
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? A Safe Or Dangerous Snack?

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Dog sitting next pineapple (caption: Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?)

You’ve likely thought about giving your dog human food at some point in his life. But you may not be sure if everything you want to offer will be okay. You may have heard you can give your dog pineapple, but how much do you know about giving it to him safely? We can help you get the information you need about this sweet treat.

Is Pineapple Safe For Dogs?

Pineapple is a healthy treat that your furry friend can enjoy. Since pineapple is nutrient-dense, it can help boost the immune system and digestive health. There are lots of vitamins and minerals you and your pup can benefit from in raw pineapple.

  • Pile of pineapple chuncksCalcium
  • Copper
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Niacin
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc

Pineapple is also high in natural sugar and fiber, so moderation is essential. In large amounts, digestive health can suffer from concerns like diarrhea and upset stomach.

What Types Of Pineapple Can I Give My Dog?

There are a few kinds of pineapple you may want to give your dog. However, some might not be as good for him as others.

Safe (but read the fine print)

  • Fresh Pineapple: Cut it up and serve it to your dog in moderation for a healthy, low-calorie treat. But, make sure you leave out the core and skin.
  • Frozen Pineapple: This cold treat cut into small chunks is perfectly acceptable to give your pup, and he’ll probably love it on a hot day. Check out more frozen dog treat ideas.
  • Pineapple Juice: Juice is fine in moderation; just make sure it’s natural juice without added sugar.
  • Dried Pineapple: If you dry fresh fruit yourself or can ensure its contents are all-natural, this could be a good option. But only in very small quantities since the nutrients and other qualities are concentrated during the drying process. (Read below to learn why most store-bought dried pineapple is not healthy for dogs.)
  • Canned Pineapple: The syrup in canned pineapple has lots of sugar and may upset your dog’s digestive tract.
  • Dried Pineapple: Some dried fruits, including pineapple, aren’t recommended for dogs because of additives.
  • Pineapple Core: This part of the pineapple is not safe to give to your pup. It’s hard to digest and can cause an obstruction.
  • Pineapple Skin: The skin is tough and sharp and not safe for ingestion. It could cause an obstruction and damage the esophagus, stomach, or intestines.

Can My Dog Be Allergic To Pineapple?

Dogs can be allergic or sensitive to pineapple, just like humans. Start by just giving your pup a small amount, and then keep an eye out for vomiting or diarrhea. If your dog shows signs of food sensitivity or allergies, check with your vet. If your dog’s reaction is mild but noticeable, you can also try an at-home allergy kit for a convenient way to see what might be bothering him.

Don’t Mix New Foods

When you give your dog new foods, be sure to only give him one type at a time. That way, if your dog has an adverse reaction, you’ll know precisely which food is the cause of the sensitivity or response.

Pineapple And Eating Poop

Does your dog suffer from coprophagia, the act of eating feces? Did you know pineapple may help? Giving this treat isn’t a scientifically-supported method, but some people believe that feeding your dog pineapple will stop him from eating his poop. This method can make the dog’s poop taste bitter, and then he won’t want to eat it. It’s a hit or miss treatment, but maybe worth a try. However, pineapple won’t help if your dog is eating other dog’s poop.

How To Easily Cut A Pineapple

This three-minute video from Ashley The Recipe Rebel shows you a simple way to cut a fresh pineapple.

What Foods Can My Dog Eat?

It’s essential for you to know what foods you can and can’t give your dog. While it’s always best to check with your vet, our experts have put together a list of 28 foods not to feed your dog (and a list of those you can). We try to keep this list up to date and add new things as we come across them.

Julie Fritz

Julie is a writer and researcher for Canine Journal and the team’s dental expert. With over 15 years in the dental field and her love of human’s best friend, she has found a unique passion for learning all there is to know about dogs’ dental health and brings that knowledge to our readers. Her professional writing career began in 2012 and she also enjoys writing in-depth breed-specific articles and researching products and information to help pet parents care for their pups. Growing up, she enjoyed living in a house that always had a Brittany Spaniel and is very happy now when she gets to spoil the dogs in her life with love and snuggles.

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