
Do Labrador Retrievers Shed? Yes, And Here’s How Much

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Do Labrador Retrievers shed their coats? Yes, they absolutely do, and their double coats can shed quite a bit. If you are planning on adopting a Labrador Retriever, you’ll want to understand a bit about double coats. Labs do shed, but it’s not unmanageable.

You’ll want to understand the Lab coat, brushing requirements, and what products can help you keep shedding to a minimum. You can do several things to help keep hair under control. Regular grooming is recommended in all double-coated breeds. This includes occasional de-shedding and using an anti-shed shampoo in extreme cases.

Labrador Retrievers can make the perfect pet. They are one of the most popular breeds in the United States for a reason. Like most Labs, mixed-breed Labs can inherit the same coat qualities as their Labrador parent. We cover all aspects of Labrador shedding so you can keep your home squeaky clean. Let’s jump in!

At A Glance: Best Products For Lab Grooming

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Do Labs Shed More Than Other Dogs?

Yes, Labradors shed more than many other breeds. This is due to having a double coat. This means that there’s a top layer of fur and an undercoat. The top layer is genetically grown as a protective layer, while the undercoat is designed to keep the Labrador warm. Between the two, it creates a powerful protective barrier around your Labrador. It also means that depending on where you live, your Lab will likely have two major shedding events where they “blow” their top coat.

Labrador Retrievers come in three primary color combinations. These colors are Yellow, Chocolate, and Black. There are also Red Labradors and Silver Labradors, but these are not accepted show colors.

Black, Yellow, And Chocolate Lab Shedding

Black Labrador
Coat color has no impact on grooming needs.

What color Lab sheds the least? This is a common question we see. Owners wonder if the Lab’s color combination makes any difference when it comes to their shedding frequency. The answer is no. The Labrador is all the same breed of dog, with the same genetic makeup. Even the English and American Labradors are the same breed, even though their appearances vary.

Chocolate Labs, Yellow Labs, and Black Labs will all shed the same amount. The only difference will be how much fur you can actually “see.” Typically if you have lighter-colored floors, dark hair will be easier to see when it’s on the ground. So if you have dark floors in your home, a Chocolate or Black Lab’s shredded hair will be less noticeable. If you have a lighter-colored floor, the Yellow Lab is likely a smarter pick.

The same goes for furniture choices. If you have lighter-colored furniture, Chocolate, and Black Labs will leave parts of them every time they come to say “hello.” If you have darker furniture (which most households do), then prepare to see Yellow Lab hair all over the place if you don’t properly manage their shedding.

Labrador Shedding Frequency

Labs are year-round shedders. But when they “blow” their coat twice per year, you’ll notice that your pup is shedding far more than normal. This is standard with Labs but also all other double-coated dog breeds.

Seasonal changes play a role in shedding. The most common times per year you’ll see excessive dog hair are spring and winter. With that being said, Labradors just shed a lot. They shed their coats all year. Don’t expect that you’ll be able to let up and stop grooming your pup in the offseason. Regular grooming is necessary if you want to successfully manage your pup’s hair.

When Labs Shed The Most

Black Lab shedding fur
Labs shed the most in the winter and in the spring.

Labrador Retrievers shed the most during the springtime and wintertime, sometimes called shedding season. Labs shed in the winter to produce a new layer of fur to protect against winter elements. They shed in the summer to cool off and not carry such a dense second layer. This is known as “blowing” their coats or molting season. It’s frequently talked about as an annoyance for most Labrador owners.

While Labradors do shed year-round, this is the time of year you need to be the most vigilant with grooming. Labradors shed more than other double-coated breeds because their undercoat is thicker. But they do shed less than Newfoundlands, Malamutes, and other dogs with fluffy coats.

Shedding Triggers

Labs are year-round shedding monsters. While they don’t shed as much as, for example, a Caucasian Shepherd, they do shed quite a bit. After owning a Labrador myself for 13 years, I can tell you we cleaned up our fair share of dog hair. There are other reasons your Lab may shed though, so you’ll need to keep that in mind. Some reasons your Labrador may start shedding include fleas, lice, mites, or parasites. Skin conditions can also contribute to shedding.

Another major factor to watch out for with shedding in your Labrador is stress. This goes for any dog. We noticed with our Labrador that anytime she went into a stressful situation, her fur would just start dropping. Allergies can also play a part, especially if your Lab is allergic to very common worldly elements like grass, hay, or weeds.

Managing Your Lab’s Shedding

Shedding Labrador Getting Groomed
You’ll want to use different tools to keep shedding to a minimum.

You can do a few things to manage your Labrador’s shedding. Among the most common remedies are regular brushing, bathing, and using a de-shedder a few times per year. Diet can also play a role. Allergens in food can contribute to skin conditions, so this is something to keep an eye out for.

If your pup is allergic to wheat or gluten, there’s a chance a skin condition may break out. Once that happens, the skin condition is likely to contribute to some type of more-than-normal shedding, at least in my personal experience. If you notice a change in normal shedding, you should check with your veterinarian before starting any self-diagnosed treatment.


Weekly brushing is recommended for Labrador Retrievers. Preferably at least twice per week. Getting your Lab comfortable with brushing sessions will greatly decrease the amount of dog hair laying about your house. We recommend you brush your dog outside at least once every three days. Getting a good dog brush is important, and there are specific models designed specifically to help reduce shedding in your pup.


Labradors can have sensitive skin. We recommend looking at an oatmeal shampoo for your Lab. You don’t want to bathe your Labrador excessively. Usually, once a month is good, so you don’t deprive your Lab of the natural oils in their coats. If you find that a standard oatmeal shampoo isn’t effective in reducing the frequency of shedding, look to an anti-shed formula to help. If your Lab has sensitive skin, there are also shampoos that help calm skin conditions that may be contributing to increased shedding.


A well-balanced diet is a must for any Labrador Retriever. You want to make sure that they are eating dog food formulated for Labradors rich in Omega Fatty acids. Omega fatty acids will help facilitate both skin and coat health. It will help keep their coats shiny and smooth, as well as potentially helping to alleviate skin conditions that your dog might have.

It’s also recommended that you mix some natural ingredients with your dog’s food occasionally. Vegetables like Zucchini and cooked sweet potatoes can help contribute vitamins and minerals that will help keep your pup’s coat healthy.


Supplements can also be a good way to help decrease shedding in Labradors. If your pup is already eating dog food that isn’t rich in Omegas, it can be wise to add a fish oil supplement to their diet that will help. You can usually find fish oil supplements in both liquid and pill form.

There are also different chewable supplements that can help your Lab’s coat. We are big fans of chewable supplements because they can improve coat health and be used to train. Most coat and skin health formulas contain Omega Fatty acids, which will help your Lab’s coat stay healthy and reduce shedding.

Deshedding Products

Deshedding tools are recommended for helping you manage shedding. This is especially important during the two times per year that your Labrador will “blow” their coats. Using a deshedding brush is different than just standard brushing. These tools cost about the same as a brush, so it’s a budget-friendly way to keep annoying dog hair off your furniture and floors.

Deshedding brushes will comb the top of your Lab’s coat to remove excess fur while also digging into the second layer for any of that softer hair waiting to drop. Because deshedding brushes can be more abrasive, we do not recommend that you utilize de-shedding brushes more than a few times per year.

How To Keep Your Home Clean

Even if you stay on top of your dog’s shedding, you’re bound to have dog hair around your house that needs cleaning up. We have lots of experience in this department. Depending on your cleaning preferences, you may find one or all products suitable for your home.

Robot Vacuum

If you want the cleaning done for you, then we recommend the Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL. This self-cleaning robot vacuum can map out your home, so you can send it to a specific area that needs cleaning. You can also set “no-go zones” for areas around your dog’s food and water bowls to ensure the vacuum doesn’t mess with those areas. The brush roll removes pet hair, so there is no hair wrap, and the self-emptying base holds up to 45 days of dog hair, dirt, and debris.

Cordless Vacuum

Bissell’s ICONpet Edge vacuum is perfect for general vacuuming and getting those hard-to-reach areas like windowsills, room corners, underneath furniture, etc. It’s cordless, so it’s easy to grab and go. It includes several attachments to help clean up the dog hair on your stairs, hardwood floors, and everywhere in between.

Air Purifier

Filtrete’s air purifier captures 99.97% of airborne particles, including pet odors and dog hair. This air purifier can help clean the air in a room up to 250 square feet in size. It notifies you when the filter needs changing to ensure optimal performance. You can adjust the fan speed, set a timer, and dim the control panel lights from the soft-touch display. If you notice your home has a pet odor, this will help eliminate that fast.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Labs shed so much?

Labs shed so much because they are double-coated dogs. Double-coated dogs shed more than single-coated dogs. As mentioned earlier, this is due to being genetically prepared to live in all climates.

Why do Labs shed in the winter?

Labs shed year-round. It’s typically the worst right before the winter and right before the springtime.

When do Labs shed the most?

Labs shed the most during their molting season when they blow their coats twice. But Labradors do shed year-round, so be prepared for a consistent grooming regimen.

When do Labs shed their puppy coat?

Labs shed their puppy coats between 4 and 5 months of age. You will start to see their longer coats come in during this time as they start approaching adulthood.

Do Labs shed in the spring, summer, or fall?

Labs shed heavily year-round. But it’s worst in the winter and in the spring, as mentioned before.

Final Thoughts

So do Labrador Retrievers shed? That answer is a resounding YES. But most dogs shed to some extent, so it really just comes down to managing the hair. Maintaining a clean home when you own a Labrador isn’t difficult. You just need to groom your Lab regularly and feed your Labrador the proper nutrition. It definitely won’t hurt you to pick a Labrador with a coat color that matches your floors or furniture!

Michelle Schenker

Michelle is a licensed insurance professional (license #19494757) with an MBA from Vanderbilt University. Since 2007, Michelle has specialized in dogs, focusing on pet insurance. She has run over 2,000 pet insurance quotes, reviewed hundreds of policies, and canvassed the industry for all the latest news, trends, and updates. This focus allows her to provide pet owners with the most comprehensive and valuable advice. Michelle regularly provides expert advice and opinions to media outlets, including Newsweek, The New York Times’ Wirecutter, Forbes, People, Reader’s Digest, and more. Michelle has always lived in a home full of dogs, including today as a co-parent to two rescue pups, Barley and Lily. Michelle is also an accomplished artist and her watercolor dog art can be found in our store.

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