Breed Comparisons

Pitbull vs. American Bully: What’s The Difference?

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The American Pitbull Terrier and the American Bully are both very similar dogs, and that’s because they are both Pitbull-type dogs. People often confuse the two and even ask if the Pitbull and American Bully are the exact same dog breed. Even all the Pitbull lovers out there can sometimes get confused. Thankfully, there are a few differences that set the two dogs apart.

Before you welcome a new canine companion into your home, it’s important to understand what you can about the dog, including breed history, personality traits, and temperament. Both the American Bully and the Pitbull can make great companion dogs, but neither dog is perfect for every family.

If you are here because you cannot decide between these two popular pups, you’ve come to the right place! You’ll learn about both dogs, starting with their history. You’ll also learn which dog is a better fit for which lifestyle. Both dogs can make awesome family pets; they just need the right family to do so. Let’s jump in and get to our Pitbull vs. American Bully comparison by taking a look at their differences and similarities.

Breed Comparison

American Bully
  • Height17 – 21 inches (F & M)
  • Height13 – 23 inches
  • Weight30 – 65 pounds
  • Weight25 – 120 pounds
  • TemperamentAffectionate, energetic, loyal
  • TemperamentFriendly, loyal, jolly
  • EnergyIntense
  • EnergyIntense
  • HealthAbove average
  • HealthAverage
  • Lifespan12 – 16 years
  • Lifespan9 – 13 years
  • Puppy Prices$1,000 and up
  • Puppy Prices$1,200 and up

Dog Histories

Many dog owners welcome a dog into their life without researching the dog’s breeding history. But canine history is super important because it will tell you all about their intended purpose. Which will help you to understand them better and ensure that you can give them what they need. Let’s see how the Pitbull and the Bully’s history is linked.


Brown Pitbull Sitting In Forest
Pitbulls were bred by mixing the English Bulldog with the Terrier breed.

The American Pitbull Terrier, known simply as the Pitbull, originates from the 1800s across the pond in England. His ancestors were produced by mixing Bulldogs and Terriers to create the perfect fighting dog.

He was used in blood sports to fight other dogs and kill as many rats in the ring as possible. When the cruel sport was banned in England, the fighters took their fighting dogs to America. There, the largest, most successful breeds were bred with one another to create the Pitbull. And this is why they have a fearsome reputation.

But when fighting was banned in America, people began to realize just how soft and devoted he is. He became a popular ranch hand and therapy dog too. And with canine education, more families worldwide are inviting this gorgeous dog into their family homes. He is not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), but he is recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC).

American Bully

Brown Stalky Dog Standing in Grass
The American Bully is in the Pitbull family, bred from the American Bulldog, English Bulldog, and Old English Bulldog.

The American Bully is one of four dogs that come under the Pitbull-type dog umbrella. He is a natural extension of the Pitbull, which is why they are both very similar. It is believed that the American Bulldog, English Bulldog, and Olde English Bulldog were also used in his creation. He originates from America, and he was recognized as a dog breed in his own right by the UKC in 2013.

This dog shares the same misunderstood reputation as American Pitbull Terriers, and he is also subject to Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). The American Bully is somewhat of a celeb in the Bully dog world. And the most expensive Bully, named White Rhino, fetched a whopping quarter of a million dollars. Making him a very sought-after stud!


Two Brown Dogs Side by Side
There are very distinct differences in their appearances.

Although they are often both described as Pitbulls, these two dogs are very different looking. The Pitbull usually measures between 17 and 21 inches tall, from paw to shoulder. And he weighs between 30 and 65 pounds, making him a medium, to sometimes large-sized, dog. His average size makes the Pittie suitable for most family homes.

According to the American Bully Kennel Club, there are four distinct American Bully sizes. The smallest size is the Pocket, leading onto the Standard, Classic, and XL. Depending on which Bully size you choose, Bullies tend to weigh anywhere between 25 and 120 pounds. With this remarkable weight range in mind, you need to know which size Bully you are inviting into your home. Their height ranges from 13 to 23 inches. A Bully named Hulk holds the record for 174 pounds!

The Pitbull is muscular and athletic in appearance and an overall proportionate-looking dog. The Bully is not a proportionately built dog, which is the easiest way to tell them apart. The Bully is a squat and wider dog than he is tall. He looks a lot like an English Bulldog but wider with more muscles. It is their scary-dog appearance combined with their history that makes many people unduly frightened. You’ve only got to look at their ear-to-ear smiles to know they are big softies!

Both dogs have short, straight double coats that are smooth to the touch. Their coats are soft, and the Bully is often described as being a velvet hippo. They both enjoy a wide range of doggy colors, and anything is accepted except for merle and albinism. The most popular Pitbull colors are white, red-nosed, and blue-nosed. Some irresponsible breeders will try to sell mere Pitbulls and Bullys, but these will not be true Pitties or Bullys.


Brwon Dog and Black Dog Smiling Side by Side
Both of these dogs are known to be very loving and loyal to their people.

Both dogs are almost identical in their temperament. They are both people-oriented dogs that crave human company. Without it, they will become sad, frustrated, and anxious. If your family cannot offer them company for most of the day, you should look at other breeds for sure. But if you can, you’ll find a four-legged bestie come shadow in both of these guys.

They both make great family additions, and they are both very fond of children. They are both referred to as ‘nanny dogs.’ You shouldn’t leave children alone with any dogs, but you can be sure these guys will be naturally drawn to relaxing with and protecting your kiddos. They are very in tune with humans and their emotions, and this is why they are both top choices for therapy dogs.

They are both as loyal as each other and will defend their family in the face of danger. However, the reality is that these guys are naturally friendly and do not make great guard dogs unless trained to do so.

These bully breeds are not inherently aggressive or on alert like the naturally protective Doberman Pinscher or German Shepherd. They will defend themselves in a fight, but they do not tend to be the ones starting them. This is contrary to some people’s opinions and a widespread misconception. Sadly, you will experience people crossing the sidewalk to avoid you and your bully-type breed due to misinformation and misunderstanding about Bullies and Pitbull-type dogs.

Their love of humans and high energy means that they are both lots of fun. You can always count on these two to play games with you and the rest of the family. Top canine entertainment comes for free with these guys!

After a day of fun, they’ll love nothing more than laying on the bed with you for cuddles. They are both as affectionate as one another, but some might say the chunkier, rolly-polly Bully gives warmer cuddles.


Two Light Brown Dogs Playing in a Field
Both dogs will need around 60 minutes of exercise each day.

Both dogs are fairly similar when it comes to their exercise needs. They both require 60 minutes of exercise every day to be happy and healthy. Neither of these guys is a couch potato. Even the chunky American Bully!

If we had to choose one breed that was more active than the other, it would have to be the Pitbull. The Pitbull is more agile and athletic and needs more mental stimulation throughout the day. The Bully, with his English Bulldog blood, is partial to lazing around in between exercise sessions.

Both are tenacious and tough in play, so be sure to pick a tough toy that can withstand their constant play. Pitbulls are perceived as slightly more intelligent than the Bully, so be sure to invest in a few puzzle toys to keep them entertained. Keep their exercise varied and provide them with interactive play, and you shouldn’t find a bored pup on your hands.

Because of their feared reputation, it is advised to keep them both on a leash when out in public. Although they aren’t the ones likely to be causing trouble, all dogs have an element of unpredictability. Whichever dog you choose, you should check out your local BSL laws too. Some states require bully-type dogs to be muzzled in public, and some do not permit entrance to doggy parks.


Brown Dog and Tan Dog Sitting in the Grass.jpg
Pitbulls are known to be easily trainable, whereas the Bully is a bit more stubborn.

Both dogs are slightly different when it comes to their training needs and abilities. Pitbulls are very trainable dogs who are both eager to please and intelligent. With a little doggy training research, he is suitable for first-time dog owners. Again, the Bully, thanks to his English Bulldog genes, can be a little more stubborn and headstrong. He requires a more experienced dog owner who can get the best out of him and his independent ways.

Both of these dogs must be socialized well from day one. A quality breeder will start training before you get them home. Then it’ll be your job to continue it. Mix them both with as many dogs and humans as you can. And expose them to different sounds, sights, and smells too. Because of the Pitbull’s dogfighting past, he might display fear-aggression tendencies more than the Bully if he is not socialized properly.

Both dogs respond best to positive reinforcement training, so be sure to research and utilize it. No dog should be exposed to harsh treatment or training techniques. This is especially true for powerful dogs such as these because mixing the two can create dangerous dogs. Find out what motivates your pooch the best. The Bully is likely to be motivated by treats, and Pitbulls will be motivated by most things, including toys.

Both dogs crave human companionship. As much as they deserve it, and we would love to, it is not possible to spend 24/7 with them. It’s advised to crate train all dogs, but especially those prone to suffering from separation anxiety. Find the right Pitbull-sized dog crate, as all dogs crave shelter. We will also bet your ‘mean’ Pitbull-type pup will take his favorite toys in there too.


Two Tan and White Dogs Sitting Side by Side
Both dogs are considered fairly healthy and can live for many years.

Both of these dogs enjoy good canine health, especially Pitbulls. The Pitbull enjoys an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years, compared to the Bully, who enjoys 9 to 13 years. Like all dogs, both of these guys are prone to certain health conditions more than others. Feeding your pup the best quality food, keeping them fit, and attending regular health check-ups will extend their lifespan and increase their quality of life.

Like many other dogs, Pitbulls are predisposed to hip dysplasia. This is a congenital condition that occurs when the hip socket and the upper thigh bone do not sit as they should. This can cause the hip to dislocate and heighten the chance of painful arthritis in later life.

Another health issue to look out for is skin conditions. The most common are ichthyosis, demodectic mange, zinc-responsive dermatosis, and irritations caused by allergens. These are not usually serious but need investigating to improve a dog’s quality of life.

Similarly, American Bullies also suffer from hip dysplasia. A variety of eye conditions affect the Bully, such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), cataracts, and cherry eye. Good-quality breeders will test for cardiac irregularities, which is something picked up from the English Bulldog genetics.

Although the Bully is not a brachycephalic breed, his muzzle is slightly shorter. Meaning he does not tolerate warm weather as much as the Pitbull.


Two Tan and White Dogs Eating Food
The amount of food these dogs will eat will depend on their age and size.

It’s difficult to compare these two regarding nutrition simply because of the American Bully’s vastly ranging weight and nutritional needs. The average Pitbull will consume between two and three cups of food a day.

But the Bully could consume anywhere between one and a half to five cups of food a day. Meaning the monthly food bill could be completely different or almost the same. Ultimately, you should follow the food packaging and feeding instructions for tailored advice.

American Bullies should eat a kibble suggested for the Bully. Pitbulls will do best on a kibble recommended specifically for them, as well. Like all dogs, feed them the best food that you can afford because diet can make a real difference to canine health.

Be sure to feed them both age-appropriate food. Especially during puppyhood because it lays the foundations for a healthy body. Many Pitbull-type dog owners state that Bully gas is the worst of all, so be ready for some smelly evenings.


Two Gray and White Dogs Posing for Camera
These dogs are both very easy to groom and are very low maintenance.

Thankfully, both of these pups have easy-to-care-for coats. Their short and straight hair only needs brushing once a week to keep them looking healthy and shiny. It will remove dead hair and dirt and spread natural coat oils, and it is a relaxing time to bond with your pup.

A great brushing tool for both of these guys is a simple bristle brush. Pitbulls are average shedders, and so are Bullies. Neither blows their coats seasonally, which is a big appeal for many owners.

Both dogs should be bathed once every two to three months. Or if they get super muddy on their walkies, as and when they need it. Just never more than once a month.

When shampooing either of these pups, it’s recommended to use a shampoo designed for dogs with sensitive skin. Their teeth should be brushed at least twice a week. Or more if you have a small Bully due to their heightened risk of periodontal diseases.

Puppy Prices

Two Small Gray Puppies
Expect to spend around $700 for a Pitbull puppy and about $1200 or more for an American Bully puppy.

An American Bully puppy is, on average, pricier than a Pitbull pup. The price of a Pitbull from a reputable breeder starts at around $1,000. Compared to $1,200 for a Bully puppy. There are so many Pitbulls in shelters across America, and this drives the price down.

Depending on the Bully’s size and shape, the birthing process can be more involved than other dogs. You can expect to pay much more if you want to work with a popular or ‘canine celebrity’ breeder.

When it comes to bully breeds, rescuing should always be part of the family discussion. If you choose to buy a puppy, you must work with a reputable breeder. Sadly, many people out there still fight their dogs, and both of these dogs are prime targets for these cruel sports.

Many breeders are more interested in making money than the health of their pups. So, do your research and ensure that the breeder you work with does everything they can to produce healthy pups.

There are also ongoing lifetime costs to consider, not just the initial puppy price. All puppies need new beds, crates, and toys. Plus, medical bills, pet insurance, food, and much more. In some places, both dogs will require specific ‘dangerous’ dog insurance or licenses. These are extra financial commitments that need to be considered too.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, folks! The Pitbull and the American Bully in all their glory. The main differences of note are that the Bully is sometimes larger in size. They can have a shorter lifespan, and they can be more stubborn to train.

But as you can see from our canine comparison, they are more similar than they are different. They are both lumped into the same ‘scary bully dogs .’ With that comes public fear and some unfortunate BSL laws. But if you can look past that, you will most certainly find a cuddly canine to join your family.

Emma Braby

For the last 5 years, Emma has specialized in writing canine content on Canine Journal, sharing her expertise with dog lovers around the world. Her dog knowledge comes from being a dog owner, professional dog walker, time spent traveling around Europe as a dog sitter, and volunteering in her local rescue centers for the last 15 years. Emma currently has two rescue dogs and hopes to adopt as many dogs as her backyard will allow.

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