
Dog training is one of the most important aspects of canine care. You want to train your canine so that you understand each other better and they learn to behave in ways that will keep them safe and happy.

Our experts also include guides on behavior, puppies, travel, household, rescue dogs, and activism. Our goal is to encompass all the dimensions of care your pup and you might need.

dog using nose to ring bell on door jpg

How To Bell Train A Dog & Best Bells For Training Dogs

Have you ever considered bell training your dog? It is a method in which you train dogs to use a bell to signal that they need to go outside. While more commonly used in puppies, adult dogs can also be bell trained. Essentially, it’s a means of communication that you can teach your dog to help avoid bathroom accidents inside and prevent those desperate whines and scratching at the door or sullen stares from a pup that needs to go outside. While bell training may not be the first method one thinks of, it can be an incredibly useful tool.

How To Bell Train A Dog & Best Bells For Training Dogs Read More »

Puppy sniffing dirt (caption: Why do dogs eat dirt?)

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt? (Is It An Unhealthy Habit?)

Dogs love digging holes in the ground, but what happens if they take it a step further and eat the dirt? In addition to making them a muddy mess, is ingesting soil harmful to your pup? First, you need to determine the frequency of your dog’s dirt disposition. If your dog consumes soil infrequently, it’s probably fine (but it’s always good to discuss this with your vet). However, if your dog routinely devours dirt, there may be cause for concern…

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt? (Is It An Unhealthy Habit?) Read More »

Best Dog Food Storage Container To Keep Kibble Fresh

Did you know that dog food can go stale? If you buy kibble in bulk, don’t just leave the bag open. Once air gets in, it causes the kibble to oxidize, which results in the degradation of omega-3 fatty acids and other healthy nutrients in the food. And this can happen in less than two weeks after you open the bag. The easy solution is to keep your kibble in a sealed dog food container or better yet an airtight container. Here are our top picks for popular and unique dog food storage containers.

Best Dog Food Storage Container To Keep Kibble Fresh Read More »

small black dog sniffs at grass with dandelions

Best Pet-Safe Weed Killer: Dog-Friendly, Homemade & Natural Options

Weeds are quite possibly the most annoying thing in your yard, especially in the warmer months. They make their way through cracks in the driveway, find their way into flower beds, grow proudly in the garden, and sprout just about everywhere imaginable. But if you’re like us and have kids or pets around, you probably don’t want to spray your yard with harmful chemicals like the ingredients in Roundup. For those hard-to-reach spots or persistent weeds, we bring you the best natural weed killers, including pre-made products and organic weed control recipes.

Best Pet-Safe Weed Killer: Dog-Friendly, Homemade & Natural Options Read More »

A dog biting persons face

What Do I Do If My Dog Bites Someone?

So many questions come to mind when you think about what would happen if your dog bit someone. “What do I do to stop my dog? Is everyone okay? Do I need to call for help? Do I report the incident to someone? Could I get sued?” My dog hurting someone is the last thing I would ever imagine. Not only could someone get seriously injured but my beloved pup could be taken away. As dog owners, it’s important that we know what to do should our dogs bite someone.

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A small dog sniffing a bunch of dollars close up.

How Much Does A Dog Cost? Cost Breakdown Per Year, Breed, State, & More

The joy a dog can bring is priceless, but the reality is that owning a dog comes with ongoing costs for years that many don’t consider when they first adopt or bring home a new dog. I never realized how much owning a dog costs until I had one. Luckily they’re worth every penny. But if you are considering getting a dog you might also be wondering if you can you afford a dog for the long haul? We’ll help give you an idea of what expenses you can expect for the annual cost of a dog based on stats (and our personal experience).

How Much Does A Dog Cost? Cost Breakdown Per Year, Breed, State, & More Read More »

Dog with snow on face (Caption: How Cold Is Too Cold For A Dog?)

How Cold Is Too Cold For A Dog?

Many people think that dogs and cats are better protected from the cold because of their fur, but that’s not the case. Our furry companions are just as susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite as we are, so you need to keep them safe inside once temperatures drop. But what temperature is too cold for dogs? Can dogs tolerate cold weather? And when you inevitably have to take them out to potty (and for exercise), what’s the best way to protect them?

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Two dogs growling and playing together.

Why Do Dogs Growl When Playing? Fighting, Avoidance Tips & More

Whenever we roll up to the dog park, our dog is always excited to play with all the pups. After a little bit of running around, the dogs start to get extra friendly, growling at each other while playing. It made me wonder, are they being aggressive, or are they just playful growling? I also worry if playtime will lead to escalated aggression and why do dogs growl when playing in the first place. Let’s dig in more as to why a dog growls when playing so we can monitor the situation and ensure it doesn’t turn into something more serious.

Why Do Dogs Growl When Playing? Fighting, Avoidance Tips & More Read More »

Small dog barking outside.

Do Dogs Get Tired Of Barking?

Whenever the doorbell rings, a truck drives by, a neighbor takes a walk, or the wind blows, my dog Falkor barks. As a Beagle mix, he inherited a loud voice and isn’t afraid to use it. My other dog, Daisy, a Lab Pitbull mix, has an incredibly booming bark and has always announced the arrival of visitors with gusto. As their owner, I can admit that the barks and yapping can sometimes get tiresome. Do dogs get tired of barking? Maybe. Dogs may not tire of it the same way people tire of talking, but there is more than a yes or no answer to the question. I discuss further what’s behind this behavior.

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