The best way to understand your dog’s behavior is to understand what their actions mean. Canine Journal can give you advice and feedback that will have you, your dog, and your family on a level of understanding that will make it fun and rewarding to live together. We address both ends of the leash in our behavioral topics, as it’s just as important that your pup understand your actions and the reasons behind your behavior.
Why Does My Dog Shiver, Shake, Or Tremble? Here Are 9 Reasons
February 17, 2023
Why Does My Dog Shiver, Shake, Or Tremble? Here Are 9 Reasons
If you are concerned about the fact your dog is shaking or shivering all the time, you aren't alone. This…
Why Does My Dog Bark At Nothing?
February 1, 2023
Why Does My Dog Bark At Nothing?
Does your dog constantly bark during the day or at night? You might be concerned when this behavior happens or…
Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads? 5 Reasons (& Study Results)
February 1, 2023
Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads? 5 Reasons (& Study Results)
There's almost nothing more adorable than when our dogs tilt their heads at us. It's such an endearing behavior and…
Why Do Dogs Love Mud So Much? 6 Reasons Explained
January 19, 2023
Why Do Dogs Love Mud So Much? 6 Reasons Explained
Does your dog head straight for the mud as soon as you open the door to your backyard? If so,…
Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other’s Butts (And Human’s Too)?
January 19, 2023
Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other’s Butts (And Human’s Too)?
Although all dogs do it, butt sniffing is offputting for many owners. After all, it's a bit embarrassing when your…
Can Dogs Be Gay? Animal Sexual Behavior Explained
January 4, 2023
Can Dogs Be Gay? Animal Sexual Behavior Explained
Pup owners have a tendency to anthropomorphize their dogs. After all, many of us consider our furry friends as beloved…
Why Do Dogs Sigh? Deciphering Your Canine’s Sounds
December 20, 2022
Why Do Dogs Sigh? Deciphering Your Canine’s Sounds
We've all been there. You're hanging out with your pup and all of a sudden she lets out a long,…
Dog Eating Wood: How To Make Them Stop
December 16, 2022
Dog Eating Wood: How To Make Them Stop
Dogs chew on wood because they like chewing on things. That's why you see dogs play with chew toys, and…
7 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Suddenly Digging Holes In Your Backyard
December 15, 2022
7 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Suddenly Digging Holes In Your Backyard
If your dog suddenly started digging holes for no apparent reason, there are actually a few causes that might explain…
Why Do Dogs Sit, Sleep, Or Lay on Your Feet? Here Are 8 Reasons!
November 30, 2022
Why Do Dogs Sit, Sleep, Or Lay on Your Feet? Here Are 8 Reasons!
Have you ever wondered why your dog is always under your feet? We dug in to discover the eight reasons…
Are Dogs Ticklish? And Why Do Dogs Kick When You Scratch Their Belly?
November 4, 2022
Are Dogs Ticklish? And Why Do Dogs Kick When You Scratch Their Belly?
It's hard to resist a dog's adorable exposed belly without giving it a good rub or scratch. When you do…
Rehoming An Aggressive Dog: When Is It Time To Say Goodbye?
October 14, 2022
Rehoming An Aggressive Dog: When Is It Time To Say Goodbye?
Saying goodbye to your dog is difficult no matter what the circumstances. In my family's case, we had to bid…
What Does Dog Growling Mean, And When Is It A Problem?
October 14, 2022
What Does Dog Growling Mean, And When Is It A Problem?
What does it mean when a dog growls? If you have a dog who growls and snarls often, you're likely…
How To Teach Your Dog To Fetch: A Step-By-Step Guide
October 13, 2022
How To Teach Your Dog To Fetch: A Step-By-Step Guide
While some dogs, especially retrievers, may instinctively play fetch with little or no training, not all dogs grasp the concept…
How To Teach A Dog To Sit, Sit And Stay & More
September 26, 2022
How To Teach A Dog To Sit, Sit And Stay & More
"Sit" is one of the most important skills for dogs to learn. Teaching your pup to sit helps control your…
6 Reasons Your Dog Is Yawning All The Time And What It All Means
September 3, 2022
6 Reasons Your Dog Is Yawning All The Time And What It All Means
Trying to figure out why your dog is constantly yawning all the time? There are actually several reasons they may…
Dog Travel Anxiety: 7 Tips For A Stress-Free Vacation With Your Pet
July 22, 2022
Dog Travel Anxiety: 7 Tips For A Stress-Free Vacation With Your Pet
Every vacation season brings its own share of activities but there are some things that always get our pets pretty…
Why Do Dogs Mark Their Territory?
July 22, 2022
Why Do Dogs Mark Their Territory?
We adopted our one-year-old dog, Kopa, who was neutered a little over a month before we adopted him. Within the…
Leash Training A Puppy And Older Dogs: Steps & Tips To Reduce Pulling
July 11, 2022
Leash Training A Puppy And Older Dogs: Steps & Tips To Reduce Pulling
Are you wondering how to leash train your new puppy? Or perhaps you have an older rescue dog you need…
How To Teach A Dog To Come: Our Ultimate Guide On Puppy & Dog Recall Training
July 11, 2022
How To Teach A Dog To Come: Our Ultimate Guide On Puppy & Dog Recall Training
Training your dog to come when called, often referred to as “reliable recall,” is one of the most important things…
Why Do Dogs Bury Bones? How Can I Stop It?
May 25, 2022
Why Do Dogs Bury Bones? How Can I Stop It?
You may find your dog burying a toy or bone, then digging it up and reburying it elsewhere. This is…
Board & Train Or In-Home Training: Which Choice Is Right For Your Dog?
May 23, 2022
Board & Train Or In-Home Training: Which Choice Is Right For Your Dog?
Just picture it: you get a new dog and can't wait to introduce your new best friend to your friends…
How To Get Started In Dog Agility Training (Equipment, Courses & More)
May 3, 2022
How To Get Started In Dog Agility Training (Equipment, Courses & More)
Observing a dog agility competition can be mesmerizing. Seeing the dogs maneuver through each obstacle with precision is like watching…
Dog Trainers: How To Find The Right One
March 24, 2022
Dog Trainers: How To Find The Right One
With no real governing body to guide you, how do you pick the right trainer for your needs? We've put…
House Training An Older Dog
March 24, 2022
House Training An Older Dog
Bringing home an adult dog is an unusually large undertaking for any family. Whether this is your first or fiftieth…
Why Do Dogs Howl? Find Out Which Dogs Howl, Why & How To Stop It
March 23, 2022
Why Do Dogs Howl? Find Out Which Dogs Howl, Why & How To Stop It
Dogs use vocalization to express all kinds of emotions. Yips, barks, muffled snorts, and even sneezes all have meanings that…
How To Introduce Dogs
March 23, 2022
How To Introduce Dogs
Introducing dogs to each other can be tricky. Some dogs have aggressive tendencies that might not come out around you…