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Dog Car Sickness: Natural Remedies, Nausea Medicine & More Tips For Puppies Throwing Up


Last Updated: August 6, 2024 | 6 min read | Leave a Comment

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Dog hanging head out of the side of a car window.
Image credit: Alina Bitta Shutterstock

Do you envy fellow dog owners who can take their dogs everywhere in the car? You’ve tried, but your dog gets car sick. It’s a challenging problem for both you and your pup, but rest assured — there are steps you can take to help with your dog’s motion sickness. How can you help your dog’s car sickness (and save yourself the headache of cleaning up from your dog throwing up in the car)? Read on to learn these useful tips to nip dog car sickness in the bud.

Why Does My Dog Get Car Sick?

First, can dogs get car sick? Yes. Dog car sickness typically affects puppies and younger dogs more than mature pups. This is because younger dogs’ ears aren’t fully developed, and that tends to offset their balance. When the inner ear is disrupted it sends a signal to the brainstem, which triggers the feeling of nausea. Puppies are also smaller and can’t see out the window as well to orient themselves, which contributes to them becoming sick in the car.

Why does my dog throw up in the car? Like with humans, stress can play a big role in many behavioral concerns, including car sickness. For example, if you’ve only taken your dog in the car to visit the vet, he may associate the car ride with a negative or worrisome experience. Or perhaps he threw up once before in the car and now associates car rides with feeling sick. Dogs with anxiety about the car may also develop an upset stomach and vomit.

What Are The Symptoms Of Dog Car Sickness?

Dog motion sickness doesn’t always mean your dog throws up in the car. There are other signs to look for in your dog that differ from human motion sickness, including:

  1. Excessive licking of lips
  2. Panting
  3. Drooling more than usual
  4. Yawning
  5. Restlessness
  6. Whining
  7. Exaggerated swallowing
  8. Immobility or not moving around the car at all

My Personal Puppy Car Sickness Experience

Sleepy dog resting head on car door.
Photo by Sadie Cornelius for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

Our puppy was around four months old when we went on a road trip with him. He was sitting in the backseat, and there were a lot of winding roads. Out of nowhere, he threw up! I thought it could have been his heartworm medication that he took for the first time the day before. But, after talking to the vet, we believe it was due to motion sickness. Then, he threw up again a few months later while also in the backseat. Now we know to hold him in the front seat so he can see out the window or put him on something high up to see out the window and avoid getting sick.

How Long Does Motion Sickness Last In Dogs?

A bout of motion sickness can last for about 30 minutes after your pup gets out of the car. It often clears up shortly after the car ride but may take longer for some dogs.

Do Dogs Grow Out Of Motion Sickness?

Puppies can experience motion sickness until they are around one year old, when their balance is fully developed. Many dogs do grow out of it, but that’s not to say that adult dogs don’t suffer from car sickness, too. Some are just more prone to it than others.

Why Is My Dog Suddenly Getting Car Sick?

Your dog is likely nervous or may have had a stressful experience that can cause car sickness to worsen or seem to suddenly start. It is also possible that your pup may have an underlying medical issue. If car sickness is not something you normally see, it’s a good idea to check in with the vet to make sure there are no underlying health issues causing these symptoms.

Natural Remedies To Help Dogs With Car Sickness

You’re probably wondering how to help dogs with car sickness. In many cases, solving dog motion sickness can be an easy fix. But for some dogs, it’s not. Try the following tips to see if you can treat his car sickness without adding medication.

  1. Try taking your pup on short car trips first, especially to somewhere he’ll enjoy, like a dog park or a play date with another dog. Then build up to longer rides.
  2. If your dog is small, have him boosted up on a car seat so he can see out the window.
  3. Lower your car windows a couple of inches to let in some fresh air. Make sure your car isn’t too hot or stuffy.
  4. Don’t feed your dog at least 3 hours prior to car trips.
  5. Keep small, special treats and toys in your vehicle that he only has access to in the car.
  6. Put him in his crate in your car if it’s safe and comfortable for him. The added benefit? If he throws up, it’s contained in his crate and not on your car seats.
  7. Try using pheromones to create a calm environment for your pup. You can try Adatptil spray, diffuser, or collar.

You might also consider getting a car seat cover to help with cleanup (plus dirt and dog hair in general).

Our Personal Experience With Natural Motion Sickness Remedies For Dogs

Small dog sitting on sofa with a person holding box of car sickness medicine.
Photo by Emma Braby for Canine Journal, © Cover Story Media, Inc. 2024.

My rescue Doxie, Chips, suffers from travel sickness during every journey that lasts longer than 20 minutes. My family lives four hours away, and we travel a lot to see them, so traveling with Chips is difficult. At my local pet store, I discovered natural herbal tablets, Travel-Eze that reduce the effect of motion sickness. The active ingredient is zingiber officinale, which works to ease the effects of travel sickness. I make sure that I don’t feed Chips a full meal before the ride, and 30 minutes before we set off, I give her one tablet with a small treat. I give her another tablet when we stop for a break on our long travels. These tablets work for most journeys, although they didn’t take effect on one or two.

Car seat covers are a must when traveling with Chips, and we take extra long breaks to give her respite. My husband blames my driving, but our other dog, Bonkers, has never suffered from travel sickness, so I know it’s not that!

Emma Braby, Dog Mom & Writer For Canine Journal

What Can I Give My Dog For Motion Sickness?

Are the tips above not working? Or maybe your dog hasn’t outgrown car sickness? Fortunately, nausea medicine for dogs and some over-the-counter and prescription medications can help your dog with motion sickness.

I can’t stress enough that it’s critical to consult your veterinarian before giving your pup any medication, including motion sickness medicine for dogs.

Car Sickness Medications For Dogs

Here are some dog car sickness medicine options and remedies that your vet may recommend for your dog’s car sickness.

  1. Anti-nausea for dogs: meclizine for dogs (Dramamine) or dimenhydrinate (Nausx) are relatively low-dose medications that can help ease nausea symptoms.
  2. Antihistamines: over-the-counter medications like Benadryl have a mild sedative effect, which can help your pup calm down while in the car. Antihistamines can also help reduce excessive panting, drooling, and other physical problems associated with stress.
  3. Ginger: A holistic alternative to traditional medication, ginger, either in pill or cookie form, can help ease nausea. It works best when given to your dog 30 minutes before you hit the road.
  4. CBD: CBD is known to have a calming effect and might help if your dog is anxious. Let your vet know that you plan on giving your pet CBD treats or using CBD oils, especially if you are giving your dog any other medications.
  5. Cerenia: Cerenia is the first-ever and only FDA-approved veterinary medication for treating vomiting and motion sickness in dogs and cats. It is also known off-label as Maropitant Citrate and has some use as a mild pain killer along with helping treat motion sickness. Cerenia is available by prescription only.

Dog Car Sickness: Benadryl vs Dramamine

There’s some debate about which is better for dogs and car sickness: Benadryl or Dramamine. Both can be effective over-the-counter options, but dogs should take Dramamine with a little food, and Benadryl can cause potential side effects like gastrointestinal issues. Again, we highly recommend speaking with your vet before you give your pet medications. 

What Does Dog Car Sickness Feel Like?

I love this funny video of humans illustrating how to identify dog motion sickness. If only dogs could talk like we can and tell us what they’re thinking.

Help Your Dog Be An Easier Rider

As dog owners, we want to have our pups with us as much as we can. And car rides are a big part of that. We tend to spend too much time running errands or being a chauffeur for our kids — and our dogs get left behind at home. Take your time to condition your puppy or dog for car rides. Keep his stress level low if possible. I also encourage you to check out these tips for safe traveling with dogs in the car, including getting a dog harness or seatbelt. And if you need some help keeping your pup calm in general, we’ve got some great tips to calm down anxious, hyper, or aggressive dogs.

Why Trust Canine Journal

Sadie Cornelius has more than two decades of dog care and ownership experience, specializing in the care and companionship of her beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Sadie’s dog suffers from separation anxiety and situational anxiety, as well as food allergies, and her dogs have had a number of pet illnesses and issues, including motion sickness.

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