
The best way to understand your dog’s behavior is to understand what their actions mean. Canine Journal can give you advice and feedback that will have you, your dog, and your family on a level of understanding that will make it fun and rewarding to live together. We address both ends of the leash in our behavioral topics, as it’s just as important that your pup understand your actions and the reasons behind your behavior.

Pretty funny hound dog sleeping on a sofa

Why Do Dogs Twitch In Their Sleep? Are They Okay?

If your dog occasionally twitches or looks like he’s trying to run when he’s snoozing, you may wonder what the heck is going on. Is he dreaming of something fun or frightening? Scientists have studied many aspects of animal sleep patterns and habits, and we’ll explore their findings about this typically normal canine behavior. But we also share the signs when excessive twitching or other movements during sleep could be a red flag.

Why Do Dogs Twitch In Their Sleep? Are They Okay? Read More »

Beagle dog sleeps on the couch on his back

Why Do Dogs Sleep On Their Backs? It Means More Than You Might Think

Of all the goofy positions you can find your dog in, one of the most hilarious contortions is when they’re asleep on their back with their legs splayed wide open or pointed in the air. It doesn’t look all that comfortable from a human perspective, but it must be for our furry friends, right? If you’ve ever wondered why dogs sleep on their backs and what it means, we’ve uncovered all the reasons.

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Dog Sleep Position cuddled in a dog bed

7 Common Dog Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

Almost nothing’s more adorable than watching our furry friends sleep, but sometimes our pups can get into the most amusing body contortions when they’re in for a big old snooze. Most canines have several sleeping positions they prefer, but what do they all mean? Why does your pup spread eagle on the floor or go belly up with his paws in the air to catch some z’s? We’ve uncovered what the most common dog sleeping positions can reveal about your dog and some interesting tidbits about canine snoozing habits.

7 Common Dog Sleeping Positions & What They Mean Read More »

dog paws with scratches on hardwood floors

Why Do Dogs Scratch The Floor? 7 Reasons & How To Stop

Dogs scratching at the floor is a common behavior. Pet owners often see their pups digging outside, pawing at the ground before and after they use the bathroom, and scratching flooring inside the house. While it is common behavior, owners often have questions about the reasons why dogs scratch at the floor. There are a few different motivations behind this behavior, and owners must understand what might be causing it.

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White dog licking paw (Caption: Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?)

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws? 7 Reasons & How To Get Them To Stop

Do you think your dog is licking his paws too much? Occasional paw licking is a normal part of a dog’s self-grooming routine and isn’t anything to worry about. But what does it mean when dogs lick their paws excessively? If your dog is licking or chewing his paws a lot, this could indicate a health or behavioral problem. We’ll help you figure out what may be causing your dog’s paw licking and when it’s time for a vet visit.

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girl whispering into a goldens ear with family behind her all sitting on a sofa

Can Dogs Understand Humans? What Do They Really Know About Us?

We all talk to our furry family members and would love to imagine that they’re grasping our conversations with them. But in reality, how much do dogs understand what we say? Do dogs understand English and other languages? Sure, dogs can recognize basic verbal commands, but do they comprehend human-to-human dialogue? Over the last decade, scientists have conducted several experiments to uncover how our canine counterparts interpret our speech. We’ll share some of the most recent discoveries on how our pups process human language.

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Dog licking its face (Caption: Why Do Dogs Lick?)

Why Do Dogs Lick? Answers To Why They Lick People, Paws, Themselves, Wounds & More

Is your dog constantly licking, and you have no idea why? Licking is a very natural way for dogs to communicate with one another. After a mother has her pups, she licks them to help them start breathing and clean them. This initial licking sticks with dogs throughout their lives, and they use it for many reasons. Licking for dogs is similar to humans biting their nails — both release pleasurable endorphins, which create comfort and relieve stress.

Why Do Dogs Lick? Answers To Why They Lick People, Paws, Themselves, Wounds & More Read More »

Dog eating grass (caption: Why Dogs Eat Grass & How To Stop)

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? (7 Reasons & How To Stop)

Our dogs often do things that we struggle to understand. One of those things is eating grass. While we may feed our dogs a perfectly well-balanced diet and provide them with all the stimulation they need, they may still take to consuming grass. There are many theories behind just why our canine friends impersonate cows chewing cud, and we are going to take a shot at the reasoning behind them…

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The dog holds in paws heart pillow (Caption: Pet therapy guide)

What Is Pet Therapy? And Is Therapy For Dogs Worth It?

Do you think your dog is suffering from mental and emotional issues? Is there such a thing as a dog psychiatrist? Yes, the pet equivalent of a shrink is a behavioral therapist. Of course, pet counselors don’t use talk therapy like their counterparts for humans, but they do have expert training in techniques to help pets showing a variety of worrisome and harmful behaviors. We’ll help you know how to tell if your dog needs counseling, how to find a certified pet therapist, and more.

What Is Pet Therapy? And Is Therapy For Dogs Worth It? Read More »

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