

German Hund Pointer
The German Hund Pointer is one of the most fearless among all Dachshund mix breeds.

Breeds: German Wirehaired Pointer and Dachshund

Having hunters as this mix’s parent breeds makes for an ample amount of bravery. Due to their natural hunting abilities, they have a high prey drive. As such, they are not able to do well in mixed pet households without proper socialization early in their life. This mix is rather easy to train because of their high intelligence, but they are not recommended for first-time dog owners due to their stubbornness. They need patience and firm leadership when they behave badly.

This mix has higher energy needs than your average Dachshund. Be sure to give them a sufficient amount of moderate-intensity exercise every day to keep them happy. A daily walk of around 45 minutes is good for them. As this mix is one of the larger mixes on this list, they may not be comfortable living in an apartment. Providing them with a large, fenced-in yard to run and play in would be the most advisable for your German Hund Pointer, as this sates their need to burn off energy. As they are highly playful, try to plan a rotation of games to play together, such as frisbee or tug-of-war.

Toy Rat Doxie

Breeds: Rat Terrier and Dachshund

Your Toy Rat Doxie is going to be a bouncing ball of energy. Coming from parent breeds that both love to hunt, it’s no wonder they are so active. Despite their playful nature, the Toy Rat Doxie is hard to read. They can be quite moody– affectionate one moment and rather independent the next. They might be easy to train some days but have spells of stubbornness too. You must have an abundant amount of patience when it comes to this dog’s training. Early socialization is a must. They are wary of strangers and sensitive to other pets encroaching on their personal space. Despite this, these dogs are very gentle creatures. They want nothing more than your approval and love. Putting in the effort to help this dog live its best life is always worth it.

This breed is highly energetic. They have sharp noses with a mix of fearlessness, often leading to their love of chasing. Jogging each day for 20-30 minutes would be sure to benefit them. You’ll also find that younger Toy Rat Doxies would be happy to go for a longer period of time. If given the proper amount of exercise, they are satisfied living in an apartment. Otherwise, they need a big yard they can run around and play in.


Breeds: Basset Hound and Dachshund

This mix is also known as “Base Hunds” due to the hilarious amount of consonants in their regular name. They are commonly known to be a warm and friendly mix. They likely have adorably long and floppy ears, as both their parents possess this feature. The Dachshund parent may bring some amount of stubbornness in this mix. As such, keep in mind that they need firm and consistent training. They are a very loving breed, often affectionate towards the ones they consider as family. However, due to their nature as hunting dogs, they have a high prey drive. Due to their inclination towards chasing and hunting, it might be difficult to introduce them to smaller pets or to include them in a mixed pet household. However, as a sole pet, they are considered a great family dog that doesn’t require much maintenance.

Basschshunds are on the smaller side and would not require too much space from their owners. Apartment living is fine as long as their exercise needs are met. They are not the most energetic mix out there either, so they don’t need much daily exercise. Give them a leisurely 30-minute stroll around the neighborhood, and they should be content.

West Highland Doxie

Breeds: Westie Terrier and Dachshund

Often considered an unusual cross, the West Highland Doxie is small but ready to live their lives as working hunters. They have very strong personalities and are often inclined to take charge. Since both parent breeds are rather stubborn, it’s advised to give this mix consistent training from an experienced trainer. They are often friendly and loving dogs that are well-suited to many different families. Still, a watchful eye during socialization and interaction with young children is advised. This mix would be a better fit for a family with older children as they have very little patience when it comes to toddlers pinching them or roughly handling them.

Your West Highland Doxie is rather energetic and would require moderate exercise every day for an average of 30 to 60 minutes. They enjoy both mental and physical stimulation, so extra time for play for this hybrid is highly encouraged. The West Highland Doxie loves to dig, so take care when leaving them out in the garden, lest they destroy your heirloom tomatoes. While ample time outdoors suits them, they can grow easily accustomed to apartment living as well. Keeping them indoors is probably best, as an unsecured fence can be an invitation for escape.


Breeds: Cavalier King Charles and Dachshund

The Dashalier is one of the most sociable Doxie mixes, thanks to their highly outgoing Cavalier King Charles parent. They thrive best when they are given copious amounts of attention. They love the spotlight and do anything to be in it. Conversely, they develop separation anxiety very quickly if left alone for even short periods. Interaction is a must in keeping this mix happy. They have high patience and enjoy spending time even with toddlers. However, socialization must start during their puppyhood so owners can ensure they play nice with others. The reward is an impossibly affectionate and loyal dog who adores your family with its whole heart.

Due to their often random bursts of energy, your Dashalier is considered to be an active mix. Because they are small in size, they don’t require high-intensity exercise. Around 2 to 3 short walks per day are able to satisfy them and keep them happy. This mix appreciates toys to keep them from being bored at home. You can also keep them entertained through activities such as swimming or playing fetch. As long as their daily exercise needs are met, they are able to live happily even in smaller dwellings.


Breeds: American Eskimo Dog and Dachshund

The Doxiemo is a good dog for people who want a companion who is more relaxed but still knows how to have fun. Both the Doxiemo’s parents are laid-back dogs who love to play, albeit the American Eskimo Dog is content not to receive a lot of attention. As such, this mix does not be very needy. This makes them good for busier homes where their humans would have to go to work. They are generally okay with being left alone. However, the Doxiemo is very intelligent, and their need for enrichment must be fulfilled whenever possible. They can be playful when they know it’s the right time for it. Ignoring their need for fun likely causes them to become bored, and later, destructive.

Doxiemos can come in a number of sizes depending on which parent they take after. It would be safer to expect your hybrid pup to grow into a medium-sized dog who would need more spacious living quarters. It’s worth noting, though, that Doxiemos can still strive in smaller households so long as they are getting sufficient exercise. Plan activities, such as walks and a game of fetch that occupies your Doxiemos for a good 45 to 60 minutes each day. Giving them toys to help them pass the time can also keep them stimulated and happy.


Breeds: Pekingese and Dachshund

Combining the feisty intelligence of a Dachshund with the energetic boldness of a Pekingese results in a very stubborn, head-strong hybrid. This is not at all a terrible outcome. A Pekehund is far from unruly. They tend to be manageable, family-oriented pets. However, their willful disposition might make them reluctant to do anything they don’t want to do, such as obeying certain commands during training or participating in playtime for an extended period. Luckily, a Pekehund is still a good pet for those who would like a dog to be only mildly energetic while not being lazy.

Being dogs of a smaller size, Pekehunds can be happy in smaller households and apartments. However, they are protective of that space. Both the Pekingese and the Dachshund are defensive of their territory. That being said, if Pekehunds deem you part of their family, they know how to share a space and are quite affectionate to the humans they live with. While they need love and care just like any dog breed, Pekehunds are low to average energy dogs, with limited inclinations for playfulness. So ideally, they will exercise about 20 minutes a day but no more than an hour, as it could lead to irritability from excess exertion.

French Bull Weiner

French Bull Weiner
Both parents have a natural talent for making just about anything fun and exciting.

Breeds: French Bulldog and Dachshund

Wrapping up this list is the French Bull Weiner– a combination of two highly popular small breeds. There’s no doubt about it: your French Bull Weiner also is the life of the party. Their highly playful nature is shared on both sides of the family, with added sociability from the Frenchie. It is easy to introduce them to other members of the family. Socialize them from a young age to help them transition into a loving life with their new family, especially if there are other pets who share the home.

Just like the Dachshund, the Frenchie has an average need for exercise and a higher need for playtime. This means you can exercise the French Bull Weiner about as often as you would either of their parents. They only need moderate exercise, so a total activity time of 45 minutes a day should be enough for them to benefit. If you can give them their daily walks, plus plenty of toys and games to enjoy, these dogs are content enough to live even in smaller homes in urban areas.

Final Thoughts

Dachshund mixes are among the liveliest, most fun dogs you will ever meet. They make ideal companions for households who love adventure, and their clever antics are sure to make everyone smile. The Dachshund’s personality lends itself perfectly to pairing with so many different breeds, and their moderate energy levels make them relatively easy to care for. You are certain to find a mix that suits your particular lifestyle — be it fast-paced or more relaxed, in a large family or a household of one, there’s a Doxie mix that’s right for you.

It’s true that breeds and certain mixes can be similar, but each dog is really an individual — a being unlike any other in the world. However, getting a clearer picture of how a mix may behave plays a big part in being able to care for them as best you can. Understanding your dog’s needs is essential to their health and happiness. Armed with this knowledge, you can pave a path for a fulfilling life with your lovable Dachshund mix.

Sadie Cornelius

Sadie graduated from the Moody School of Communications at the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s in Advertising and a business concentration from UT’s McCombs School Of Business. She has covered dog-related topics for Canine Journal since 2012. Her dog advice and expertise have appeared in many notable media outlets, including The New York Times, Forbes, People, Reader’s Digest, Apartment Therapy, and dozens of regional news organizations. Sadie’s love of pets started from an early age with her childhood Cocker Spaniel and cats and is a dog mom to a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Georgie.

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