Dog Activity Statistics: Who’s Most Active?
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FitBark is more than just our top pick for easiest to use dog activity tracker. FitBark recently released FitBark Explore – all the data they’ve been collecting over the years along with graphics and reports on their website with real-time updates to show how your dog’s activity compares against other users’ dog’s health. By making it public, FitBark is hoping to shed some more light on what is average or outstanding about your pup’s busyness levels. The dog activity statistics can also be used for research purposes and possibly for pet insurance underwriting. Owners now get weekly snapshot emails on how their dog is progressing.
Dog Data from Fitbark Explore
Here are some of the top activity trends and statistic they found from tracking doggie data over the years complete with infographic to share.
- Puppies sleep 10 to 14 hours a day & between 30 and 60 days of age, puppies are 3 times more active than other dogs.
- On average, female dogs are 15% more active than males.
- Saturday is the day of the week when dogs are most active.
- Missouri has the most active dogs in the U.S.
- Switzerland has the most active dogs in the world.
- The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the most active adult popular breed.
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have the highest quality of sleep at night.
- Overweight dogs are 11% less active than fit dogs.
- Osteoarthritis makes your dog 33% less active.
- Dogs with a FitBark have shown a 15% increase in activity through 2015.
Dog Activity Statistics Infographic
Interested in learning more about the FitBark dog activity statistics? Check out more.
What kind of dog do you have and is he or she high-energy or a couch potato?